An Evening With Boyd Huppert

Journalist and television personality, Boyd Huppert, news reporter and storyteller of KARE 11's "Land of 10,000 Stories,” will be entertaining us regarding his life as a journalist, as well as an award-winning storyteller. Boyd, inducted into the Minnesota broadcast hall of fame in 2023, is described as one of the most admired and celebrated television reporters in the country. You will not want to miss this amazing hour and his emotional journey. The event is free but you must RSVP. Copy the url and paste in your web browser to register.
An Evening With Boyd Huppert 2025-02-02 06:00:00Z 0

4th Annual Martin Luther King Jr. Celebration

Celebrate the legacy of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. during this annual event. Activities will include performances by the Prior Lake High School and Glendale Elementary Choirs, a message from keynote speaker Alex Krafft, student presentations, recognition of the "I Have a Dream" poetry contest winners, guided table discussions and samples of a variety of multicultural food after the program.
This event is free and open to the public and is sponsored by the Prior Lake Rotary in partnership with Prior Lake-Savage Area Schools. 
4th Annual Martin Luther King Jr. Celebration 2025-01-06 06:00:00Z 0

Robust Youth Programs

It has often been said that the future of our country and our world is in the hands of our young people. With that in mind, Prior Lake Rotary has worked towards a robust youth program. 
Model United Nations, Students Taking a Renewed Interest in the Value of Education (STRIVE), and Camp Enterprise are a few of the most visible programs our Rotary Club supports.
Model United Nations
Model UN is a simulation of the United Nations General Assembly and its other multilateral bodies. Students act as ambassadors while debating topics such as gender equality, climate action, global health, and more. This year's Model UN was held at Macalester College in St. Paul, Minnesota. Twenty-three students attended for $38 per student, and two teachers from Prior Lake Schools accompanied them.
Each year, UNA-MN hosts fall and spring conferences, during which students from across the state debate important, real-world issues that the United Nations faces.
Prior Lake Rotary financially supports the students and their advisors by funding registration costs and transportation to and from the event. This is an opportunity for our club to provide a real-world, hands-on experience for students to learn to advocate for issues, work in partnership with others, compromise, and understand how interconnected the world's countries are.
Camp Enterprise
Prior Lake Rotary was fortunate to send five students to Rotary District 5950 annual Camp Enterprise this year. The Camp is held at Maple Lake, MN's beautiful Camp Courage facilities.
Camp Enterprise is a Rotary-sponsored and coordinated camp designed for high school juniors and seniors who aspire to or are considering a future business career. This year's event took place from October 31 through November 2. The cost for each student was $450. This included transportation, lodging, meals, keynote speakers, chaperones, and activities.
Each year, 60-70 students attend. The students are divided into random groups and assigned to create, market, and pitch a new product. At the end of the week, a “Shark Tank”-style
judging is held! 
On the final day, five $1,000 scholarships are awarded to students with the best, most well-thought-out, and presented ideas.  One of the Prior Lake-sponsored students, Kaiya Hoben, was awarded one of the scholarships!
We had outstanding feedback from the five students who attended from Prior Lake. The five students are all seniors at PLHS and attend MN CAPS on the business career path.  The Alexandria Rotary Club founded Camp Enterprise, a long-standing Rotary-sponsored and facilitated event whose origins date back to the late 1970s.
Lots of fun, hands-on business activities and new friendships were made.
STRIVE 2023-2024
Prior Lake Rotary Strive Program, or Students Taking a Renewed Interest in the Value of Education, supports students who, for whatever reason, have faced challenges in completing their secondary education. These students return to school determined to graduate and continue their education.
Prior Lake Rotary supports these efforts by providing mentors from the club who meet regularly with students. With the help of mentors, students work toward credit recovery, higher attendance, and on-time graduation.
During the 2024-2025 school year, we paired 25 students with 25 mentors. Members will meet 19 times, mixing speakers, goal setting, and conversation. We also added a Holiday Celebration at Fong’s Restaurant, two highway clean-up sessions, and a college visit to Normandale Community College.
The dedication of the mentors, mentees, and District personnel ensures that STRIVE will continue well into the future.
Harry Algyer- Prior Lake Rotary
This article was completed with contributions from Mary Haugen, Lance Smith, and Tim Bell.
Students attending Model United Nations
A photo op at Camp Enterprise for the students who were awarded scholarships. Kaiya Hoben is pictured in the middle. 
Robust Youth Programs Harry Algyer 2024-12-23 06:00:00Z 0

Lakefront Music Fest Volunteer Groups

We have shared before how Prior Lake Rotary’s Lakefront Music Fest, the proceeds from the Club’s largest fundraiser, help to make a difference in all the giving and doing the Club does. As we recently shared, this giving and doing totaled $439,095 in the 2023-2024 Rotary year alone. 
This year, we had 33 non-profit organizations or clubs who participated as volunteer groups. And eight of those were other Rotary Clubs from around the area. In all, these groups provided 3,600 volunteer hours, while the general public had 2,200 volunteer hours. For Prior Lake Rotarians, the documented total, which we know is definitely on the light side, had 1,550 documented, while their family members had 500 volunteer hours. That brings us to just over 8,000 total document volunteer hours. As Mary Haugen, one of the of our Volunteer Coordinators stated, “Every time I do these calculations, I'm sort of overwhelmed. That's what it takes to put on this Music Fest. And without all of you who are guests today, we wouldn't be able to do that."
For the funds earned from those groups and those volunteer hours, Prior Lake Rotary was able to give out $108,615! Today, we had most of those organizations in attendance. And they shared what the funds will be used for. We wanted to share a few of those.

The Prior Lake Snowmobile Association will use the funds for new signs for trails for smaller snowmobile clubs around Scott County, and even Chaska in Carver County. The Prior Lake Bass Club will use the funds to put on a spring crappie tournament for youth. It’s treated like an actual fishing tournament and they give away free prizes. Holy Trinity United Methodist Church will use funds towards their community garden which supports the CAP Agency and other food shelves. La ola del lago school helps fund the Spanish intern program serving about 500 children. Southern Valley Alliance will use the funds for their 24/7 crisis line for emergencies or for people who just need assistance or help. In 2023, 2,251 calls came into the crisis line, so it is a very needed service. Jordan Lions will use the money to support events like A Basket of Food at the holidays that serves approximately 200 families. Prior Lake Lions will use the money to fund diabetic kits in the schools for nurses to treat children when they have low blood sugar. 
For some of the Rotary Clubs, West St. Paul/Mendota Heights Rotary Club will use the funds to offset the costs of the ethics program they hold for about 65 youth. Orono Rotary will use the donation and pass it on for Venture, who they support, which will provide 1,800 meals, and also to support an organization that has saved 516 young women to date from human trafficking. Shakopee Rotary will use the funds for the Shakopee Celebrate Reading program where they provide a book and backpack full of goodies for every 1st grade student, which is about 600 students. And also to help support the quarterly Loaves & Fishes program, which serves about 800 people. So about 1400 people positively impacted.
Lakeville Rotary will help fund a program called GiGi's Playhouse for down syndrome children and adults. Specifically, the achievement center will provide advanced education for down syndrome children in high school. All programs are free of charge, and they currently serve 15 families. The donation to Edina Morningside Rotary Club will translate into 9,000 meals that will be provided through VEEP, a food shelf that addresses food insecurity. Said Brad Johnson from Edina Morningside Rotary Club, “I think it's unprecedented that a Rotary Club shares their successful-event proceeds with other Clubs.”
It was truly amazing to hear all the good the money will be used for. As Prior Lake Rotarian Harry Algyer stated, “This is always one of the best Club meetings of the year! It is great that all the Rotarians get to hear all the good these funds will go towards because we put the Music Fest on every year.” We couldn’t agree more, Harry. What a morning!
Lakefront Music Fest Volunteer Groups 2024-09-11 05:00:00Z 0

Prior Lake Rotary Dollars @ Work

July 11, 2024
The Rotary Club of Prior Lake Announces their Dollars @ Work
Prior Lake, Minn. – On Thursday, July 11, 2024, the Rotary Club of Prior Lake released their charitable giving for the Rotary year 2023-2024, which runs from July 1-June 30. The date of the release coincided with the start of the Prior Lake Rotary’s Lakefront Music Fest, the Club’s largest fundraiser. Those funds go to the Prior Lake Rotary Foundation and then are used to do good in the community and throughout the world. The good is through projects the Club participates in and/or funds, and worthy non-profit organizations the Club contributes to, and as the event has grown, so has the overall charitable impact. In total, the charitable giving for the year was $439,095. The chart below breaks down the giving by category.
Besides the monetary giving, Club members donate countless hours to projects such as being mentors for the S.T.R.I.V.E. program at Bridges Area Learning Center, facilitating an ethics program for high school students, preparing meals for families through Ronald McDonald House-Twin Cities’ Cooks For Kids program, and serving some of the county’s neediest families through the holiday gift bag initiative. Club members beautify our parks and trails through the semi-annual highway and Gateway Park cleanups, and adds festive lights to Gateway Park during the holidays.
Just through Prior Lake Rotary’s Lakefront Music Fest, we were able to give $107,739 to local partner groups that volunteer to produce the event. Those funds then go on to do good things through their own organizations’ initiative and programs. We had 33 groups in all, and some of our biggest volunteer groups included Prior Lake Snowmobile Association, Scott County Young Life, Laker Athletic Booster Club, Prior Lake-Savage Hockey Association, Patrons of the Arts and Activities, Sleep in Heavenly Peace, La Ola De Lago PTC, Prior Lake Hooksetters, and Prior Lake Pickleball Club.
Beyond the Club, members are extremely generous giving to Rotary International’s programs. For the 11th year in a row, the Rotary Club of Prior Lake was #1 in the 5960 Rotary District for contributing to PolioPlus, Rotary International’s initiative to end polio. In total the Club and its members gave $32,067. And the Club and its members are perennially #1 in the District in total and per capita giving on an individual basis to The Rotary Foundation, the body that is the engine for all the good done worldwide. The total in 2023-2024 was $87,141. The members know it is not the money given, but the difference those monies make with positively impacting our community and communities across the world.
About Prior Lake Rotary
The Prior Lake Rotary Club is a community service organization responsible for enhancing the quality of life for its residents through humanitarian service and the encouragement of high ethical standards in all vocations. The Club has over 100 members and is recognized for its quality and array of services and leadership in the local community, region, nation, and throughout the world. The Club is a member of Rotary International, a volunteer organization of 1.4 million people united worldwide to provide humanitarian service and address today’s challenges, such as ending human trafficking, and addressing the refugee crisis that has ballooned due to natural disasters, unrest, and climate change. Our Strategic Vision is, “Together, we see a world where people unite and take action to create lasting change – across the globe, in our communities, and in ourselves.” More information can be found on the Club’s web site
Prior Lake Rotary Dollars @ Work 2024-07-11 05:00:00Z 0

Signature Project Winner Announced

PRIOR LAKE, Minn. (July 3, 2024) Spot’s Last Stop is the winning organization of up to $1 Million. Prior Lake Rotary Club, producers of Lakefront Music Fest, announced Wednesday morning at their weekly club meeting. Signature Project is funded by proceeds raised at Lakefront Music Fest and the money is being awarded to Spot’s Last Stop on the basis of making sustainable, lasting improvements to the Prior Lake community.
The Prior Lake area does not currently have a local animal control shelter. Having a permanent facility would greatly improve handling of animal welfare cases, those involving neglect, strays and lost pets. Building a permanent facility would benefit local residents by allowing them to meet and receive resources in training and socialization of surrendered animals, along with being assured that lost pets would receive humane care. Started in 2015, Spot's Last Stop has a proven track record having coordinated the adoption of approximately 8,000 animals locally and in surrounding communities.
“It’s an absolute honor to award the Signature Project funding to Spot’s Last Stop.” said Laurie Hartmann, Signature Project Chairperson. “They represent the key aspects of our objectives with this project and we are confident their efforts will be a significant positive impact to our community.”
The Signature Project identified specific areas of focus which set the standard for potential organizations selected as finalists. Organizations went through a detailed application process that started nearly 2 years ago.
To stay updated on The Signature Project visit Prior Lake Rotary website
Signature Project Winner Announced 2024-07-02 05:00:00Z 0

Changing of the Guard

June 26 will be Oksana Oleksyszyn's last meeting as President of the Rotary Club of Prior Lake. She and her husband moved to Prior Lake in 2010. Oksana soon found out from coworkers in the real estate industry that a lot of the positive things happening in the community originated from the Rotary Club and its members.
Having no children, she had time for volunteering and getting involved. One of her interests was in the International Service Committee. She soon found out that it was hard to say ‘no’ and became incredibly involved with many committees and events. When Oksana first joined in 2014, we were meeting at the Wilds. One of the challenges tackled this year was finding a new meeting location. While most know, we went from The Wilds to Minnesota Horse and Hunt Club, Shepherd of the Lake Lutheran Church, and Prior Lake VFW, as those were the three locations that would accommodate the size of our club. 
Oksana took the location for our meetings seriously and wanted to be sure that members' voices were heard. While working on the meeting location she was informed of the financial health of the club. Working with the board, a decision was made to increase the membership fees, making that move has allowed our club to decrease the negative balance and put our club on track to get out of the red.
Oksana will continue her committee work with the club and serve on the President's Council and be available to John Parish for any help he may need. Thank you, Oksana, for your time and talents on behalf of The Rotary Club of Prior Lake.
John Parrish is our 2024-2025 Rotary Club of Prior Lake President. John, along with his wife Wendy and their son Ryan, have lived in Prior Lake since 1999. John started working at Viking Liquor in Prior Lake in 1995 as an assistant manager and purchased the business in 2014 from Dick Casey. When Dick hired John in 1995, he stressed the importance of giving back to the community and getting involved with local organizations. John's first involvement was with the Prior Lake Chamber of Commerce. He was elected to the board of directors and was chamber president in 2006.
John's involvement with Rotary began in 2002 when Jack Haugen sponsored John to join the club. John has been involved with many different aspects over the years with his current position is being a co-chair with the Youth Service team. While attending the Presidents Elect Training Seminar in February, John realized how much the Prior Lake Club is looked up to due to our success with Prior Lake Rotary’s Lakefront Music Fest and what that has allowed our club to do.
John feels it is important to continue to work hard and collaborate with all of our members, so we continue to grow and have success. John believes that it is important to work with the new Rotarians to help them find their role in Rotary and support them as much as they need. Congratulations, President Elect Parrish, and thank you for your service.
Changing of the Guard 2024-06-18 05:00:00Z 0

Significant Project Shark Tank-Like Event

After in-depth application and review process, a Prior Lake organization will be recipient of a grant totaling $750,000 to $1 million based on making sustainable, lasting improvements to community and world.
The final 5 nonprofit organizations have been determined for the Prior Lake Rotary’s Signature Project and will have one last opportunity to present their case in a “Shark Tank” like setting. The finalists are:
- Lakefront Park Destination Playground
- PLAY Miracle Field
- Prior Lake Pickleball Club Courts
- Spot's Last Stop Canine Rescue
- The Sunshine Club
This event will take place May 23 at Shepherd of the Lake Lutheran Church in Prior Lake. Prior Lake Rotary members will vote following the event, with the winner to be announced prior to Lakefront Music Fest July 12-13, 2024. 
Significant Project Shark Tank-Like Event 2024-04-11 05:00:00Z 0

Hosting Ethical Workshops

Our Vocational Service Team hosted two workshops in March. One was for MNCAPS business track students with approximately 63 students and 2 faculty in attendance. The Team hosted the same workshop for 29 Bridges Area Learning Center students. Dr. Jason Skirry, Professor at the University of St. Thomas, was again our facilitator for these workshops. The workshops historically have focused on three main areas affecting our ability as humans to process and make sound ethical decisions. Those focus areas include character building, why good people make bad decisions, and how to properly analyze and evaluate situations when an ethical dilemma is present. This year, due to lack of time, the workshop focused more on the later two areas. To approach and better understand why good people make bad decisions, Dr. Skirry used group discussion and interactive games to demonstrate the natural biases and heuristics that exist within all humans. The games showed us how those biases can create problems all along our natural decision-making process. Using practical application via case studies (real world workplace issues), Dr. Skirry then introduced a framework that when used properly can help identify issues, evaluate options, and fully analyze ethical situations. The workshop provides opportunities for students to practice using ethical language to communicate thier thought processes and decisions to complex problems that they could face in the workplace. The skills learned and practiced in this workshop will be used throughout students' lives.  
Hosting Ethical Workshops 2024-03-30 05:00:00Z 0

Foundation Banquet: Impact and Recognition 

On Thursday, March 14, Prior Lake Rotarians, their significant others, and special guests, gathered at the Mystic Lake Center to celebrate The Rotary Foundation. Impact and recognition were woven throughout the evening. For the impact, the formal program started with the number of lives positively impacted by the Club's giving and doing for the 2022-2023 Rotary year. That was over 464,000!
Part of the recognition was the announcement of our Honorary Paul Harris Fellows. This recognition bestowed on honorees who are nominated by Club members, is presented to members of the community that have made outstanding contributions and lives out Rotary's motto, Service Above Self. The Certificate of Appreciate is awarded to an organization that has made an outstanding contribution to the community. The 2024 honorees were Laura Aase, Ryan Bartlett, and Prior Lake-Savage Optimist Club.  
Foundation Banquet: Impact and Recognition 2024-03-24 05:00:00Z 0

Partnerships in Cambodia

Prior Lake Rotary teamed up with the Faribault Rotary Club on a Global Grant and District Grant to help provide educational opportunities for at-risk students and students with special needs at Ptea Teuk Dong (PTD) Learning Center. Prior Lake Rotary took the lead on a $92,000 Global Grant to help improve facilities for special needs students and provide professional development to teachers at PTD. Faribault Rotary took the lead on a $10,700 District Grant to build a soccer pitch for children at the school and in the village to encourage physical activities and improve health. Prior Lake Rotary came on board with a $2,625 contribution to the District Grant. (Photos of the progress and end results are shown below)
This spring, teachers from Prior Lake and Faribault will be traveling to Cambodia during Spring Break to work with teachers at PTD. Team Lead, Director of Equity and Inclusion for Prior Lake-Savage Area Schools, and Prior Lake Rotarian, Sambath Ouk, along with Prior Lake Rotarian Harry Algyer, will accompany the teachers. Faribault Rotarian Martha Brown will also be on the journey. 
Partnerships in Cambodia 2024-02-04 06:00:00Z 0

Lives Positively Impacted 2022-2023

Our Club’s mission is to enhance the lives of people in the Prior Lake area and throughout the world. How do we illustrate this? For the 2022-2023 Rotary year, the Club set out to replicate a project by Stillwater Sunrise whereby they quantitatively measure the impact of their giving and doing.   
We looked at who was directly impacted, and not indirectly impacted. So a child who receives a bed, obviously their parents would also be positively impacted, but we did not count them. Similarly, we all feel positive vibes and feelings when we are out doing good, and certainly we are positively impacted. We are not personally counted towards the number.
Some of the projects will continue to impact the same people for years, or even other people. When we supported the Books For Africa grant by Northfield Rotary, we purchased books. In the life of the books, how many will read or /use those books? We only looked at the impact for a year.
Some of the numbers were easier than others. The District Grant we did for Sleep In Heavenly Peace was to build 142 beds. So 142 people were positively impacted. For programs like the two ethics programs we did for students and Model UN event, we took the number of students that participated. And for the STRIVE program, it was the number of mentees and mentors.
For Prior Lake Rotary’s Lakefront Music Fest, it was the number of attendees for both nights, and for Pedal Prior, it was the number of riders that participated. For our donation to Smoke Signals for the Little Market That Could, we used the estimate for the number of people that attended the grand opening at their new location. And for our sponsorship of the Prior Lake Players performance, it was the number of people that attended.
We leaned on our partners, the organizations we supported financially. They were the ones that gave us the number of people positively impacted through our donation.
In some cases, we really had to use best-guess estimates. For Rotary Gateway Park, which we maintain twice a year, and decorate for the holidays, we worked with the City of Prior Lake to figure out how many people walked through the area. And for the repairs at Sandpoint boat launch that we helped pay for, we worked with the DNR to estimate how many people used.
We did not want to over inflate the numbers. When it came to Highway Cleanup, which we do twice per year, there were too many vehicles that passed through this stretch each year. We did not add those numbers in. The bottom line is that our numbers are likely conservative estimates. We should also point out that we had many partners that helped us reach these impact numbers.
Knowing these numbers allows us to tell a better story by tying our giving and doing to actual impact. It helps us as Rotarians to answer questions like, What is Rotary? Or, Why are you a Rotarian? When asked, we are able to say, “Our Club is made up of over 100 People of Action that positively impacted over 464,000 people through our giving and our doing last year.” Now that is something to be proud of!
Thank you for all you do to positively impact the lives of people in the Prior Lake area, and people throughout the world!
Lives Positively Impacted 2022-2023 2023-12-13 06:00:00Z 0

President's Column: An Active 1st Quarter

It is my pleasure serving as the President of the Rotary Club of Prior Lake this year. This club continues to be very active both locally, and globally. The Rotary year, which starts July 1, started with a bang with our 14th annual Prior Lake Rotary’s Lakefront Music Fest. We welcomed sellout crowds both nights and the weather cooperated, for the most part.
It was another very successful event, and we were happy to share that success with a very important group – our community non-profit volunteer groups. On September 13, at our regular morning meeting, 33 groups were in attendance to receive donations for their volunteer hours. In total, $107,760 were donated to these groups.
Each group shared what the money would be used for. It was great for our members to hear the impact our event has within our local community and beyond. Examples of what the money will be used for included sending high school students to leadership camp, taking veterans snowmobiling, fishing contests, building beds for children, purchasing playground equipment, and helping with food insecurity in our schools.     
On August 26, we held our 4th annual Prior Lake Rotary’s Pedal Prior. And we had our most successful event with 163 riders! The ride through beautiful Prior Lake and Scott County started and ended at Lakefront Park. For the second year, Pedal Prior was part of the River, Lakes, and Fields bike series, as we partnered with Stillwater Sunrise and Northfield Rotary Clubs. For the first year, we selected the Three Rivers Park, and specifically, the Adapted Sports Program, to be a beneficiary of the funds raised.
Another offshoot of our Music Fest is attracting new members. Our membership has grown from 84 to 110 since 2019. In fact, we were recently notified by Rotary International that our Club was in the top 4% of Clubs in North America for membership growth during the past 5 years! This year, we welcomed the following members: Scott Anderson, Cathy Reynolds, Adam Tomczik, and Andrew (Drew) and Melanie Brudevold. Drew and Melanie make it 9 couples who are Prior Lake Rotarians. We are always looking for more people of action who want to do good and have serious fun! Contact us at if you are looking for more information.
Group photo of the community non-profit volunteer groups at the September 13 Rotary meeting.
President's Column: An Active 1st Quarter 2023-10-24 05:00:00Z 0

Signature Project Townhall Meetings Planned

Prior Lake Rotary Club, producers of Prior Lake Rotary's Lakefront Music Fest, invite organizations or teams with impactful community project ideas to attend one of the townhall meetings on August 10 or August 17, at 6:30 p.m. at Prior Lake City Hall, where more information and details will be shared on the new initiative, Signature Project. Click on this link to register,, and select the day you want to attend.

Signature Project will be funded by proceeds (up to $1M) raised at Lakefront Music Fest and awarded to an organization on the basis of making sustainable, lasting improvements to the Prior Lake community and world.

The Signature Project has identified specific areas of focus which will set the standard for those organizations that will be selected as beneficiaries. An application process has been developed for qualified organizations that will start in October. Final project selection will be made in 2024.

If unable to attend either townhall meeting, more information is available at or email

Signature Project Townhall Meetings Planned 2023-08-01 05:00:00Z 0

Dollars @ Work: 2022-2023

On Friday, July 14, 2023, the Rotary Club of Prior Lake released their charitable giving for the Rotary year 2022-2023, which runs from July 1-June 30. The date of the release coincided with the start of the Prior Lake Rotary’s Lakefront Music Fest, the Club’s largest fundraiser. Those funds go to the Prior Lake Rotary Foundation and then are used to do good in the community and throughout the world. The good is through projects the Club participates in and/or funds, and worthy non-profit organizations the Club contributes to, and as the event has grown, so has the overall charitable impact. In total, the charitable giving for the year was $408,631. The chart below breaks down the giving by category.
Besides the monetary giving, Club members donate countless hours to projects such as being mentors for the S.T.R.I.V.E. program at Bridges Area Learning Center, facilitating an ethics program for high school students, preparing meals for families through Ronald McDonald House-Twin Cities’ Cooks For Kids program, and serving some of the county’s neediest families through the holiday gift bag initiative. This year, the Club initiated a Rotary grant to fund a major bed building event through the organization, Sleep in Heavenly Peace. We had many local partners help both financially and with volunteers, and local Rotary Clubs did the same. Over 3 days in May,  315 volunteers worked 936 hours to successfully build 142 beds for young people who do not have a bed of their own.
The Club also contributes to other Rotary Club projects and initiatives within our District and in other parts of the country. Those projects that Prior Lake Rotary partners with numbered 13 this year, and totaled $15,825, and these included projects located in other countries. The Club ventured into another project in two villages in Kenya. These water projects were done using a Program-Related Investment. Using the investment of $80,000, safe water enterprises will be set up, water sold, and a portion of the sales coming back to our Foundation. It is estimated the loan will be paid back within 3 to 5 years. And the enterprises will positively impact the lives of 40,000 people.
Beyond the Club, members are extremely generous giving to Rotary International’s programs. For the 10th year in a row, the Rotary Club of Prior Lake was #1 in the 5960 Rotary District for contributing to PolioPlus, Rotary International’s initiative to end polio. In total the Club and its members gave $44,689. And the Club and its members are perennially #1 in the District in total and per capita giving on an individual basis to The Rotary Foundation, the body that is the engine for all the good done worldwide. The total in 2022-2023 was $75,215, and most all Club members contributed to the number.
But whether giving through the Club or individually, the members know it is not the money given, but the difference those monies make with positively impacting our community and communities across the world. The overall number of lives positively impacted through our doing and giving was over 300,000, something the Club started measuring this past year.
Dollars @ Work: 2022-2023 2023-07-17 05:00:00Z 0

4th Annual Pedal Prior Coming!

Come ride through the beautiful roads of Scott County! We have 3 paved routes-something for everyone! And NEW this year will be a gravel route also! The new Gravel route is posted - 45 miles of beautiful backroads, farms and lakes, with 3 fully supported rest stops. Check it out at
We are so excited to be partnered up with the Three Rivers Park District Adapted Programs! Proceeds from our 2023 will go to help local people with disabilities enjoy being active! To see how your registration fee helps others check out
4th Annual Pedal Prior Coming! 2023-07-16 05:00:00Z 0

Rotary Bed Build for Sleep In Heavenly Peace 

Prior Lake Rotary has embarked on a huge bed build for the organization, Sleep In Heavenly Peace. To accomplish our goal of constructing 142 beds, we need 335 volunteers. We are able to do this project through a Rotary District 5960 Grant. To reach our funding goal, we received generous donations from 6 Rotary clubs, the Prior Lake Lions Club, the Prior Lake-Savage Optimist Club and the Lakeville office of Edina Realty.
Rotary Bed Build for Sleep In Heavenly Peace 2023-04-12 05:00:00Z 0

Foundation Event Filled with Recognition

On Wednesday, March 1, 2023, and after 2 and a half years, the Rotary Club of Prior Lake hosted the annual Rotary Foundation banquet at the Mystic Lake Center. About 125 Rotarians and guests enjoyed an evening that started with a social, followed by dinner, and then a program that included awareness on The Rotary Foundation, the charitable arm of Rotary International, and a recap on all the good Prior Lake Rotary has done through the Foundation. Individual Rotarians were also recognized and thanked for their individual giving.
Rotarians were not the only individuals recognized. For the past twelve years, our Foundation Committee has recognized community members or local organizations for their outstanding volunteer efforts that embody the spirit of Rotary and “Service Above Self” through their ongoing and special activities in our community, region, nation, or world.
Four members of the Prior Lake community were bestowed Honorary Paul Harris Fellow awards. The individuals were nominated by Rotarians through a set of criteria and then nominations were reviewed and  selected by a subcommittee of the Foundation Committee. Those honorees were Maia Caldwell, Dave Chromy, Rosemary Frank, and Ed Speiker.
Honorees with the Rotarians that nominated them (L to R): Harry Algyer (nominated Dave Chromy; not pictured), Rosemary Frank, Mary Haugen (nominated Frank), Ed Speiker, Dan Stanley (nominated Speiker), Maia Cladwell, and Vic Noer (nominated Caldwell)
Foundation Event Filled with Recognition 2023-03-07 06:00:00Z 0

Investing in Social Impact

Last summer, a unique investment opportunity came Prior Lake Rotary’s way. The project concept was not new – it was a water project in a developing country. And it was with a familiar partner, Jon Kaufman, the founder of H2OpenDoors. But this project was brought forward by Global Water First (GWF), which Kaufman co-founded. GWF is a startup social business changing lives in the developing world in a sustainable, regenerative manner through decentralized networks of safe water enterprises (SWEs). 
Shown above, Joyce Sintoyia Seng’eny, Manager of Safe Water Enterprise at Aitong, Kenya, says, “The women of the village will get money to use to take care of their children, their homestead, and this will empower them to get financially stable and independent.”
Investing in Social Impact 2023-03-05 06:00:00Z 0

Career Perspectives in Public Safety - March 1

You are invited to the presentation by

Police Chief Booker T. Hodges: Career Perspectives in Public Safety.

Looking exclusively at the childhood of Booker T. Hodges, one would hardly believe that he would ultimately become an icon in the field of public safety. But Booker overcame many of the challenges from his childhood and in the process excelled in education earning Bachelor’s, Master’s, and Doctorate degrees. Hodges is a published author and served as the President of the Minneapolis Chapter of the NAACP for five years. His law enforcement career includes leadership roles in multiple Minnesota counties, cities, and the State of Minnesota.

In 2019, Booker served as Interim Police Chief for the City of Prior Lake. Today he is Police Chief for the City of Bloomington, Minnesota. 

Booker will be our very special Prior Lake Rotary Program Speaker at our 7a.m. meeting on Wednesday, March 1, 2023, in the Banquet Room in the Wilds Golf Club House in Prior Lake.

Click the link below to register. A virtual option is available. Contact for the link. 

* The event is free, and breakfast is available for $14 for interested guests (to be paid with cash or check at check-in).

Register Online


Career Perspectives in Public Safety - March 1 2023-02-04 06:00:00Z 0

Prior Lake Rotary and Partners Hold MLK Jr. Day

Hundreds of community members of several different backgrounds and faiths gathered together at the second annual Martin Luther King Day Jr. Breakfast hosted by Prior Lake High School and the Prior Lake Rotary Club on Monday at the high school to show unity, promote equity, and celebrate the community while embracing differences.

According to a press release from the district, guests were treated to a variety of multicultural breakfast items, prayer readings from Buddhist, Christian, Jewish, Native American and Muslim faiths, a rendition of “He Had a Dream,” performed by the Prior Lake High School Choir and a Native American Spiritual Hand Drum Performance by Kendell DeCoteu.

The audience was also captivated by keynote speaker Jurgis Didžiulis, an inspirational artist who provided the crowd with a unique mix of music, comedy and academic insight meant to help create more meaningful interpersonal connections. To end the program, PLHS Black Student Union President Eden Alemu and other PLHS students recited an excerpt from King’s “I Have a Dream’’ speech, according to the press release.

Sam Ouk, Prior Lake-Savage Area Schools Director of Equity and Inclusion, said over 600 people attended the event that was also in combination with a staff inservice day.

“We printed 300 programs and we ran out. We had a little over 600 people there,” Ouk said. “Overall, it was a community event that I think really included the whole community. Because it was also a teacher’s inservice day, there were close to 300 people in the auditorium listening to different prayers. We had representation from Buddhism, Judaism, Christianity, Islam and Native American spiritual beliefs. I did a reading from my Buddhist background as well.”

Ouk said all the speakers shared a common message about peace and unity.

“The keynote speaker was amazing,” Ouk said. “His key message was that our diversity and our differences is what brings meaning to unity to our community. Celebrating and recognizing our diversity and individuality is what makes the world beautiful.”

Different student diversity organizations were well represented, Ouk said.

“We had different representation from different student groups,” he said. “The president of the Black Student Union started it off. We also had members of our Native American Student Coalition, Muslim Student Association and our student council along with two members of our Asian Student Association represented.”

Ouk added that the event was an astonishing success and looks forward to more in the future. “It was a day where the whole community did come together and I’m going to be talking about this day for a long time,” he said.

Prior Lake Rotary and Partners Hold MLK Jr. Day 2023-01-27 06:00:00Z 0

Prior Lake Rotarians - Making a Difference Around the World

Rotary Ramblings
Prior Lake Rotarians—Making a Difference Around the World
By Joyce Corey (Prior Lake Neighbors)
Prior Lake Rotarians have excellent vision as they see their mission in a global perspective. Rotary International is a network of 1.4 million neighbors, friends, leaders, and problem-solvers who see a world where people unite and take action to create lasting change – across the globe, in our communities, and in ourselves.
To fulfill this mission, members of the local club have visited other countries on behalf of Rotary. Three Prior Lake Rotarians share their insights from their travels.
Over the last 30 years, I have watched my parents, Pat and Norma Klein, give their time to the people of Chimbote, Peru. In 2017, I was approached by my father to help with a big educational project for a Rotary District to open a technical school for mostly poor women in Chimbote. The grant was approved for $30,000, which our club donated $4000 towards. Fellow Rotarian Cindy Shepard and I traveled there in April 2018 to witness the school in action and see all the projects our club, along with St. Michael’s Church in Prior Lake, have completed over the 30 years. It is amazing to see the community effort that we have shared to help an impoverished community thousands of miles away!
I was invited to take part in the mission trip to Chimbote, Peru by Prior Lake Rotarian Joan Lompart. Michelle Jirik, who serves on the board of directors for a group called Friends of Chimbote, accompanied us. 
One of the primary goals of this trip was to visit a mom, Domitila, and her four children ranging in age from 5 to 15. The three boys have severe disabilities, and a 12-year-old daughter who is healthy and must help care for the boys as her mother tries to find work doing whatever she can. We also got to see the water project that local leaders were able to build. I was so impressed by what a coordinated effort these people can make. 
This was such an inspiring and emotional trip for me. I experienced several episodes of tears of joy, love, and pride for the people of this area.  Even though the travel was long and customs so different, I have no doubt that I will be making a return trip.
Joan Lompart
This is my sixth service trip for Prior Lake Rotary, as a 20-year member of the club. I have been to Haiti three times, Nicaragua, Uganda, and Peru. I am never immune to severe poverty and lack of basic needs like clean water, toilets, and sturdy homes.
These trips keep my gratitude high for living in the United States. Travelling gives me a better understanding of how strong communities flourish in poverty. These are strong people with family values and beautiful children. I am grateful for each opportunity and if I ever come from a place of ‘not enough’ it is quickly righted by remembering these experiences. Thanks to Prior Lake Rotary for encouraging international travel and helping offset the cost. 
Prior Lake Rotarians - Making a Difference Around the World 2022-12-04 06:00:00Z 0

The Heritage and Cultural Festival

Prior Lake Rotary and Prior Lake High School are partnering to present the Heritage and Cultural Festival! It will take Place on 11/5/22 at Twin Oaks Middle School from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. There will be representation from many cultures and places from around the world! Food will be served by the school, and food from 6 continents will be served between 11 a.m. and 1 p.m. 
There will be booths from several of the Prior Lake High School students as well as Prior Lake Rotarians who would like to share their culture. Entertainment in the Auditorium starts at 10:30 a.m.  and finishes up around 3 p.m. There will be a break in the entertainment from 12:10 p.m. to 1:30 p.m., which will give you time to check out the food, as well as the booths. 
We are so excited to see the different cultures represented in our very own community! Hope to see you there!
The schedule is as follows:
10:00 a.m.: Booths open
11:00 a.m.: Aztech Dancers
11:30 a.m. - 12:10pm: Native American Storyteller (Colin Wesaw)
12:10 p.m.: Miss Minnesota ( Rachel Evangelisto) 
12:10-1:30 p.m.: Break
1:30 p.m.: Czech Dancers
2:00 p.m.: Cambodian Dancers (PLSAS Students)
2:30 p.m.: Native American Dancers (Students)
We're very excited for this to happen. We have 25 booths that are going to share their heritage and culture. There will be kids activities, and games... so much fun! We still need some volunteers to help with the event. Please let Mary Haugen know at if you are interested in volunteering. 
The Heritage and Cultural Festival 2022-10-20 05:00:00Z 0

Making an IMPACT

We know that our club had a successful 2021-2022 Rotary year with our charitable giving, also known as our "Dollars @ Work." It is not the dollars but what we are able to do with those dollars, or the impact we make. This video captures just some examples of the impact we are making locally and around the world. 
Making an IMPACT 2022-09-19 05:00:00Z 0

STRIVE: Student Mentoring Success

Bridges Area Learning Center Coordinator Dave Brown attended a recent meeting with a former student to discuss the STRIVE program that pairs students with adult mentors. STRIVE was invented right here in our district, District 5960, by Rotarian Don Mooney of the White Bear Lake Rotary Club. STRIVE is a program for high school juniors and seniors who have faced some academic challenges but want to make the most of their last year of high school. Said Brown, "The STRIVE program, in my mind, is and has been one of the most instrumental components of public education that I have been a part of." Hear more about the power of the program and why it is so important from Dave Brown and Riley by clicking the link below.
Said Manny P. about the program, "Being a mentor is gratifying, knowing that you did make a difference." Said Pam K., "Being a STRIVE mentor allows me listen to someone that needs to be heard, and to just be there for them." For more information on the mentoring program and how you can make a difference in student's life, contact Manny at, or Pam at  
STRIVE: Student Mentoring Success 2022-09-12 05:00:00Z 0

Rotary Dollars @ Work 2021-2022

August 1, 2022
The Rotary Club of Prior Lake Announces their Dollars @ Work
Local Donations and Projects Account for the Majority 
Prior Lake, Minn. – On Monday, August 1, 2022, the Rotary Club of Prior Lake released their charitable giving for the Rotary year 2021-2022, which runs from July 1-June 30. The funds raised at Prior Lake Rotary’s Lakefront Music Fest, the Club’s largest fundraiser, go to the Prior Lake Rotary Foundation. Those funds are then used to do good in the community and throughout the world. The good is through projects the Club participates in and/or funds, and worthy non-profit organizations the Club contributes to. In total, the charitable giving for the year was $301,843. The chart below breaks down the giving by category.
For a full list of the Club’s giving, scroll to the bottom of this story.
Besides the monetary giving, Club members donate countless hours to projects such as being mentors for the S.T.R.I.V.E. program at Bridges Area Learning Center, facilitating an ethics program for high school students. performing cleanup and maintenance in City parks and roadways, participating in Sleep in Heavenly Peace bed building for kids, and serving some of the county’s neediest families through the holiday gift bag initiative.  Planning and operating the Lakefront Music Fest alone requires countless member hours.
The Club also contributes to other Rotary Club projects and initiatives within our District and in other parts of the country. Those projects that Prior Lake Rotary partnered with numbered 27 this year, and these included projects located in other countries. Earlier this year, the Club approved a $12,500 contribution to support humanitarian efforts in Ukraine. In total, Prior Lake Rotary approved contributions of $12,500 to Alight ($4,000), the Rotary Club of Lviv International ($4,250), and the Rotary Club of Kyiv ($4,250), to respond to the humanitarian crisis in Ukraine.  
Beyond the Club, members are extremely generous giving to Rotary International’s programs. For the 9th year in a row, the Rotary Club of Prior Lake was #1 in the 5960 Rotary District for contributing to PolioPlus, Rotary International’s initiative to end polio. In total the Club and its members gave $57,865. And the Club and its members are perennially #1 in the District in total and per capita giving to The Rotary Foundation, the body that is the engine for all the good done worldwide. The total in 2021-2022 was $100,735, and most all Club members contributed to the number. The members know it is not the money given, but the difference those monies make with positively impacting our community and communities across the world.
About Prior Lake Rotary
The Prior Lake Rotary Club is a community service organization responsible for enhancing the quality of life for its residents through humanitarian service and the encouragement of high ethical standards in all vocations. The Club has over 100 members and is recognized for its quality and array of services and leadership in the local community, region, nation, and throughout the world. The Club is a member of Rotary International, a volunteer organization of 1.2 million people united worldwide to provide humanitarian service and address today’s challenges, including our response to COVID-19. Our Strategic Vision is, “Together, we see a world where people unite and take action to create lasting change – across the globe, in our communities, and in ourselves.” More information can be found on the Club’s web site
Rotary Dollars @ Work 2021-2022 2022-08-02 05:00:00Z 0

Prior Lake Rotarian Paul Hofslien Recognized Internationally

Prior Lake, MN – On Wednesday, June 29, Prior Lake Rotarian Paul Hofslien was awarded The Rotary Foundation’s Citation for Meritorious Service for 2021-2022 by Rotary International in recognition of significant personal service toward The Rotary Foundation, which is their charitable arm. He was 1 of only 60 Rotarians or Rotaractors worldwide to receive this award.
Prior Lake Rotarian Paul Hofslien Recognized Internationally  Paul Perez 2022-06-29 05:00:00Z 0

Prior Lake Rotary Responds

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Standing With Ukraine

Prior Lake Rotary’s Rotary Foundation Committee creates awareness and raises funds for supporting the Rotary International’s fundraising arm The Rotary Foundation or TRF.
In response to the ongoing war and strife in Ukraine, the Prior Lake Rotary’s Foundation Committee, along with the International committee, approved a $12,500 contribution to support humanitarian efforts in Ukraine. The International Committee met in April to discuss different ways we could provide support. Following significant research and discussion within the committee, three potential options were selected.   
· Alight is a non-governmental organization and trusted partner that is an expert in all refugee-related activities, and they have a specific set of solutions they are providing to meet the needs of people, so we know the general area of support our funds are going towards. Specifically, they are providing support to refugees as they cross the border into Poland as well as displaced people within Ukraine.
·The committee found local Rotary Clubs on the ground doing great things and felt these efforts would be very transparent and tangible as to what our contributions are doing. And because this is hyper localized, it would make an extreme impact for people in those communities. And the potential for ongoing relationships with those clubs could come out of these donations.
It was decided that the funds would be split between Alight and Local Rotary Clubs. The two Clubs identified were, the Rotary Club of Lviv International and the Rotary Club of Kyiv.  For the Rotary Club of Lviv International, they are doing amazing things supporting displaced people that have fled their homes and settled in Lviv. For the Rotary Club of Kyiv, they have been helping both people that have been directly impacted by the war in Kyiv, and for those that are now arriving from other areas. Recently members of the Clubs were hosted via Zoom to talk about this and to give insight into what they are and have been experiencing. Click the link to hear more.
In total, Prior Lake Rotary approved contributions of $12,500 to Alight ($4,000), the Rotary Club of Lviv International ($4,250), and the Rotary Club of Kyiv ($4,250), to respond to the humanitarian crisis in Ukraine. In addition, Prior Lake Rotarian Rick Olson, recently traveled to Western Europe, including Poland, and collected $1,060 to bring to the Ukrainian refugees in Warsaw, and also a suitcase full of kids' clothing.
Prior Lake Rotary Responds 2022-05-23 05:00:00Z 0

Celebrating Youth Service Month!

Prior Lake Rotary has long supported youth and youth-related activities. Enjoy a short video of some of the examples.  
Celebrating Youth Service Month! 2022-05-22 05:00:00Z 0

Tom Hatcher Scholarship Application

To The Applicant: Please complete the attached application and return to and in the subject line write: “Tom Hatcher Alumni Scholarship”
The Tom Hatcher Scholarship is sponsored by the Rotary Club of Prior Lake. Thomas F. Hatcher graduated from New York University with a degree in business management. He was a visionary, pioneering in the use of technology in training the sales force of Equitable Life Assurance in New York City. In Minnesota, Tom was the president of his own company, Futures Unlimited. He continued in the training field, facilitating many churches and non-profit organizations and the Rotary itself through a long-range planning process. Tom authored, ‘The Definitive Guide to Long Range Planning’. Tom was passionate about helping students in the trades and technical fields. In keeping with his vision we offer this to students who are looking to build their future in the Trades.
This scholarship is designed to support the education of future Trades workers, and Apprentices who are doing on the job training, or are enrolled in a two-year program at a Community College or Vocational School. An applicant student must be aligned with the values and goals of Rotary International.
Tom Hatcher Scholarship Application 2022-05-11 05:00:00Z 0

Lakefront Music Fest: Best of the Best!

This morning, it was announced that the 2021 Prior Lake Rotary's Lakefront Music Fest won the award for the Best Outdoor Festival! In a field of many competitors, it is an honor to have our customers take the time to vote for our event.
All Rotarians should be proud of this accomplishment, especially for 2021.  We were the first large outdoor festival post event pandemic closures, and handled all that was thrown at us during the year and weekend with amazing dedication to high quality.  We overcame event closures, artist cancellation, full capacity, new transportation plan, and everything else that comes with running an event for 35,000 people!
Your hard work to put on a high quality event  shows year after year as our customers return and vote for our event, even with some of the hiccups that happened during the last year’s event.  This event is put on by volunteers who have common goals of service before self and doing good in this world. These goals guide us to be different than other events and will continue to guide us to provide the fun, high sought out event.
Thank you for all that you do, all year long to bring LMF to our community; 101 Rotarians' dedication is why we received this award!  
Michelle Jirik, Lakefront Music Fest Event Director
Lakefront Music Fest: Best of the Best! 2022-04-06 05:00:00Z 0

Get to Know Prior Lake Rotary

Proudly presented by the over 100 members of Prior Lake Rotary, here is a video sampling of the some of the events, activities, and fun put on by the Club over the past 12+ months. 
Get to Know Prior Lake Rotary 2022-03-27 05:00:00Z 0

Prior Lake Rotarian Kyle Haugen Recognized

March 2, 2022
Prior Lake Rotarian Kyle Haugen Receives International Award
Prior Lake, MN – On Wednesday, March 2, Prior Lake Rotarian Kyle Haugen was awarded the International Service Award for a Polio-Free World for 2021-2022 by Rotary International in recognition of significant active personal service toward the goal of polio eradication. He was 1 of only 8 Rotarians or Rotaractors worldwide to receive this competitive award.
Haugen, a Prior Lake Rotarian since October 2003, has been a passionate champion and supporter of polio eradication, Rotary International’s signature project. Since 1988, Rotary and its partners have reduced the number of wild poliovirus cases by over 99.99%. Back in 1988, there were 350,000 global cases in 125 countries. Last year, there were 5 total wild poliovirus cases in just two countries, Afghanistan and Pakistan.
Haugen joined Rotary District 5960's Polio Plus Team once he joined Rotary. His passion for Rotary's signature project was seen at the Club level as his Club perennially leads all District Clubs in funds raised for Polio Plus. As District Governor in the 2017-2018 year, the District had one of its best fundraising years for Polio Plus, coming in at just over $116k. Following his term as District Governor, Haugen moved into the Rotary Foundation Team Lead role for his District in 2019. In that year, District 5960 saw its highest year for Polio Plus giving ever at over $135K.
Haugen has been sought after as a polio presenter due to his knowledge and passion for polio eradication. He has presented to numerous clubs in his years as a Rotarian. In 2019, Kyle and his wife Carrie went on a National Immunization Day in India. It was the fulfillment of something he had wanted to do ever since he became a Rotarian. His message to Clubs when he returned gave a first-hand account of how The Rotary Foundation promotes positive peace, and how disease prevention and polio eradication are a big part of that.
About the award, Haugen said, “This is special and it’s a testament to the foundation that’s been laid by our club as well because our club encourages people to get involved and to understand what Rotary is all about and to make a difference. And there’s no bigger difference that we make as Rotarians than in the eradication of polio.”
Prior Lake Rotarian Kyle Haugen Recognized 2022-03-02 06:00:00Z 0

Humanize My Hoodie Presented by Prior Lake Rotary

Humanize My Hoodie Documentary Screening and Discussion.
Join us, socially distanced, to experience how a local movement utilizes fashion activism to destigmatize clothing such as the hoodie in order to challenge perceptions of threat associated with Black, Indigenous, or people of color. This is a free event and open to the public. Humanize My Hoodie's Director of Ally Management, Seema G. Pothini, will lead the conversation.
Humanize My Hoodie Presented by Prior Lake Rotary 2022-02-07 06:00:00Z 0

A Busy 1st Half of the Year

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From President Dan O'Keefe:
As Club President for Prior Lake Rotary, it seems daunting having 52 weeks in front of you on July 1, and then, just like that, the Rotary year is halfway through! The fact that the Club has been very busy these first 6 months may have something to do with that.   
The year started with a bang as Prior Lake Rotary’s Lakefront Music Fest was the most successful one ever. The annual event continued to be a place where our community comes together and where we are able to showcase our city to others. Part of that community engagement includes the hundreds of volunteers that help us put on this event, and that includes organizations. Following the event, we were able to share $46,267 of the profits with 27 organizations!
The Club continues to serve our community. Efforts this year include our staples, highway cleanup through the Adopt-A-Highway program, garden cleanup at Gateway Park, arranging for and serving a meal for teens for the TreeHouse organization, and new staple – the 2nd annual Pedal Prior event. Another event in its 2nd year was the Holiday Food Box. Once again, we packed food for families in need in our local communities. This year we supported 60 families, as we worked once again with Lunds & Byerly’s to purchase the food, and then with the CAP Agency to get the food in the right hands.
New projects included Marilyn’s TWOcan giving rides to seniors who can no longer ride on their own utilizing wheelchair trikes, beautifying Gateway Park with festive lights, and building beds for kids for the organization Sleep in Heavenly Peace. That included delivering beds to families on Christmas Eve.      
Helping youth is a very important part of Prior Lake Rotary’s mission. Our STRIVE mentoring for students at Bridges Area Learning Center is stronger than ever this year! We have 30 students and mentors this year. The students of Bridges were each given a gift card and treated to a holiday lunch all paid for by Prior Lake Rotary. The Youth Service team staffed a booth at The Little Market That Could this past year, one of several of our teams that participated. They gave away free books and bookmarks to youth.      
The Equity and Inclusion team was formed in 2020. One of the team’s roles is to help bring awareness and understanding to the work around anti-racism, diversity, equity, and inclusion. The Club worked with our partners, Prior Lake-Savage Area Schools, cities of Prior Lake, Savage, Credit River, and Spring Lake Township, for a successful 1st annual Prior Lake Rotary’s Martin Luther King Jr. Day breakfast on January 17, at Prior Lake High School. We had well over 100 participants!
The Membership team has been busy as well. We inducted 8 new members, which brought our overall membership above 100 for the first time! We are always looking for “People of Action” that want to do good and have some fun! 
A Busy 1st Half of the Year 2022-02-06 06:00:00Z 0

Building Beds for Kids

More than 200 beds will be distributed to children in need throughout the south metro, thanks to volunteers who gathered at Northern Tool & Equipment in Burnsville for building events last month, including 20 Prior Lake Rotarians or their family members. The business hosted an estimated 500 volunteers who worked with a goal of building 250 twin beds over a three-day period.
The beds were being made for Sleep in Heavenly Peace, a nonprofit that builds and delivers beds to children ages 3 to 17 who need their own bed. “Most of our beds are delivered in Dakota and Scott County,” said Susan Ryan, a volunteer with the Minnesota Twin Cities South Chapter and Eagan resident. 
Sleep in Heavenly Peace is connected with families through requests made on its website. Delivery teams contact a family and schedule the delivery. The bed is assembled on site and includes a mattress. The children also receive donated bedding and a pillow. The organization has no income requirements, Ryan said.
The chapter usually delivers around 50 beds on Christmas Eve to other areas not normally served such as Minneapolis and St. Paul. Two Rotarians, Joan L and Deb S, and their spouses helped with this delivery, which included some of the 11 mattresses the club purchased, with an additional 4 purchased by a Rotarian.
Building Beds for Kids 2021-12-26 06:00:00Z 0

Polio: An End In Sight

Posted by Kyle Haugen on Oct 24, 2021
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World Polio Day 2021
In the 1940s and 1950s, communities throughout the United States and around the world were experiencing virus-related challenges like we face today: events, such as the MN State Fair, were cancelled, parents feared letting their children go in public, and there was great anxiety dealing with an endemic disease.  While today we deal with Covid-19, at that time it was polio, which typically attacks children causing life-long issues including paralysis and death. 
Thanks to an effective and safe vaccine polio has been eradicated since 1979 in the United States, but it still affects people throughout the world.  And, with an increasingly interconnected world, the spread of polio is only a plane ride away.  This underscores the fact that no child is safe until polio is eradicated.
Since 1988, Rotary and its partners in the Global Polio Eradication Initiative (GPEI) have reduced the number of wild poliovirus cases by over 99.99%!  The GPEI is a public-private partnership led by world governments and several partners: Rotary International, the World Health Organization (WHO), the U.S. Centers for Disease Control (CDC), and the United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF).  The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation joined the GPEI in 2007, while Gavi, the Vaccine Alliance, has recently joined the effort and ensures funding for the global polio vaccine supply. Each partner has an important role, including Rotary International, which has been a key partner in the GPEI from the start and is often referred to as the “glue that holds the GPEI together”. Rotarians have raised over $2.1 billion for polio eradication since 1988, including matching funds from the Gates Foundation, which matches every dollar raised by Rotarians 2 to 1, up to $50 million per year.
Back in 1988, there were 350,000 cases of polio annually in 125 countries.  Through the years, we have made great progress and reached several significant milestones. The latest? In August 2020, Africa was certified polio free when Nigeria went three years without a wild poliovirus case. This is great news and has been a long time coming.  Today, there are only two countries that remain polio-endemic: Afghanistan and Pakistan. Last year, Afghanistan had 56 cases of the wild poliovirus, and Pakistan had 84. This year, each country has only 1 confirmed case of the wild poliovirus! We have never been this close to eradicating polio! We will make history when polio becomes only the 2nd disease ever eradicated; smallpox was the other. 
Locally, Prior Lake Rotary has raised significant funds for Rotary’s signature program, Polio Plus. In the past ten years, the total has been over a quarter of a million dollars! With the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation match, that is over $750,000! For the past 10 years, funds from tip jars at Prior Lake Rotary’s Lakefront Music Fest have gone toward this, so you are part of the polio eradication effort through your tips! October 24 is World Polio Day, and we encourage you to help us finish the job and end polio now.
Polio: An End In Sight Kyle Haugen 2021-10-24 05:00:00Z 0

Ethics For Youth

Posted by Adam Tlusty on Oct 23, 2021
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Prior Lake Rotary recently partnered with University of St. Thomas Professor, Dr. Jason Skirry, to bring Prior Lake Schools MNCAPS students a tailored Business Ethics Workshop.  Approximately 80 students were in attendance to learn why good people do bad things.  In its 3rd year, the half day workshop raises awareness to our natural biases when making decisions rooted in human psychology, reviewed multiple case studies of seemingly well-intentioned people making poor decisions, and provided the students with a framework to help think through ethical dilemmas that they will undoubtedly face at some point in their future careers.
Ethics has long been a pillar for Rotary globally.  A common standard of doing good, clearly embraced by Rotary's 4-Way Test...  Is it the truth, is it fair to all concerned, will it build good will and better friendships, will it be beneficial to all concerned.
Ethics For Youth Adam Tlusty 2021-10-23 05:00:00Z 0

Prior Lake Rotary Dollars @ Work

September 6, 2021
The Rotary Club of Prior Lake Announces their Dollars @ Work
Local Donations and Projects Account for the Majority 
Prior Lake, Minn. – On Monday, September 6, 2021, the Rotary Club of Prior Lake released their charitable giving for the Rotary year 2020-2021, which runs from July 1-June 30. The funds raised at Prior Lake Rotary’s Lakefront Music Fest, the Club’s largest fundraiser, go to the Prior Lake Rotary Foundation. Those funds are then used to do good in the community and throughout the world. The good is through projects the Club participates in and/or funds, and worthy non-profit organizations the Club contributes to. In total, the charitable giving for the year was $129,297. This is despite the fact we were unable to hold the 2020 Music Fest due to COVID. The chart below breaks down the giving by category.
The Prior Lake Rotary Foundation was started following the inaugural year of Lakefront Jazz and Blues Festival in 2010. Rather than using a 501c3 as a passthrough and pay a fee, the Club wanted to create our own 501c3 so all the money raised through our fundraiser stayed in our coffer.
Besides the monetary giving, Club members donate countless hours to projects such as being mentors for the S.T.R.I.V.E. program at Bridges Area Learning Center, facilitating an ethics program for high school students. performing cleanup and maintenance in City parks and roadways, participating in a Harvest Pack food packing event for non-profit organizations including the CAP Agency and ROCK, and serving some of the county’s neediest families through the holiday gift box initiative. Volunteer hours for the 2020-2021 Rotary year was estimated at 608 hours.   
Beyond the Club, members are extremely generous giving to Rotary International’s programs. For the 8th year in a row, the Rotary Club of Prior Lake was #1 in the 5960 Rotary District for contributing to PolioPlus, Rotary International’s initiative to end polio. In total the Club and its members gave $15,761. And the Club and its members are perennially #1 in the District in total and per capita giving on an individual basis to The Rotary Foundation, the body that is the engine for all the good done worldwide. The total in 2019-2020 was $52,215, and most all Club members contributed to the number. The members know it is not the money given, but the difference those monies make with positively impacting our community and communities across the world.
Prior Lake Rotary Dollars @ Work 2021-09-09 05:00:00Z 0

Rotary District 5960 Large Club of the Year

Prior Lake, MN – On Wednesday, June 30, Rotarians from District 5960, which covers southeast and east metro Minnesota and western Wisconsin, met virtually for the 2020-21 District Awards Happy Hour.  Clubs were recognized for their efforts in various categories and based on the size of the club – Large, Medium Plus, Medium, or Small – as part of the District’s Awards Program.
The Club was responsible for submitting examples of their efforts against a checklist for up to six categories – Club Service, Community Service, International Service, Public Image, Vocational Service, and Youth Service. The submissions were then judged by Rotarians from Clubs in a different size category to keep the voting objective. The Rotary Club of Prior Lake was in the Large-size club category.   
After the tabulating, Prior Lake Rotary received the Large Club of the Year award. In doing so, the Club was also recognized as the top Club in each of the categories – Community Service, International Service, Public Image, Vocational Service, Youth Service, and Club Service (tie). Said Club President Marlys Gesme about how the Club was able to be successful this year, “It was Prior Lake Rotary’s willingness and ability to adapt to an ever-changing environment. As our Rotary International theme was Rotary Opens Opportunities, and as certain doors closed, other doors opened for us this year and we really focused on what we could do, and not what we can’t do.” This marked the 4th year in a row the Club achieved the Large Club of the Year award.
Rotary District 5960 Large Club of the Year 2021-07-21 05:00:00Z 0

A Vibrant Club!

It is the end of the Rotary year, so it's time for our "Year In Review!" If you are interested in Prior Lake Rotary, this video gives you a great insight into how we live out our motto, "Doing Good, Serious Fun!" Congratulations to President Marlys Gesme and the rest of the Leadership Team for a spectacular year!  
A Vibrant Club! 2021-06-23 05:00:00Z 0

Peace Pole Dedication

May 23 was a wonderful day for our community as we dedicated a Peace Pole! Working with the Prior Lake-Savage Area School District, we identified the 6 languages most spoken in our schools. We added the Lakota language and American Sign Language to make a 4-sided pole with room for 8 languages all saying, “May Peace Prevail on Earth.”  We were able to show off the park as we dedicated the Peace Pole. We have a Little Free Library in the park; we added books on diversity and peace for the event. We invited individuals to represent each of the 8 languages and “speak” them as we dedicate the pole. Prior Lake Mayor Kirt Briggs was on hand for the dedication, along with Rotary District 5960 Governor Ed Marek, and District Governor Elect Kenny Klooster. 
Peace Pole Dedication Paul Perez 2021-05-28 05:00:00Z 0

Rotarians Plunge for Special Olympics

Doing Good - Serious Fun was on display as Prior Lake Rotarians participated in the annual Polar Plunge for Special Olympics MN on Saturday, March 27, at Sand Point Beach. It was successful in all ways including the nearly $9,500 raised by the team members! Things were a little different this year including no plunging. Instead, participants had to run in a run out. There was also a little falling down and getting back up, as the video below shows!
Participants: Co-Team Lead Jon St. Aubin, Co-Team Lead Paul Perez, Doug Gesme, Lee Hacklander, Vic Noer, Bill Schult, Guy Selinske, and Kyle Smythe.
Rotarians Plunge for Special Olympics 2021-04-04 05:00:00Z 0

Prior Lake Rotary's International Impact

Everyone around here knows about the Lakefront Music Fest held by the Prior Lake Rotary Club. But did you know that the club also helps less fortunate around the world in addition to conducting many projects locally?
Prior Lake Rotary is sponsoring two projects this year in the Nakivale Refugee Settlement in Uganda in Eastern Africa where over 140,000 people live after fleeing violence in their surrounding home countries. Many are totally dependent on the United Nations, receiving less than $6 per person per month to survive. Water quality is poor, when they can get it. Life, in short, is grim. Yet the people look to the future of their kids, wanting them to go to school so they have a future. The club funded the construction of a school kitchen in 2020 at Best Future School, a free, community-based, non-discriminatory primary school started by one of the refugees. The kids needed something to eat in order to learn. Over 570 students are expected back on February 15 when their new semester opens as the school has become the hub of much activity, including a sewing center teaching 30 women to sew in each three-month cohort, to gain self-sufficiency.
The two projects in 2021 will provide educational supplies, build 10 latrines, 6 hand washing stations, and a water purification and bottling plant to provide 5,000 gallons of safe drinking water per day for the community. A total of $90,000 will be contributed by the Prior Lake Rotary, 23 other Rotary clubs from around the U.S., Rotary District 5960 and the Rotary Foundation. Thousands of the refugees will benefit. Kids will be able to survive, learn and have a future.
Strong local support for the Lakefront Music Fest helps fund these projects and many more here locally. The club donated a total of $220,767 in the July 1, 2019 – June 30, 2020 fiscal year in addition to countless hours of community service. The club could not help others as much as they do without your support. TEAM = Together Everyone Achieves More.
Article submitted to the Prior Lake American by Prior Lake Rotarian and community columnist Rick Olson
Prior Lake Rotary's International Impact Paul Perez 2021-03-13 06:00:00Z 0

Brightening the Holidays

Over 30 Rotarians and family members came together to pack and deliver food, essential items, and some treats! This was a partnership with Lunds & Byerly Prior Lake, R.O.C.K., and CAP Agency. Shepherd of the Lake Church provided a safe environment to do the packing. The bagged food was delivered to 50 families in need this holiday season. Our #PeopleofAction did much good on this day!
Brightening the Holidays Paul Perez 2020-12-16 06:00:00Z 0

Rotary Gateway Park: Continuous Improvements

Display Sign

Since constructed in the 2005-2006 Rotary year, Prior Lake Rotary members have continued to keep Gateway Park in downtown Prior Lake maintained. The enhancements to the park have continued as well. This year there were significant changes including the redesign of some of the gardens, the addition of over 400 pollinator plants, and the addition of a sign display. The signs will identify plants by picture and description so people learn about what goes into the pollinator/rain gardens.
Rotary Gateway Park: Continuous Improvements 2020-11-29 06:00:00Z 0

2019-2020 Charitable Dollars @ Work

The Rotary Club of Prior Lake Announces their Dollars @ Work
Local Donations and Projects Account for the Majority 
Prior Lake, Minn. – On Monday, August 17, 2020, the Rotary Club of Prior Lake released their charitable giving for the Rotary year 2019-2020, which runs from July 1-June 30. The Club, known for their largest fundraiser, the regional event, Prior Lake Rotary’s Lakefront Music Fest, uses the funds raised for the Prior Lake Rotary Foundation to do good in the community and throughout the world. The good is through projects the Club participates in and/or funds, and worthy non-profit organizations the Club contributes to. In total, the charitable giving for the year was $220,767. The chart below breaks down the giving by category. For a full list of the Club’s giving, go to 
Besides the monetary giving, Club members donate countless hours to projects such as being mentors for the S.T.R.I.V.E. program at Bridges Area Learning Center, teaching Junior Achievement in Prior Lake-Savage Area elementary schools, performing cleanup and maintenance in City parks and streets, participating in Cooking for Kids, and assisting with Breakfast with Santa, besides planning and operating the Lakefront Music Fest, which alone requires countless member hours. Said 2019-2020 Club President Dan Stanley, "Club members put in thousands of hours throughout the year for our Music Fest, our major fundraiser, so it is very rewarding when we can see those efforts translated into doing good and making a positive impact in our community and beyond."   
This year, amid COVID-19, the Prior Lake Rotary Club responded significantly by contributing $27,000 to the following organizations to address food insecurity, child care assistance, and technology: CAP Agency ($5,000), Reaching our Community’s Kids or R.O.C.K. ($5,000), River Valley YMCA ($5,000), and Independent School District 719 through distance learning technology and Kids Company scholarships ($12,000). Community partnerships are vital to Prior Lake-Savage Area Schools. Stated Prior Lake-Savage Area Schools Superintendent Dr. Teri Staloch, “Groups like the Prior Lake Rotary Club have been instrumental in lending their time, talents and financial resources to help ensure all students in our community reach their full potential.”
Beyond the Club, members are extremely generous giving to Rotary International’s programs. For the 7th year in a row, the Rotary Club of Prior Lake was #1 in the 5960 Rotary District for contributing to PolioPlus, Rotary International’s initiative to end polio. Individual members gave $33,938. And the Club and its members are perennially #1 in the District in total and per capita giving on an individual basis to The Rotary Foundation, the body that is the engine for all the good done worldwide. The total in 2019-2020 was $48,992, and all Club members contributed to the number. The members know it is not the money given, but the difference those monies make with positively impacting our community and communities across the world.
2019-2020 Charitable Dollars @ Work 2020-08-17 05:00:00Z 0

Prior Lake Rotary's Lakefront Music Fest: They're Back!

Theyyyyyy’re Baaaaack! Prior Lake Rotary's Lakefront Music Fest is excited to announce ALL artists planned for 2020 will be back in 2021! Styx will be headlining July 9, 2021 with 38 Special and Cheap Trick also on stage that night. Lady A will be headlining July 10, 2021 with Jake Owen and Noah Guthrie also performing that night. All tickets purchased already will be valid for 2021 event. Tickets will go on sale at a later date. Stay tuned here and at for more info!
Prior Lake Rotary's Lakefront Music Fest: They're Back! Paul Perez 2020-08-16 05:00:00Z 0

Prior Lake Rotary Giving

The Rotary Club of Prior Lake is pleased to share our charitable giving results for the 2018-2019 Rotary year. The charitable dollars given or used for projects and programs was $197,952.
Prior Lake Rotary Giving 2019-11-04 06:00:00Z 0
Prior Lake Rotary Club Presented $70,680 in Checks to Local Groups! 2019-09-19 05:00:00Z 0

South Metro Networking Rotaract Club Chartering Ceremony

The Prior Lake Rotary Club was proud to participate in the Chartering Ceremony of the South Metro Networking Rotaract Club. The new Rotaract Club is sponsored by the Prior Lake Rotary Club and the Lakeville Rotary Club to give young professionals in the South Metro area an opportunity to learn, socialize, and serve. Their motto is "Networking, with an Impact". For more information or to join please go to
Rotaract Clubs are part of Rotary International and bring together people ages 18-30 to exchange ideas with leaders in the community, develop leadership and professional skills, and have fun through service. There are currently 10,904 Rotaract Clubs worldwide.
South Metro Networking Rotaract Club Chartering Ceremony 2019-09-16 05:00:00Z 0

Prior Lake Rotary Club Helps Kids in the Community Through R.O.C.K.!

The Prior Lake Rotary Club spelled ROCK at its meeting today with food donated to R.O.C.K. which will be used to support students at Bridges Area Learning Center and Prior Lake High School. The club also donated $2,000 to R.O.C.K. to further help their efforts! R.O.C.K. is a local organization whose mission is to meet the basic needs of kids in the community by providing meals and other items, learn more at
Prior Lake Rotary Club Helps Kids in the Community Through R.O.C.K.! 2019-02-20 06:00:00Z 0
Members of Prior Lake Rotary Club Raise $6,363 for Special Olympics MN at Polar Plunge! 2019-02-16 06:00:00Z 0
Prior Lake Rotary Club Sponsors Hole at Ice Golf 2019-02-01 06:00:00Z 0

Short Term Rotary Youth Exchange Students Share their Experiences!

Posted on Sep 06, 2018
Jade Bothun a sophomore at Prior Lake High School and Anna Mertal from Bavaria Germany shared their experience as Short Term Rotary Youth Exchange students. Jade left in July to spend 4 weeks in Germany with Anna's family. Then in early August, Anna and Jade flew back to Minnesota to spend 4 weeks with Jade's family. They visited South Dakota and the Wisconsin Dells during Anna's stay. According to Jan, Jade's mom,  the two girls have had a great time together and their family will miss Anna when she leaves on Friday.
Short Term Rotary Youth Exchange Students Share their Experiences! Joe Dols 2018-09-06 05:00:00Z 0
Prior Lake Rotary Welcomes Youth Exchange Student Espen Deraas! 2018-08-29 05:00:00Z 0
Prior Lake Rotary Club Installs Little Free Libraries in Prior Lake and Savage 2018-08-24 05:00:00Z 0
Youth Exchange Student Lydia Block Arrives in Paraguay Joe Dols 2018-08-09 05:00:00Z 0

Prior Lake Rotary Club Welcomes 3 New Members

Posted on Aug 09, 2018
The Prior Lake Rotary Club welcomed three new members, Jake Johnston, Eric Pratt, and Karen Stanley! The three are pictured below along with their sponsors.
Prior Lake Rotary Club Welcomes 3 New Members 2018-08-09 05:00:00Z 0

Prior Lake Rotary Club Proud to Take Part in Bridges Sr. Recognition Banquet

Prior Lake Rotarians participated in a very inspirational Bridges Senior Recognition Banquet on Monday June 4th at The Wilds. Bridges is the Alternative Learning Center for Prior Lake - Savage School District.  On Monday evening students were recognized for overcoming a variety of obstacles to graduate from high school. Prior Lake Rotary Club sponsors the STRIVE program at Bridges, STRIVE which stands for "Students Taking a Renewed Interest in the Value of Education" provides Rotarian and non-Rotarian mentors to students. Students and their mentors set goals and mentors awarded their students $500 scholarships Monday evening for achieving their goals. The most improved student was awarded $750.
Prior Lake Rotary Club Proud to Take Part in Bridges Sr. Recognition Banquet Joe Dols 2018-06-08 05:00:00Z 0

Prior Lake Rotarians Clean-up County Road 21

Prior Lake Rotarians gathered on May 22nd to help clean-up County Road 21 from County Road 42 to Highway 13 as part of the Adopt-a-Highway program. This is a semi-annual outing for the Rotary club who meet in the spring and fall every year to help keep Prior Lake clean!
Prior Lake Rotarians Clean-up County Road 21 Joe Dols 2018-06-04 05:00:00Z 0
Prior Lake Rotarians Take the Plunge and Raise $4,823! 2018-02-17 06:00:00Z 0

Prior Lake Rotarians Help at The Link - Passageways

Posted on Dec 08, 2017
Twelve members of the Prior Lake Rotary Club helped with painting, cleaning, and organizing at The Link - Passageways in Prior Lake. The Link - Passageways provides emergency shelter and housing for youth who have been victims of sex trafficking.
Prior Lake Rotarians Help at The Link - Passageways Joe Dols 2017-12-08 06:00:00Z 0
Community Member Recognized by Prior Lake Rotary Paul Perez 2017-11-19 06:00:00Z 0

Investing in our Community

Posted on Sep 29, 2017
At this week's meeting Dr. Teri Staloch presented information on the two school funding requests that will be on the November 7th ballot.  
Prior Lake-Savage Area Schools (PLSAS) has a good problem: it is a popular and growing school district. Families have been and continue to move into the district to attend the PLSAS schools, which are known for quality teaching staff, great academics and E-STEM opportunities.. 

Based on extensive analysis of this continued enrollment growth and recommendations from a community-based Facilities Task Force, the School Board approved placing two school funding requests on the November 7 ballot:

Question 1: $109.3M in 20-year bonds to add space for the growing enrollment

    • New elementary school
    • Classroom space and other additions and renovations to several elementary and both middle schools
    • High school additions and renovations including classrooms, expanded cafeteria, increased gym spaces for physical education classes, additional parking lot
    • New Bridges Area Learning Center

Question 2: Renew and increase operating levy to $924 per student for 10 years to fund staff and operations for our growing enrollment

    • Continues existing operating levy that funds current schools and staff
    • Provides additional operating funds needed to hire staff, equip and operate the new schools and spaces in Q1
If both requests are approved by voters, the tax impact on a $300,000 home will be less than $21.50 per month.
For more information please watch this quick video on the district website or attend one of these informational sessions:
Tuesday, October 10, 7:30 PM at Prior Lake High School
Thursday, October 12, 7:00 PM at the District Services Center
All Prior Lake and Savage residents are encouraged to vote.  Polls will be open on Tuesday, November 7, 2017 from 7:00am until 8:00pm. Absentee ballots will be available starting Sept 22. To find your polling location, visit or call (952) 226-0010.
Investing in our Community Bill Zimbinski 2017-09-29 05:00:00Z 0

Ross Bernstein Inspirational Business Speaker

“The Champion’s Code: Building Relationships Through Life Lessons of Integrity and Accountability from the Sports World to the Business World”   

Please Join us August 9th at The Wilds Golf Course

6:00 PM Social Hour

7:00 PM Ross Bernstein Program

The best-selling author of nearly 50 sports books, Ross Bernstein is an award-winning peak performance hall of fame business speaker who's keynoted conferences on five continents and has been featured on CNN, ESPN, Fox News, and “CBS This Morning,” as well as in the Wall Street Journal, New York Times and USA Today.  Ross' program is based on a series of books he wrote in which he was able to interview more than 500 professional athletes and coaches that all had one thing in common — they were all members of championship teams. In his research he concluded that the same metrics and characteristics that were common among champions in sports, were also common in peak performers in business. As he learned, champions have a very unique DNA — and his goal in this keynote session is to get audience members thinking about their own DNA — and about the DIFFERENTIATORS they possess which would ultimately lead customers to CHOOSE to do business with them. At the core of his message is the simple fact that we like to do business with people who we trust, who we like, and who just “get it” — CHAMPIONS. In an engaging, provocative, and visually entertaining style, Ross will use inspirational stories and poignant life lessons from the world of sports to show attendees how to:
 • Create a “culture of excellence” by giving extraordinary customer service… • Generate momentum by utilizing the "currency of karma"...
 • Follow their moral compasses to win "the right way," with respect and integrity...  • Be better leaders and create more "buy-in" by embracing change and failure... • Evolve from "order takers" to "trusted partners" by enhancing the quality of their relationships... 


Cost covered by Prior Lake Rotary Club. Please register at -

Ross Bernstein Inspirational Business Speaker Bill Zimbinski 2017-07-31 05:00:00Z 0

On to Atlanta: Rotarians Attend Rotary Convention

The Prior Lake Rotary Club was well represented at the annual Rotary International Convention held in Atlanta in June. In all, 17 Rotarians and 6 spouses attended this unbelievable and sometimes life-changing event. Attendees (non-Rotarian spouses in parenthesis) included David and Joan Fawcett, Doug and Marlys Gesme, Jack Haugen (Mary), Kyle Haugen (Carrie), Joan Lompart (Brian), Vic Noer (Maria), Paul and Susan Perez, Darcy Rose (John), Don and Edith Schrope, Guy and Mary Selinske, Dan Stanley, and Mary Viereck (Paul). David and Edith are actually members of different Rotary Clubs since the two couples go on snow bird status.
Attendees had so many options during their time in Atlanta. Obviously, the convention was the highlight, and Rotary was front and center. The Georgia World Congress Center was the site of the convention; opening and closing sessions were held there, and that is where each convention day started where various topics were covered. The speakers were incredible including Bill Gates, golf legend Jack Nicklaus, activist and favorite son of Atlanta Andrew Young, and actor Ashton Kutcher. We also heard Rotary International General Secretary John Hewko give a rousing update on the status of Rotary. There were breakout sessions covering numerous topics, and Prior Lake Rotarians came away inspired with great ideas they can bring back to our club and community. The House of Friendship was also held at the Center. Here, there were hundreds of booths covering Rotary programs and specific projects and booths selling items including local vendors. It was an awesome experience seeing Rotarians from around the world and getting to talk to them.
Away from the convention, there were other opportunities to see the city including the Georgia Aquarium, the College Football Hall of Fame, and the National Center for Civil and Human Rights. The host city even set up special events to get a flavor of the city. Some of these included the Zone 28 and 29 night at the World of Coca Cola, Blue Jeans and Blue Grass Festival, and the Women of Rotary held at the Carter Center. Speaking of taste, there was no shortage of restaurants around the hotel and convention center, and Prior Lake Rotarians took advantage of doing some heavy sampling. Despite all that was going on, there were plenty of opportunities for club members to get together to enjoy the friendship of each other.     
Among the attendees were some first-timers. Said long-time member Joan Lompart, “It was amazing to see all the countries represented at the convention in all of their traditional clothing. I saw outfits from Nigeria, Thailand, Mexico, West Africa, Brazil, and Argentina that were truly gorgeous. 
This was my first International Convention, to see the difference a group can make in the eradication of polio was another highlight! With the Gates Foundation pledging their continued support; it is exciting that we will see this debilitating disease eliminated in our lifetimes. 
Andrew Young, a humanist from Martin Luther King's era, was a dynamic speaker with much wisdom. It was also great spending more social time with members of our club and getting more acquainted.” 
This was also Dan Stanley’s first Convention. He said two things struck him. (First) “The reach of Rotary is very apparent when you attend the Rotary International Convention, you have doers from all over the world and from numerous cultures present at the convention.  It makes you realize that when an initiative is conceived by Rotarians it is quickly and efficiently disseminated around the world without the political drag and inefficiencies of working through governments. PolioPlus (program) is a great example of an idea conceived by Rotarians and put in action where it is needed and the successes of this effort speak for themselves. (Second) For me it was very uplifting to see that Rotarians can work so well together despite the seemingly large divisions there are in our current times; it gives you hope for better things in our lives.  It only served to validate my involvement with Rotary, I know that my time and giving are going to the proper group!” 
The 2018 Rotary International Convention will be held in Toronto, and there are already several Prior Lake Rotarians registered to go. On to Toronto!
On to Atlanta: Rotarians Attend Rotary Convention  2017-07-10 05:00:00Z 0

Rotary Club Seeks Sculpture

Over the past year, the Prior Lake Rotary Club, in partnership with the City of Prior Lake, has made many improvements to Rotary Gateway Park including two newly planted rain gardens, a water feature, a pergola, a rock wall, and most recently a new sculpture display.  We are currently looking for community involvement from a local artist to create a sculpture that reflects the spirit of Prior Lake. The selected artist will receive $2,000 donated by Prior Lake Rotary, recognition from the city council, and publicity in the city’s newsletter, the Wavelength.
Rotary Gateway Park is located at 4666 Dakota Street SE and the sculpture display is towards the back of the park.  The sculpture display platform is a large limestone boulder, which will have a stainless-steel display table to attach the sculpture.
Artists or contractors who are interested in submitting proposals for the sculpture can submit them to the City of Prior Lake at City Hall, 4646 Dakota Street SE, Prior Lake, MN 55372, on behalf of the Prior Lake Rotary Club, until August 7, 2017.  A full request for proposal is available by emailing the Prior Lake Rotary Club at .
Rotary Club Seeks Sculpture Bill Zimbinski 2017-06-28 05:00:00Z 0

Rotarians Participate in Inspirational Bridges Sr. Recognition Banquet

Nine Prior Lake Rotarians participated in a very inspirational Bridges Senior Recognition Banquet on Thursday June 1st at Fong's. Students were recognized for overcoming a variety of obstacles to graduate from high school. There were many great and funny stories shared along with many tears and hugs. Bridges is the Alternative Learning Center for Prior Lake - Savage School District. The nine Rotarians are mentors in the STRIVE program at Bridges along with five non-rotarian mentors who were also present. The STRIVE program is supported by the Prior Lake Rotary Club. The mentors also awarded their students $500 scholarships for achieving goals in the program. The most improved student was awarded $750.
Rotarians Participate in Inspirational Bridges Sr. Recognition Banquet Joe Dols 2017-06-05 05:00:00Z 0

Interact's Night-In-A-Box

The Prior Lake High School Interact Club, sponsored by the Prior Lake Rotary Club, had a successful  "Night-in-a-Box" fundraising event on Thursday, May 25 at Prior Lake High School. ShelterBox was the beneficiary of the fundraiser, and a partner in the event.  ShetlerBox Ambassador and board member Greg Krauska was in attendance talking about the organization and conducted activities for the Interactors. In all, 16 Interactors slept in boxes overnight, and they exceeded their goal of raising $2,500 by raising over $3,700! That is enough to purchase 3 ShelterBox boxes that will be sent to areas suffering natural disasters or other humanitarian crisis. 
Interact's Night-In-A-Box 2017-05-29 05:00:00Z 0

Reaching a Milestone

The Rotary Club of Prior Lake recently achieved a milestone. Through fundraisers like Prior Lake Rotary’s Lakefront Music Fest, the club has been able to give generously. But that generosity goes beyond the club level to the individual members of the club. Members have given more than $500,000 ($504,391 actual) to The Rotary Foundation (TRF). The Foundation is the charitable arm of Rotary International whose money is used for projects and programs. This is a special year for The Rotary Foundation as it celebrates its centennial anniversary.
Although the Rotary Club of Prior Lake is in its 38th year, the giving to TRF has seen unprecedented leaps in the last 5 years. In those 5 years, individuals have given $131,739. Not coincidentally, the Club’s current Foundation Director, Paul Hofslien, took over in 2012. Paul, a member of over 22 years and past club president, has led the Foundation committee that educates members and collects pledges to the Foundation. The club is perennially in the top tier in the District in per member giving. This year, both the total dollars and the per capita giving are new high thresholds for the club.
About the accomplishment, Paul said, “Passing this level of giving is a huge milestone.  It shows the generosity that our club members have.  They want to help make the world a better place.  I am very proud to be associated with such people.” When asked what his focus has been since he took over the Foundation committee, Paul stated, “Two main things: to educate members of all the good The Rotary Foundation does in the world, and to increase the level of giving to the foundation by members by making the members feel pride in giving their money.  They know that the money they give is being used wisely.”
Paul has taken his experience, knowledge, and passion for The Rotary Foundation to the District level as the Fund Development Committee Chair. The main goal of the committee is to encourage Rotarians throughout the District to make The Rotary Foundation their charity of choice. And there is good reason for that: TRF is a highly lauded non-profit organization when it comes to financial oversight and transparency.  It has been placed at or near the top by numerous non-profit watchdogs including Charity Navigator. In fact, 91% of the funds are spent directly on programs.
Of all the dollars given by the District to The Foundation, 50% of the dollars come back to the District in three years to be used for projects and programs. Prior Lake Rotary has used these dollars over the years including the first international project that was initiated in the 1994-1995 Rotary year for an irrigation project in Chimbote, Peru. Rotary Foundation dollars have also been used for other local and international projects like starting the STRIVE program in the school district, the Gateway Park to Lakefront Park, and digging wells in The Gambia. Said Prior Lake Rotarian Guy Selinske, who has initiated some of these projects and serves as a mentor on the District’s Grant Subcommittee, "Using Foundation dollars is a great way for Rotary clubs to leverage their funds and to engage in projects they otherwise would not have the wherewithal to take on.  In some cases, the club can put up as little as $8,000 and that can translate into $36,000 for grants and projects."
Paul Hofslien is in his 5th year as the Club's Foundation Director
Reaching a Milestone 2017-05-23 05:00:00Z 0

Welcoming New Friends

The GSE team from Australia and Timor Leste left us this weekend. What an awesome experience for everyone involved! The team consisted of team leader Ainsle and group members Graciana, Yogish, Anna, Ignacia, and Laura. It was a busy three days including presenting at our meeting on Wednesday, visiting the Mall of America, touring US Bank Stadium, touring Seagate, touring SMSC operations including Mystic Lake Casino, horse races at Canterbury Park, and the social on Prior Lake at the Lompart's.  And then there was karaoke at TJ Hooligans. Here's how the night ended as told by Rotarian Kyle Haugen: 
It's about 2 a.m., and there's usually not a good reason to be up at this point. Instead, I just closed down a karaoke bar with a bunch of Australians singing "Hey Jude" at the top of our lungs. Yet another reason why #Rotary is such a great organization. I'm so glad that I've been able to spend the last few days with our Group Study Exchange team here in Prior Lake. They're great people who are going to help us as Rotarians make a difference for years to come!

At Canterbury Park

And another Rotarian Harry Algyer summed up his GSE experience:

I was struck by a thought that likely is common sense to most people. A few short days ago I didn't even know where Timor Leste was. Now through our district sponsoring the Timor / Australian GSE team and our club having the team with us for a few days I not only know where Timor Leste is but I have friends there. The world just got a little smaller and friendlier.

At the Mall of America

Dinner at the Lompart's on Prior Lake after a pontoon boat ride

Welcoming New Friends 2017-05-07 05:00:00Z 0

An Amazing Mystery Trip

The annual Mystery Trip was held on Saturday, April 22. We had a total of 58 Rotarians, spouses, and friends of Rotarians join in the fun. We started out with a tour of the Wabasha Street caves, followed by a layover at the Summit Brewery in St. Paul. Our final stop was to the ultimate man cave where we enjoyed a phenomenal private concert with the Prairie Dog Fight Club Band, with Prior Lake Rotarian Dave Card on drums. We ended the night with some pretty amazing karaoke. Thank you also to The Pointe for catering the event. 
At the Riff Factory in Richfield
An Amazing Mystery Trip 2017-04-30 05:00:00Z 0

A Foundation Giving-Kinda Couple

The Rotary Foundation

This couple, President Doug Gesme and Marlys Gesme, continues to make The Rotary Foundation their charity of choice. Both received Paul Harris Fellows +2. Above Foundation Director Paul Hofslien presents Doug his pin. Below, Marlys accepts her pin.
A Foundation Giving-Kinda Couple 2017-04-02 05:00:00Z 0

Rotarian in the Spotlight

Jenni Krosnowski in the Rotarian Spotlight. She is the owner of the Twisted Loop Yarn Shop in Prior Lake, is an active member of ROCK (Reaching Our Community's Kids), and has been a member of Rotary for just over a year. So why is Jenni a Rotarian? Because she has been on both ends of service receiving when growing up, and now volunteering for ROCK. Her mom taught her 'we need to be of service.' When Jenni came to a meeting to receive a check for ROCK, she felt welcomed and liked different aspects of our meeting. Says Jenni, "I never come here and feel like I'm not valued." Thanks for all you do Jenni!  
Rotarian in the Spotlight 2017-03-19 05:00:00Z 0

Lakefront Music Fest Kicks Off

This year's kick-off party for the 8th annual Prior Lake Rotary's Lakefront Music Fest was held on March 7 at
Mystic Lake Casino's Grand Ballroom. Hundreds of attendees came out for the party, which included the Shaw
Brothers winding the crowd up. Mike "Muss" Mussman from K102 was the emcee, and SMSC Chairman Charlie
Vig presented the Club with a check as exclusive presenting partner. The crowd got excited when the country
headliner, Billy Currington, was announced.
Our exclusive presenting partner for the 8th year - the Shakopee Mdewakanton Sioux Community
(From left to right: Chairman Charlie Vig, Event Co-Chair Guy Selinske, and Event Co-Chair Darcy Rose)
Lakefront Music Fest Kicks Off 2017-03-12 06:00:00Z 0

New Member Inducted!

Jessica Block was inducted as our newest member at the March 1 Club meeting. Jessica's classification/vocation is sales, marketing, and business management, and she is a Commercial Account Executive for Mediacom. Jessica is involved in the Prior Lake Chamber of Commerce, and she is "greatly involved with the Carver-Scott Humane Society." Jessica found out about Rotary through volunteering for Prior Lake Rotary's Lakefront Music Fest, and continued to hear about Rotary through community events. Welcome Jessica!   
Jessica Block (right) with her sponsor and mentor Susan Perez (left)
Jessica and Susan joined by President Elect Vic Noer and Membership Co-Director Deb Severson  
New Member Inducted! 2017-03-05 06:00:00Z 0

A Roaring Good Time!

Posted on Feb 28, 2017
And it was... A Roaring Good Time! Prior Lake Rotarians and guests took the Roaring 20's theme to heart and dressed the part! The 16th annual fundraising event was held on February 18, at Mystic Lake Casino's Hotels Grand Ballroom. There were live and silent auctions, and Steve Millar and Diamondhead provided entertainment that got attendees out on the dance floor all night. All proceeds from the event, 100%, will go to fund the Club's giving, projects, and programs both locally and throughout the world.
Attendees came dressed to party and have a good time for a good cause.
Attendees enjoyed a wonderful meal.
A Roaring Good Time! 2017-02-28 06:00:00Z 0

Plunging for Special Olympics MN

On a blustery February on a Minnesota lake... Okay so it was in the 50s. But the Prior Lake Rotarians participating in the Polar Plunge for Special Olympics MN would tell you the water was plenty cold! Six Rotarians and our Youth Exchange Student Peang, along with his host dad Tom, all plunged in and made it out on the other side. As a team, Prior Lake Rotary raised $3,893, which placed us 6th overall for any team! 
Host dad Tom Rykken, Paul Hofslien, Manny Perez, Doug Scalia, Paul Perez, Guy Selinske, HarryAlgyer, and Peang in the forefront.
Because of everyone who jumped, and from the generous pledges, we will give more than 8,100 athletes the opportunity to participate in the Athlete Leadership and Healthy Athletes Programs, work at the Special Olympics Minnesota state office, and best of all, train and compete in a variety of sports all year.
Plunging for Special Olympics MN 2017-02-28 06:00:00Z 0

Prior Lake Rotary Takes the Plunge

Posted on Feb 19, 2017
Prior Lake Rotarians gathered at Sandpoint Beach on Saturday, February 18, to to take the plunge for Special Olympics Minnesota in the Polar Plunge. The 50 degree plus weather did not warn up the lake. Rotarians Harry Algyer, Paul Hofslien, Manny Perez, Paul Perez, Doug Scalia, and Guy Selinske, and Youth Exchange Student Peang (Kittiphum Thanomthin) along with his host dad Tom Rykken, jumped as a team. Overall the team raised $3,793, which placed us 6th overall for any team! Thank you to everyone who sponsored us! Your pledges will give more than 8,100 athletes the opportunity to participate in the Athlete Leadership and Healthy Athletes Programs, work at the Special Olympics Minnesota state office, and best of all, train and compete in a variety of sports all year. 
Pre-plunge gathering.
A before photo of the team.
Prior Lake Rotary Takes the Plunge 2017-02-19 06:00:00Z 0

Welcoming Wade!

This week we welcomed our newest member - Wade Rabenhorst! Wade moved back to Minnesota a few years ago after living in Las Vegas for 20 years. He wanted to get involved with service in the community. According to Wade, "I attended the Lakefront Music Fest and witnessed what a wonderful event that the Rotary put on for the community and I thought to myself, 'That's the perfect organization to get involved with,' where it has a big footprint and does a lot for this community." Welcome Wade!
Bill Zimbinski (left) is Wade's sponsor. Membership Co-Director Deb Severson (right) inducted Wade into the Prior Lake Rotary membership.
Welcoming Wade! 2017-02-08 06:00:00Z 0

Funnest Meeting!

Posted on Jan 29, 2017
Dannon Hulskotter, Minnesota Viking's VP of Marketing and Fan Engagement, and Prior Lake resident, presented to the Club last week. He shared what was planned for Winter Fest coming to Prior Lake February 16-28. But before that, he shared this with the members in attendance: "This is my first Rotary Club meeting ever. I gotta say, I speak to alot groups throughout the year; this is by far the funnest meeting I have ever been to." That is why members get up early every Wednesday. We have FUN!
Funnest Meeting! 2017-01-29 06:00:00Z 0

Giving to The Rotary Foundation

Posted on Jan 29, 2017
Recently we celebrated Bill Zimbiski's first Paul Harris Fellow award for donating to the Rotary Foundation, and his Paul Harris +1! Foundation Director Paul Hofslien takes special pleasure in giving out the initial Paul Harris Fellow. 
So what is The Rotary Foundation? The Rotary Foundation transforms your gifts into projects that change lives both close to home and around the world. As the charitable arm of Rotary, we tap into a global network of Rotarians who invest their time, money, and expertise into our priorities, such as eradicating polio and promoting peace. Foundation grants empower Rotarians to approach challenges such as poverty, illiteracy, and malnutrition with sustainable solutions that leave a lasting impact.
Giving to The Rotary Foundation 2017-01-29 06:00:00Z 0

Rotarian in the Spotlight

Last Week's Rotarian in the Spotlight: Jack Haugen

How long have you been a Rotarian? Rotarian since 1979 with a three year leave 1983-85.

Who was your sponsor? Real estate agent and city councilman named Bill Bissonett

Why did you join Rotary? Was honored to be invited as a young 28 year old and was excited to join one of the most significant service organizations in the world.

What is your vocation? Agent and registered representative providing insurance and financial services to clients in the south metro area

What do you do in your spare time? Spend lots of time with family, especially with three young grand-children! Enjoy golfing, hiking, kayaking, traveling, and am a big Wolves, Gophers, and Twins fan!

Thank you, Jack, for all that you do on behalf of Rotary!

Rotarian in the Spotlight 2017-01-08 06:00:00Z 0

Paul Harris Fellow Recognition

Rod Ammerman was recently thanked and recognized for reaching a Paul Harris Fellow +4 for giving to The Rotary Foundation (TRF). A Paul Harris is achieved by giving cumulatively $1,000 to The Foundation, and then for each $1,000 given after that. TRF is the engine that drives many of the Rotary projects and programs locally and throughout the world. Thank you, Rod!
Rod (left) receives his pin from Foundation Director Paul Hofslien. 
Paul Harris Fellow Recognition 2017-01-01 06:00:00Z 0

A Season of Giving

Earlier this month, Joe Vaughan President and CEO of the CAP Agency stopped by our meeting to accept a donation from the Community Service committee. The money was used to help families in need during the holidays.
Photo: Joe Vaughan (left) receives the check from Bill Zimbinski.
A Season of Giving 2016-12-28 06:00:00Z 0


From David Brown, ALC Coordinator
Bridges Area Learning Center
The kids were absolutely BEAMING with joy after lunch today!  Your thoughtful gifts and more importantly the care and support you have provided is creating a core group of students so well connected to school that others are noticing and being positively affected!
I have said this a couple of times this year and really want to emphasize how great this year's group is - both students and mentors!  I can see that
through your mentorship you are having a real and meaningful impact on a young person's life.  You are helping us to fulfill our district mission of
educating all learners to reach their full potential as contributing and productive members of an ever-changing global society.  

Thanks for all you are doing, your time and energy for our students! 
STRIVE Update 2016-12-26 06:00:00Z 0

Celebrating the Holidays

Posted on Dec 11, 2016
Last Thursday, 75 guests made up of Rotarians and family members, including a few tiny tots, gathered at Lakefront Park Pavilion for some holiday cheer. Santa even showed up for the Club's annual Christmas Party. Our FUN Committee outdid themselves!
Members socializing
Santa making the rounds
Part of the FUN Committee relaxing after working hard in the kitchen
Celebrating the Holidays 2016-12-11 06:00:00Z 0

A Roaring Good Time

Posted on Dec 11, 2016
Recently the Gala Committee kicked off the 2017 event, "A Roaring Good Time!" The event is scheduled for February 18 at Mystic Lake Casino Hotel. The committee changed it's structure to ensure this year's event is the most successful ever! And with the roaring 20's as the theme, it's sure to be fun! Ticket information is coming shortly.  
Gala Committee members in character at the kick-off meeting: (From left to right) Sandy Kaul, Dave Card, Bill Schult,  Steve Millar, Mary Viereck, Katy Uzpen, Mary Selinske, and Wendy Hirschey.
A Roaring Good Time 2016-12-11 06:00:00Z 0

Giving to The Foundation

Chad Rittenour was recognized at last week's meeting with a Paul Harris Fellow +8. Why does Chad give to The Rotary Foundation? Because he trusts The Foundation; he trusts that they will use the money the best way possible.
Chad (left) received a thank you from Foundation Director Paul Hofslien
Giving to The Foundation 2016-12-04 06:00:00Z 0

Centennial Foundation Celebration

On November 12, Rotary District 5960 held their Rotary Foundation Centennial Celebration in St. Paul. Prior Lake Rotary was well represented with 10 Rotarians and 4 spouses/significant others. Our Youth Exchange Student Peang was there as well. The Club was recognized as 2nd highest in per capita giving to The Rotary Foundation and 1st in giving to PolioPlus for the 2015-2016 Rotary year. Not pictured is Kyle Haugen, District Governor Elect, who served as emcee. 
(Pictured from left to right) Jack and Mary Haugen (forefront), Jill and Paul Hofslien, Diane and Joe Dols, Guy Selinske, and Susan Perez. 
(Pictured from left to right) Angela Eifert, Peang (Exchange Student), Jim Coan, Deb Severson, Marlys and Doug Gesme.
Centennial Foundation Celebration 2016-11-23 06:00:00Z 0

Marlyis Gesme - Rotarian in the Spotlight

Let's get to know about last week's Rotarian in the Spotlight, Marlys Gesme.
How long have you been a Rotarian?  Since March 2014.
Who was your sponsor?  My husband Doug Gesme.
Why did you join Rotary?  I was lucky to have Doug in the club for a while longer than me. I saw what the club was doing and wanted to be a part of it.
What is your vocation?  Divisional Lending Manager, VP at Wells Fargo.
What do you do in your spare time?   Spending time with my family, boating, kayaking, and home improvements!!
Marlys is a current co-director of the Club Service committee.
Marlyis Gesme - Rotarian in the Spotlight 2016-11-20 06:00:00Z 0

Spotlight on Bob Gilbert

Last week's Rotarian in the Spotlight is Bob Gilbert.

How long have you been a Rotarian?   5 1/2 years 

Who was your sponsor?  Sheri Johnston

Why did you join Rotary?  To meet community leaders and to become more involved with the community

What is your vocation?  Realtor with Edina Realty

What do you do in your spare time?  Golf, play guitar and drums, boating, pottery, flying/aviation

Bob Gilbert, a real renaissance man!

Spotlight on Bob Gilbert 2016-11-14 06:00:00Z 0

Kids Vote - Election 2016

On election night last Tuesday, Prior Lake High School Interactors helped Prior Lake Rotarians cover two precincts for PLSAS Community Education's Kids Vote. The precincts were Prior Lake Baptist Church and Credit River Township Town Hall. A total of 10 Interactors and 3 Rotarians participated. Michelle Jirik and Susan Perez coordinated and participated in this service project. The Prior Lake Rotary Club has helped with Kids Voting for a number of years. This year,  1,444 students voted at the Kids Voting polling places at our local precincts.   
Youth Exchange Student and Interactor Peang worked with Rotarian Paul Perez at the Prior Lake Baptist precinct
Two Interactors, Allayna Lotto and Jessie McElwain, also helped at the Prior Lake Baptist Church precinct
Kids Vote - Election 2016 2016-11-14 06:00:00Z 0

The Prior Lake Rotary Witches Return

Last week the "Witches" took over our meeting with some awesome Halloween-themed games! As always, Rotarians competed fiercely. We raised $200 for PolioPlus with a cookie sales - cookies provided by Mary Selinske. We love our witches!
Witches, witches everywhere!
Teri Staloch and Sandy Kaul!
President Doug Gesme holds court over the witches.
The Prior Lake Rotary Witches Return 2016-10-30 05:00:00Z 0

First-Time Paul Harris Awardee

A big "Thank You" to Susan Perez from The Rotary Foundation (TRF) for achieving her first Paul Harris Award for donating to to TRF! And why do Susan and her husband and fellow Prior Lake Rotarian Paul donate to The Foundation? Because of all the great work done locally and internationally through The Foundation, and because they know they money will be put to good use.
Prior Lake Rotary's Foundation Committee Director Paul Hofslien presents Susan with a certificate and pin.
First-Time Paul Harris Awardee 2016-10-22 05:00:00Z 0

Spotlight On... John Fawcett

Posted on Oct 22, 2016

Current snowbird Joan Fawcett was recently the Rotarian in the Spotlight

How long have you been a Rotarian? Eight years. I joined Rotary in June 2008

Who was your sponsor? Jennifer Deschaine

Why did you join Rotary? I joined Rotary to network with the Prior Lake community as part of my position as Associate Development Director at St. Francis Foundation.

What is your vocation? I retired three years ago from a successful and rewarding career in the nonprofit world. I served at the local, state, and national levels in all capacities raising millions of funds to support a variety of nonprofit organizations and their missions ranging from women and girls to individuals with disabilities and their families and to healthcare needs.

What do you do in your spare time? I enjoy volunteering and community service through Rotary, the sport of golf, geocaching and participating in the world’s largest treasure hunt, genealogy family research , traveling, and reading.

Thank you, Joan, for all you do for Prior Lake Rotary!

Spotlight On... John Fawcett 2016-10-22 05:00:00Z 0

Giving to Laker Educational Foundation

Posted on Oct 09, 2016
The Prior Lake Rotary Club recently continued their sponsorship of the Laker Educational Foundation (LEF) with a $1,000 contribution. LEF, a community-based group, provides funds for activities that are beyond the scope of traditionally supported school activities. The Foundation, which began in 2005, has disbursed over $292,000to students, teaching staff, and community members.
Community Service committee member John Parrish presents the check to Laker Educational Foundation President Lori Frank.
Giving to Laker Educational Foundation 2016-10-09 05:00:00Z 0

Spotlight on... Dave Card

This week's Rotarian in the Spotlight: Dave Card

How long have you been a Rotarian? 14 years

Who was your sponsor? Joleen Sharp

Why did you join Rotary? I initially joined Rotary looking for business networking opportunities. But what I actually found was an active group of individuals with a get-stuff-done approach to projects and having fun. I very much enjoy the camaraderie and vibrancy of our club.

What is your vocation? I am currently a self-employed software consultant specializing in the implementation of Enterprise Software, project management and process improvement. The first twelve years of my professional career were spent working as a mechanical engineer in design and manufacturing management and included a three year stint helping to run a manufacturing plant in Chatellerault, France.

What do you do in your spare time? Spending time with family and friends is a priority. But when it’s me time, I love music and playing drums with my band Prairie Dog Fight Club. I also really enjoy sailing and plan to sail across oceans someday.

Dave is also one of the founders of the Lakefront Jazz and Blues Fest, which has become Prior Lake Rotary's Lakefront Music Fest. Thank you, Dave, for all that you do on behalf of Prior Lake Rotary!

Spotlight on... Dave Card 2016-10-05 05:00:00Z 0

Prior Lake Rotary at Zone Event

Posted on Oct 02, 2016
Past, present, and future District Governors, young professionals, and other Rotary leaders of Zones 28 and 29 and beyond met in Cleveland this past week for training, friendship opportunities, and plenty of inspiration through spectacular speakers. Prior Lake Rotarians Paul Perez (emerging leader), Deb Severson (2017-2018 District Training Chair), and Kyle Haugen (2017-2018 District Governor - 5960) were in attendance. 5960 District Governor Elect Kyle Haugen was introduced with his 2017-2018 class on Friday night. 
Kyle and Carrie Haugen with RI President Elect Ian Riseley and his wife Juliet. — at Renaissance Cleveland Hotel.
Prior Lake Rotarians Paul Perez, Deb Severson, and Kyle Haugen
Prior Lake Rotary at Zone Event 2016-10-02 05:00:00Z 0

Gateway Park Maintenance Project

Posted on Oct 02, 2016
Last week Prior Lake Rotarians and Prior Lake High School Interactors joined together to do maintenance and planting at the Rotary Gateway Park. The park was constructed by the City in 2005 with contributions made by Prior Lake Rotary. 
Rotarians Bill Zimbiski, Max Moser, Chad Rittenour, and Mark Elliott.
Jim Gilbertson (grey sweatshirt) lead the maintenance project. 
Prior Lake High School Interactors with City employee Pete. 
Gateway Park Maintenance Project 2016-10-02 05:00:00Z 0

Choose Not To Use

Last week Scott County Attorney Ron Hocevar and PLPD Police Chief Mark Elliott, both Prior Lake Rotarians, spoke to members about the Southwest Metro Drug Task Force, programs Choose Not to Use and Take It To the Box, and the Scott County Drug Court. The Drug Court aim? To break the cycle of crime and addiction by providing high risk and high need offenders a multidisciplinary strategic response consisting of treatment, support, and legal accountability.
Choose Not To Use 2016-09-25 05:00:00Z 0

"Wish You Were Here!"

The Scott County Historical Society recently had their grand opening for the “Wish you were here! Tourism in Scott County” exhibit. The exhibit will be up for about 2 years. The Prior Lake Rotary Club donated $1,500 to the Scott County Historical Society which paid for the map of the lake and the iPad.
The exhibit.
Corey and Shelly Stich and Shelly and Ted McWilliams, represented the Prior Lake Rotary at the grand opening.
"Wish You Were Here!" 2016-09-25 05:00:00Z 0

STRIVE Program at Bridges ALC

The STRIVE program at Bridges Alternative Learning Center was front and center recently at a Club meeting. STRIVE, which stands for Students Taking a Renewed Interest In the Value of Education, is gearing up for another season. The program matches students with adult mentors, many of whom are Prior Lake Rotarians. STRIVE Co-Chairs Cindy Shepard and Max Moser and Bridges ALC Coordinator Dave Brown spoke about the program and the need for mentors. As Dave stated, "(These students) know they have issues and they are kids that want to progress forward. But there are things in their lives, there's stuff going on." He stated mentors help them process this and help figure things out so they can move forward. Training is provided to prospective mentors. 
Dave Brown addresses the Rotarians.
Max Moser discusses who can be a mentor as Cindy Shepard looks on.
STRIVE Program at Bridges ALC 2016-09-18 05:00:00Z 0

Spotlight on... Frank Boyles

Rotarian in the Spotlight: Frank Boyles

How long have you been a Rotarian? I really don't know how long. 15 or 20 years?

Who was your sponsor? Former Police Chief Dick Powell.

Why did you join Rotary? Originally because it was expected for the job to meet and work with prominent business people. Now because it is fun most of the time and a way to give back.

What is your vocation? Government.

What are your avocations? Walk, read, work on the houses and yards, make repairs and installations for my kids, go to the cabin, go to college and pro football games, boat, announce girl's hockey for cable TV, enjoy time with my wife, mom, kids, and grandkids.

Spotlight on... Frank Boyles 2016-09-10 05:00:00Z 0

THE Rotary Foundation

The Rotary Foundation has received the highest possible score from Charity Navigator, an independent evaluator of charities in the U.S.

In the most recent ratings, released on 1 September, The Rotary Foundation earned the maximum 100 points for both financial health and accountability and transparency.

The ratings reflect how efficiently Charity Navigator believes the Foundation will use donations, how well it has sustained programs and services, and its level of commitment to good governance and openness.

In the previous rating, the Foundation had received 97 points.


THE Rotary Foundation 2016-09-10 05:00:00Z 0

Spotlight on Adam Blahnik

Posted on Sep 05, 2016
Adam Blahnik was recently the Rotarian in the spotlight.
How long have you been a member? 7 years.
Who was your sponsor? Deno Howard
What is your vocation: Owns Blahnik Law Offices with offices in Prior Lake and Lonsdale.
What are your avocations? Adam was a Past Club President (2012-2013); he's been away but looking at getting engaged again. Adam's also an avid gardener of vegetables, edible perennials, and He is currently training for the Twin Cities Marathon.
Welcome back to Rotary, Adam!
Spotlight on Adam Blahnik 2016-09-05 05:00:00Z 0

A "Major" Recognition

Posted on Sep 05, 2016
Congratulations and "Thank You" to Deb Severson who was recently recognized as a Major Donor of The Rotary Foundation. Major Donor designation is given to someone that donates $10,000 cumulatively to The Rotary Foundation. Foundation Director Paul Hofslien presented Deb with a crystal recognition piece and Major Donor pendant.    So why does Deb choose to give to TRF? "When I first started in Rotary 25 years ago, there wasn't a lot said about The Foundation in terms of giving, but we got to reap the benefits." She gave examples of seeing people receive scholarships, the ability to dig wells, and Rotarians who were able to go on exchanges to other countries. Deb states, "and that was pretty cool," to see what one dollar can do over time. "It's amazing. Everybody can do this. It's just one dollar at a time." Thanks again, Deb. The Foundation is the engine of all the good Rotary International does, and it happens because of people like you.
Deb with Paul Hofslien
A "Major" Recognition 2016-09-05 05:00:00Z 0

Welcoming Another Member

Posted on Aug 28, 2016
We inducted another member this week. Welcome Wendy Hirschi! She was sponsored by Jim Gilberstson. After the induction, Wendy told the Club a little bit about herself. She's lived most of her life in Minnesota. Wendy went to school to become a teacher, and went to graduate school for special education. She has a 12-year old daughter. "I am very honored to join you guys. Everyone is so friendly and warm. I am astonished with everything you do (as a Club)!" 
Membership Director Deb Severson (l), Wendy Hirschi (m), and Jim Gilbertson (r). 
Wendy receiving her Rotary pin.
Welcoming Another Member 2016-08-28 05:00:00Z 0

Welcoming Our Rotary Exchange Student

We had the honor of welcoming our new inbound foreign exchange student Kittipoom (Peang) from Thailand! Peang presented our Club with many gifts, of which included a Rotary flag from his home club! We are very excited to welcome him into our Club, and we hope he enjoys his year in Minnesota!
Peang presents a flag to President Doug Gesme.
Welcoming Our Rotary Exchange Student 2016-08-21 05:00:00Z 0

Our Newest Paul Harris Fellow

Posted on Aug 21, 2016
Recently, Prior Lake Rotarian Katy Uzpen was presented with her first Paul Harris Fellow for donating to The Rotary Foundation! Thank you Katy for your continued support of Rotary and the foundation!
Katy with Foundation Director Paul Hofslien.
Katy tells the Club why she gives to The Foundation Director.
Our Newest Paul Harris Fellow 2016-08-21 05:00:00Z 0

Rotarian in the Spotlight - Steven Block

Posted on Aug 21, 2016

Steven Block was recently our Rotarian in the Spotlight.

How long have you been a Rotarian? 18 months.

Who was your sponsor? Dan Stanley

Why did you join Rotary? With my four kids grown I needed a volunteer opportunity that would allow me to give back to the community.

What is your vocation? I have two jobs. I am the Market President for Great Western Bank in the Twin Cities. I have also been a financial advisor for the last 16 years, and with Raymond James for the last five years.

What do you do in your spare time? Life experiences from scuba diving to skydiving and everything in between...backpacking, climbing, canoeing , camping. I enjoy lake life with family and friends, grandchildren, playing hockey, golf, tennis, hunting and shooting, motorcycle and convertible rides, theatre, watching movies and almost any sport...and traveling with my wife of 24 years!


Rotarian in the Spotlight - Steven Block 2016-08-21 05:00:00Z 0

Prior Lake Rotary Ambassador Anthony Perez

Posted on Aug 14, 2016
Rotary Youth Exchange Student Anthony Perez shared his experience in Brandenburg an der Havel, Germany with the Club a couple weeks ago as our program speaker. As a participant in one of Rotary International's many programs, Anthony becomes a Rotary Alumni. Thank you for being an awesome ambassador! 
Anthony is the son of Prior Lake Rotarians Paul and Susan Perez
Prior Lake Rotary Ambassador Anthony Perez 2016-08-14 05:00:00Z 0

Spotlight on Tim Bell

Posted on Aug 14, 2016
Tim Bell was recently celebrated as the Rotarian in the Spotlight. Here is more about Tim.
How long have you been a Rotarian? 5 years I think. (actually over 7 years) 
Who was your sponsor? Greg Kes
Why did you join Rotary? I had been working with the DARE bike-a-thon for several years and always wondered what the rest of Rotary was all about.  Greg Kes, Kyle Haugen, and Mitch Popple met with me to discuss the “rest of the story” and I became convinced that Rotary matched well with what I wanted to focus on - doing good things for our community, our youth, and with global issues that benefit the global family. The initiatives that Rotary was and continues to be involved in are things which are near and dear to my heart.
What is your vocation? I am the principal at Five Hawks Elementary in Prior Lake and have had the honor of going to school here going on 15 years.  I see my vocation as reaching every student every day in some positive way or another.
What do you do in your spare time? Some may say “what spare time” and I would disagree.  I have the two greatest grandchildren that live 25 minutes away and I get to see them often at ball games, dance recitals, and just to visit.
I do also love to cook, golf, and spend time with my wife (she may disagree but she has stayed married to me for 38 years this August!)
Thank you, Tim, for all you do for Prior Lake Rotary and the greater community!
Spotlight on Tim Bell 2016-08-14 05:00:00Z 0

Celebrating Lakefront Days

Posted on Aug 07, 2016
Prior Lake Rotary and Rotarians celebrated and participated in Lakefront Days this past week.
Wednesday we constructed the float at the Lakefront storage for the parade.
Thursday we had a booth at the Business Expo and Wine Tasting at Lakefront Park.
Celebrating Lakefront Days 2016-08-07 05:00:00Z 0

Prior Lake Rotary is... FUN!

Posted on Jul 31, 2016
Rotary 5960 District Governor Jim Hunt presented to our Club last week. In advance, he asked Prior Lake Rotarians to answer the following question: What 3 words (or short 2 to 3 word phrases) would you use to describe Rotary? He put the answers into a word cloud. The results confirmed what we already knew - we have a great deal of FUN! Rotary International proclaims August as Membership Month - a great time to bring in guests and introduce them to Prior Lake Rotary each Wednesday at 7 a.m. at The Wilds. Doing Good; Serious Fun! 
Prior Lake Rotary is... FUN! 2016-07-31 05:00:00Z 0

Prior Lake Rotary's Lakefront Music Fest 2016

Posted on Jul 19, 2016
Throngs of Music Fest fans filled Lakefront Park this past weekend. Prior Lake Rotarians and volunteers from all parts put on a successful two days of music and fun! Friday night's weather was spectacular - you could not ask for anything better. And the 10,000 + spectators took advantage. Saturday started with beautiful weather, but bad weather reared it's ugly head eventually. Luckily all acts were able to perform, including Martina McBride. Over 8,000 made it to the park despite the event ending two hours early. Thank you to everyone who came out, especially the community members that continue to support the event.
The weather and crowd were awesome Friday night!
Prior Lake Rotary's Lakefront Music Fest 2016 2016-07-19 05:00:00Z 0

Thank You Joe Dols!

Last week, President Doug Gesme presented Past President Joe Dols with a plaque in appreciation of his service to the Club as last year's President.  Thank you, Joe, for leading the Club!
Thank You Joe Dols! 2016-07-10 05:00:00Z 0

Bob Vogel in the Rotary Spotlight

Posted on Jul 10, 2016
Last week's Rotarian in the Spotlight was Bob Vogel!  Let's learn a little more about him.
How long have you been a Rotarian? 5 years.
Who was your sponsor? Jack Haugen.
Why did you join Rotary? I was looking for community involvement when I came to the bank’s Prior Lake office.
What is your vocation? Community banker.
What do you do in your spare time? Lots of public service activities; I have been active in Elko New Market, Lakeville city government committees, served as a Scott Co Commissioner, now State Representative. I like being at the cabin – especially my workshop there.
Bob Vogel in the Rotary Spotlight 2016-07-10 05:00:00Z 0

Aleeky Hernandez Says "Adios"

Posted on Jul 10, 2016
Last week, inbound Youth Exchange Student Aleeky Hernandez addressed the Club for the last time during his year here. He received a standing ovation from the members.  Aleeky arrived back home in Cancun on Thursday.  We will miss Aleeky's energy, enthusiasm, graciousness, and his humor. During his time here, he was an excellent ambassador for Mexico!
Aleeky Hernandez Says "Adios" 2016-07-10 05:00:00Z 0

2016-2017 Outbound Student

Posted on Jun 26, 2016
At last week's meeting, we were introduced to our new outbound Rotary Youth Exchange student, Bri Rykken. Bri, a recent graduate from Prior Lake High School, thanked our club for the opportunity and talked about how excited she is to go to Spain! Good luck Bri!
2016-2017 Outbound Student 2016-06-26 05:00:00Z 0

Awarding Paul Harris Fellows

Posted on Jun 26, 2016
Last week we awarded Frank Boyles with his first Paul Harris Fellow and Dan Stanley with a Paul Harris +4. Thank you for all that you both do on behalf of Rotary and for giving to the foundation!
Frank Boyles receives his pin and certificate.

Paul Hofslien thanks Dan Stanley.
Awarding Paul Harris Fellows 2016-06-26 05:00:00Z 0

A Rotary Foundation "Thank You"

Posted on Jun 09, 2016
A special "thank you" from The Rotary Foundation. Rotarian Mary Howard Viereck was recognized by Club Foundation Director Paul Hofslien for achieving her first Paul Harris Fellow for donating to TRF. The mission of The Rotary Foundation is to enable Rotarians to advance world understanding, goodwill, and peace through the improvement of health, the support of education, and the alleviation of poverty.Thank you, Mary!
A Rotary Foundation "Thank You" 2016-06-09 05:00:00Z 0

Exchange Student 2015-2016

Posted on Jun 05, 2016
Our Rotary Exchange Student Aleeky Hernandez spoke at our meeting last week about his experience this past year. The highlight so far was his tour of Hennepin County Medical Center arranged by Doug Gesme. He wants to be a doctor. Aleeky also talked about his experiences with the Interact Club and helping with various Prior Lake Rotary projects and Gala fundraiser. Before going home, he leaves on a 2-week east coast tour with other exchange students sponsored by our Club. We will miss Aleeky's humor, his big smile and his bigger heart.
Exchange Student 2015-2016 2016-06-05 05:00:00Z 0

STRIVING For Success

Posted on Jun 05, 2016
The S.T.R.I.V.E. year officially ended last Thursday at the Bridges Alternative Learning Center banquet. Many mentors were on hand to watch and participate in the event. Manny Perez and Cindy Shepard were Co-Chairs again as well as mentors. Other mentors were Frank Boyles, Joan Lompart, Dave Bergeron, Mike Schweitzer, Dan O'Keefe, Joe Dols, Celina Byers, John Parrish, Max Moser, Paul Hofslien, Steve and Betty Block, and Suzie Dahl. 
The end of the year came with some sadness; due to business demands, Manny will be stepping down as a co-chair, although he will continue to be a mentor. "It has been a pleasure helping progress the program in the last 3 years or so that Cindy and I have been working with Dave (Brown)to accomplish the things that we have," said Manny. He went on to say, "STRIVE is a wonderful program and this type of volunteering is why I decided to join Prior Lake Rotary." Thank you, Manny, for your passion and leadership. On a positive not, Max Moser has committed to being a Co-Chair next year.    
STRIVING For Success 2016-06-05 05:00:00Z 0

This Close: Kyle and Cooper

Posted on Jun 04, 2016
At the District Conference held last month at Mystic Lake Casino Hotel, there was a photo booth with a green screen. One of the backgrounds was End Polio Now's "This Close" theme and Kyle Haugen thought it'd be cool to have that picture with he and his son Cooper, who made an appearance at the conference. Said Kyle, "It puts a little different twist on the traditional "This Close" picture.  I had that type of picture taken years ago and I've wanted to do another one, but being able to do it with Cooper elevated it significantly."   
This Close: Kyle and Cooper 2016-06-04 05:00:00Z 0

The Rotary Foundation "Thank Yous"

Paul Harris Fellow "thank yous" for giving to The Rotary Foundation were given out last week to two members. Club Foundation Director Paul Hofslien presented Guy Selinske with a Paul Harris +8. And then President Joe Dols presented Paul with his own Paul Harris +8. Guy is a Grants Subcommittee Mentor on the District's Rotary Foundation. Thank you Guy and Paul! 
Paul Hofslien presenting Guy Selinske with a Paul Harris +8
Joe Dols presenting a Paul Harris +8 to Paul Hofslien
The Rotary Foundation "Thank Yous" 2016-05-30 05:00:00Z 0

Manny Perez in the Rotary Spotlight

Posted on May 30, 2016

Last week's Rotarian in the Spotlight was Manny Perez

How long have you been a Rotarian? It will be 8 years on June 4.

Who was your sponsor? Dave Bergeron.

Why did you join Rotary? Give back to the community and work with at risk and under privileged children.

What is your vocation? Business owner (Restaurants, Subways)

What do you do in your spare time? Ride my motorcycle, enjoy the outdoors, hunting, golf, spend time with my children and friends, and volunteering.

Thank you, Manny, for all that you do on behalf of Prior Lake Rotary!

Manny Perez in the Rotary Spotlight 2016-05-30 05:00:00Z 0

Celebrating 25 Years of Service!

Posted on May 25, 2016
Congratulations to Rotarian Laurie Hartmann who recently celebrated her 25-year anniversary with Prior Lake Rotary Club! Laurie's sponsor was Jack Haugen. She was not the first female member of the Prior Lake Rotary Club (3rd or 4th, she thought), but Laurie was the first female president of the Club leading the group in the 1995-1996 Rotary year. She continues to serve the Club in various ways such as serving as emcee at events and as a member of the Club Foundation committee. Thanks for all you do, Laurie!
Celebrating 25 Years of Service! 2016-05-25 05:00:00Z 0

Newest Rotarian Bethany Tjornhom

Posted on May 22, 2016
Last week we inducted Bethany Tjornhom. Her sponsor was Ron Hocevar. Bethany is the Executive Director of F.I.S.H. (Friends & Individuals Sharing Hope), which is a network of people-serving organizations working to help people in Scott County. She is not new to Rotary; Bethany was previously a member of the Chanhassen and Eden Prairie AM Rotary Clubs. Welcome Bethany!
Bethany (center) receives her Rotary pin as Membership Director Deb Severson looks on.   
Newest Rotarian Bethany Tjornhom 2016-05-22 05:00:00Z 0

Filling the Truck for Bridging

Posted on May 22, 2016
On May 21, Prior Lake Rotary and Prior Lake Lions held another successful Bridging event. We were able to fill the 48' trailer, and we had help from a couple Prior Lake Interactors and the Boy Scouts from Troop 331. Thank you to the community that brought used furniture and household items that will be put to good use. The furniture will help 7 families furnish their living space.
Rachel and Bill Zimbinski, Aleeky Hernandez (Youth Exchange Student and Prior Lake Interact), Paul Perez, and Anna Perez (Prior Lake Interact).
Bridging founder Fran Heiztman (center) stopped by.
Gerry Wersal (right) coordinated this year's successful event.
Filling the Truck for Bridging 2016-05-22 05:00:00Z 0

RiverSouth Brand

So, 4 + 4 = 10? That's what RiverSouth Executive Director Bill Von Bank said when he presented to our Club yesterday. That is four attractions + four miles apart = 10 million visitors. He shared the objectives: Build greater awareness, attract visitors, and encourage longer visits. Bill also talked about the staying power as a brand with the Renaissance Festival going into its 46th year, Valleyfair celebrating 40 years, Mystic Lake Casino Hotel recently broke ground on a future addition, and Canterbury Park looking forward to their best season ever. Find out more about RiverSouth at
RiverSouth Brand 2016-05-19 05:00:00Z 0

Most Influential Nonprofits

Posted on May 15, 2016

TheStreet is a leading digital financial media company; they looked at the top 50 most influential nonprofits.

Top Nonprofits' list of the top nonprofit organizations tells a story of how different organizations marshal their services to make a global impact, whether it's a modest outfit with a few thousand members or a powerhouse with millions of participants. 

This snapshot pulls in a lot of the nonprofits you'd recognize, some you might have forgotten about, and a few that you never knew were nonprofits in the first place. The results are ordered against a few factors: its web rank (1/3 weight, from a number of sources that measure traffic, page rank from Google, and other inputs), its social media engagement (Facebook and Twitter only here, both contributing to 1/3 weight) and its Charity Navigator Rating (1/3 weight). You may quibble with the rankings, but one thing is clear: the cause is noble in each case.

6. Rotary Foundation of Rotary International

What they had to say about Rotary:
The "Rotary Club" has become shorthand for volunteer-led, community minded opportunities to improve communities. What's behind the club-and, indeed, the clubs nationwide that support 1.2 million Rotarians-is converting donations into grants for everything from pocket-park cleanups to parades that celebrate cultural traditions to nutrition education at local schools.
Most Influential Nonprofits 2016-05-15 05:00:00Z 0

Corey Stich in the Spotlight

Posted on May 15, 2016

Get to know Corey Stich.

How long have you been a Rotarian? 7 years

Who was your sponsor? Kevin Horkey

Why did you join Rotary? I initially joined for the occupation I was in at the time; I stayed because of the friendships.

What is your vocation? I own Oak Tree Insurance, an independent insurance agency.

What do you do in your spare time? Most of my spare time involves family activities with my wife, Shelly and 2 kids, Renee and Aaron. Traveling to Duluth often, cub scouts, fishing, golf, and track meets.

Thank you Corey for all that you do on behalf of Rotary!

Corey with his daughter Renee after Gateway cleanup; Corey is currently Co-Director of the Community Service committee. 


Corey Stich in the Spotlight 2016-05-15 05:00:00Z 0

Giving to the Foundation

Posted on May 11, 2016
Rotarians were recently thanked by Foundation Director Paul Hofslien for contributing to The Rotary Foundation, the engine that fuels many of the good programs and projects throughout the world. 
Paul Hofslien (left) thanks Dave Card (right) for his Paul Harris +4.
Paul Hofslien thanks Marlys Gesme for her Paul Harris +1
Giving to the Foundation 2016-05-11 05:00:00Z 0

Dan Stanley in the Spotlight

Posted on May 08, 2016

This weeks Rotarian in the Spotlight: Dan Stanley!

How long have you been a Rotarian? 5 years.
Who was your sponsor? Paul Evans 
Why did you join Rotary? After my kids Travis and Kristin completed their time in Prior Lake schools I felt as though I was somewhat disconnected with my community. After finding out what Rotary was about, I joined to reengage with my community and because I believed in the mission of Rotary at both the local and international levels.
What is your vocation? I am the owner of Stanley & Wencl, LLC Construction & Facility Maintenance Services. We are a commercial and industrial General Contractor and I am also involved in some other businesses.
What do you do in your spare time? I enjoy attending live music events, following Vikings Football and auto racing, working on projects around the house, working on my classic cars, fabricating metal projects, motorcycling, hanging out in my shop with my brother and following and supporting my kids activities.

Dan Stanley in the Spotlight 2016-05-08 05:00:00Z 0

Camp RYLA Participants

Posted on May 04, 2016
The Club recently sponsored two students at Camp RYLA - Aleeky Guzman Hernandez and Ashley Williams. The purpose of Camp RYLA, held April 22-26 at the YMCA Camp at St. Croix, is to strengthen the leadership capabilities of high school students. They were at our meeting today to talk about their experience. By their own accounts, this was an awesome experience and they learned a great deal about themselves. Both students already had ties to the Club; Aleeky is our inbound Youth Exchange student and Ashley was in the STRIVE program at Bridges ALC. 
Camp RYLA Participants 2016-05-04 05:00:00Z 0

An Experience of a Lifetime

Posted on May 01, 2016
Outbound Exchange student Anthony Perez just finished his European trip with other Rotary Youth Exchange students from all over the world. Besides Germany, the trip also included visits to the Czech Republic, Hungary, Slovakia, Austria, and Italy. Anthony's favorite place was Budapest. Here are few photos from Vienna and Rome including one of Pope Francis.
Anthony selfie 
Anthony with his fellow Exchange Students
An Experience of a Lifetime 2016-05-01 05:00:00Z 0

Teri Staloch in the Spotlight

Posted on May 01, 2016
Teri Staloch is the Rotarian in the Spotlight. 
How long have you been a Rotarian? About 8 months
Who was your sponsor? Sue Ann Gruver
Why did you join Rotary? I wanted to connect in a meaningful way with members of the community committed to service.
What is your vocation? I serve the PLSAS community as the Superintendent of Schools.
What do you do in your spare time? I spend as much time as possible with my family! We enjoy skiing, biking, golfing, hiking and spending a lot of time in gyms as my 7th and 9th grade sons love playing basketball year-round!
Teri Staloch in the Spotlight 2016-05-01 05:00:00Z 0

Spotlight on Jeremy Stangler

Posted on Apr 24, 2016

This week's Rotarian in the Spotlight: Jeremy Stangler

How long have you been a Rotarian? For 11 yrs
Who was your sponsor? Bob Quick 
Why did you join Rotary? To be more involved and give back to the community
What is your vocation? Personal bank officer
What do you do in your spare time? Hunt, fish, farm, Volunteer and church etc..

Jeremy is on the Board as Co-Director of the Project Alert. Thank you, Jeremy, for what you do on behalf of Rotary!

Spotlight on Jeremy Stangler 2016-04-24 05:00:00Z 0

Foundation Giving

Posted on Apr 24, 2016
Last week at our Club meeting, Foundation Director Paul Hofslien presented Doug Gesme with a Paul Harris Fellow +4; that means Doug has given in excess of $5k to The Rotary Foundation (TRF). Doug is a humble giver and believes in TRF. In fact we have many humble givers in the Club; so far during this Rotary year, which started July 1, Club members have given over $20k! In 3 years, 50% will come back to our District and will allow us to do more great projects! Thank you to all the humble givers in our Club!
Foundation Director Paul Hofslien (right) presented Doug Gesme (left) with a Paul Harris Fellow +4
Foundation Giving 2016-04-24 05:00:00Z 0

Lance Smith: Rotarian in the Spotlight

This Week's Rotarian in the Spotlight: Lance Smith

How long have you been a Rotarian? It has been all together about 9-10 years

Who was your sponsor? Dan Bishop in the New Prague club. I approached the PL Rotary club on my own when I was looking to transfer from Bloomington.

Why did you join Rotary? Create relationships within the community, be engaged/aware of community activities, serve

What is your vocation? Wells Fargo Home Mortgage VP of Retail Mortgage Sales

What do you do in your spare time? Hunting, Fishing, Coaching, engaging in other non profit activities

Lance Smith: Rotarian in the Spotlight 2016-04-24 05:00:00Z 0

A Super (Bowl) Program

Andrea Mokros from the MN Super Bowl Host Committee talked to our Club last week about the marketing plan to promote Super Bowl 52 and especially promote what Minnesota has to offer to people coming here for the Super Bowl. Andrea explained, "Because we have the eyes of the world on us during the game, what an opportunity it is to showcase the Minnesota we know. During the Packer/Viking game this fall, they panned the city skyline right before they came back to the game; that is when they usually say, 'A frigid cold day in Minnesota.' But instead, Joe Buck said, 'Minneapolis - a city of great culture and great restaurants.' Yes! That is the story we want folks to tell." #priorlakerotary #BoldNorth 
Andrea Mokros, VP of Communications for the Super Bowl Host Committee
A Super (Bowl) Program 2016-04-17 05:00:00Z 0

Supporting Safe Fun

Posted on Apr 16, 2016
At our meeting this week, we presented a check for $500 to the Prior Lake High School Senior Lock-In event that is coming up at the end of the school year. We love supporting our community, and we know this donation will be used to provide a great time in a safe environment for this years graduating seniors who would otherwise not be able to afford to attend!
Community Service Committee member Chad Rittenour presents the check to Bette Block, a member of the Senior Lock-In Committee and wife of Steve Block
Supporting Safe Fun 2016-04-16 05:00:00Z 0

Welcome Daniel Stephans II!

Posted on Apr 16, 2016
Last week, we inducted a new member - Dan Stephans. He was sponsored by Harry Algyer (pronounced All-Guy-Er). Dan is in the IT field, enjoys riding motorcycles, theater, and spending time with family. He is also the President of Patrons of the Arts and Activities. Dan has already been involved in Prior Lake Rotary's Lakefront Music Fest, and this year is part of the Talent Committee. Welcome, Dan!
Dan Stephans (right) with his sponsor Harry Algyer
Membership Director Deb Severson inducts Dan Stephans
Welcome Daniel Stephans II! 2016-04-16 05:00:00Z 0

Cindy Shepard: In the Spotlight

Posted on Apr 10, 2016

Our Rotarian in the Spotlight: Cindy Shepard

How long have you been a Rotarian? I have been in Rotary since 2011.

Who was your sponsor? My sponsor was Joan Lompart.

Why did you join Rotary? I joined Rotary because they do good things, and as a group, they have fun doing it.

What is your vocation? I am a chiropractor.

What do you do in your spare time? I like to travel, and to go hiking, fishing, and motorcycling. I also like to garden, make jewelry, and spend time with my children and grandchildren.

Thank you, Cindy, for all that you do on behalf of Rotary!

Cindy with her husband Rick at the Mardi Gras Gala.

Cindy Shepard: In the Spotlight 2016-04-10 05:00:00Z 0

Why Not Rotary?

Posted on Apr 09, 2016
Why Rotary? A wonderful evening hosted by Jack and Mary Haugen this past week. The Membership committee was holding their new member social. Each member in attendance, and even some spouses, shared about themselves, their experiences in Rotary, and why Rotary and specifically Prior Lake Rotary is so special. We heard things like, "some of my best friends are Rotarians", "a member doesn't just join - it's a family affair", and "when things need to get done our members always step up". So I ask you, why not Rotary? ‪#‎priorlakerotary‬
Rotarian Shelly McWilliams with her husband Ted; Shelly is a newer member who is already very active. She is a member of the Membership Committee, and recently became co-director of the Community Service Committee. Shelly also maintains 100% attendance.
Why Not Rotary? 2016-04-09 05:00:00Z 0

Putting Deb Severson in the Spotlight

Posted on Apr 02, 2016

This week's Rotarian in the Spotlight: Deb Severson

How long have you been a Rotarian? 25 years as of January 2016, my first club was in La Crosse.

Who was your sponsor? My first sponsor was the CPA who was the auditor for the company I worked for at the time in La Crosse, WI. When I moved to Minnesota, Kyle Haugen was my local sponsor

Why did you join Rotary? I was really interested in what Rotary was doing with International Youth Exchange and the fight to eradicate polio. Growing up when polio was a contagious disease was a frightening time, so to know that Rotary International was leading the way to eradicate it was a huge draw.

What is your vocation? I am an organizational development leader focused on start-up companies and companies going through major transition periods such as turn-around situations.

What do you do in your spare time? Spending time with family and friends is really important, but with them, I love to play golf, go kayaking, cooking, do wine and beer tours, hiking and just about anything that is rock climbing or bungee jumping however.

Deb was recognized for her 25-year anniversary with Rotary.

Putting Deb Severson in the Spotlight 2016-04-02 05:00:00Z 0

Economic Development: Have a Story

Posted on Apr 02, 2016
Former Shakopee Mayor Brad Tabke was our program speaker this past week. Founder of Grepoli LLC, a strategic economic development firm, Brad is using what he learned as Mayor to help other cities and businesses. Brad talked about starting with a story, and every city and business has a story to be told. He used Prior Lake as an example. Brad shared of the 13,166 residents in the workforce, only 4,677 work in Prior Lake, and we have a higher graduation rate than other cities (98% vs. 93%). But the story is just the start. For more information, contact Brad through his website
Economic Development: Have a Story 2016-04-02 05:00:00Z 0

Prior Lake Rotary Recognized

Posted on Mar 27, 2016
Last week Savage Rotarian and Police Chief Rodney Seurer was at our meeting to recognize our club for continued support of the Polar Plunge, a fundraising event for Special Olympics MN put on by Minnesota Law Enforcement. In total, over $185,000 dollars were raised just for the Prior Lake Polar Plunge event.
Rodney (left) presents the recognition award to Prior Lake Rotarian and Police Chief  Mark Elliott (right) 
Prior Lake Rotary Recognized 2016-03-27 05:00:00Z 0

Rotarian in the Spotlight: Mary Selinske

Posted on Mar 25, 2016

I have been a Rotarian since April 25, 2012.

My sponsor was Sandy Kaul.

At that point in my life my job had become less demanding, my children were out of college and gone so I was ready for something new. When Sandy invited me to join the Prior Lake Rotary Club, without much hesitation, I accepted. I was already very familiar with Rotary because of Guy’s many years in the club and I volunteered at the Music Fest every year. Besides the rewards of doing good in the world, I have formed some great friendships in this club. I am thankful that Sandy invited me to join Prior Lake Rotary.

I work at American Glass and Mirror, Inc. a full service glass company that Guy and I started in 1984.

My hobbies are cooking, baking, reading, enjoying nature walks especially looking for animals and birds. I also enjoy going to movies, plays and the opera. Of course my favorite thing to do is world travel, especially to Africa. Something about that continent keeps pulling me back. I am also a board member and treasurer for the non-profit WAVE which does projects in West Africa.

Mary with her husband Guy

Rotarian in the Spotlight: Mary Selinske 2016-03-25 05:00:00Z 0

Racing for Bridging

Prior Lake Rotarians had great weather for Bedraces for Bridging on Saturday, March 5, at Buckhill. This was the 3rd year participating in this fundraiser for Bridging. The Club had 5 teams, with one team of Vic Noer, Joan Lompart, Reid Peterson, and Paul Perez, making it to the semifinal round; they ended up 7th out of 145 teams. #priorlakerotary #seriousfun 
Team Blarney Stoned members Paul Perez, Joan Lompart, Reid Peterson and lead by Captain Vic Noer.
Joan and Vic with Fran Heitzman, founder of Bridging.
Joan joins Darcy Rose, Michelle Jirik, Marlys Gesme (Captain), and Doug Gesme.

Captain Rod Ammerman, Stephanie Bergeron, Dave Bergeron, and a Gorilla? 
Captain Corey Stich. Batman, Doug Scalia, and Bill Schult.
Racing for Bridging 2016-03-06 06:00:00Z 0

Bill Schult: Rotarian in the Spotlight

Bill Schult: Rotarian in the Spotlight! He's been a Rotarian for 5 years (Past President 2014-2015), and Lance Smith was his sponsor. 
Why did you join Rotary? Because my kids reached a age where I had the time to give back to the community. Also, I've seen how Prior Lake Rotary had a direct impact on the community with the DARE Bike-A-Thon. So I wanted to be part of the energy and enthusiasm. 
What is your vocation? Been with Maximum Potential since 1993. Part owner along with my parents and my brother. We are an employee selection and development resource, which specializes in the development and sale of tests and assessments to be used in the selection, hiring, training and development of employees.
What do you do in your spare time? Volunteer, BBQ, golf, scuba diving and attend my kids sporting events.
Bill Schult: Rotarian in the Spotlight 2016-03-06 06:00:00Z 0

A Big Welcome (Back)

Posted on Feb 28, 2016
Last week we welcomed three new members; well one of the welcomes was a welcome back.  Bill Zimbinski was sponsored by Corey Stich, Tammy Higgins was sponsored by Lance Smith, and Reid Peterson was sponsored by Paul Perez.  Reid was the welcome back; he was previously a Prior Lake Rotarian. We look forward to getting to knew these members and working side-by-side in service to others.  
From left to right: Bill Zimbinski, Corey Stich, Paul Perez, Reid Peterson, Lance Smith, and Tammy Higgins.
Tammy wants to get more involved in the community and meet people. She hopes to make a difference in peoples' lives.
A Big Welcome (Back) 2016-02-28 06:00:00Z 0

A Foundation "Thank You"

Posted on Feb 28, 2016
Chad LeMair received a thank you from The Rotary Foundation for his first ever Paul Harris Fellow.  The recognition is for those who give cumulatively $1,000 or more to The Rotary Foundation.  Thank you, Chad, for giving to the organization that is the engine to so much of what Rotary does for projects and programs.
Paul Hofslien presented Chad LeMair the Paul Harris Fellow thank you.  
A Foundation "Thank You" 2016-02-28 06:00:00Z 0

Spotlight on...

Posted on Feb 24, 2016

Doug Scalia

How long have you been a Rotarian? About four years.
Who was your sponsor?  Josh Lund
Why did you join Rotary?  A couple of my peers were in Rotary
through the Bloomington and Lakeville Clubs. They both enjoyed
their Rotary experience and suggested I check it out.  I was new
to Prior Lake at the time and figured this would be a good way to
get to know people.
What is your vocation?  Bank Manager
What do you do in your spare time?  Spend time with my family,
run marathons, volunteer. 
Spotlight on... 2016-02-24 06:00:00Z 0

Rotarians Take the Plunge!

Posted on Feb 21, 2016
The Prior Lake Rotary team blew past the goal of raising $5,900 for Special Olympics Minnesota raising #7,549.  Great job to members Guy Selinske, Marlys Gesme, Doug Gesme, Chris Bendzick, Bill Schult, Chad Rittenour, Paul Hofslien, and Ken Hedberg. 
Rotarians Take the Plunge! 2016-02-21 06:00:00Z 0

New Member Jenni Krosnowski

Posted on Feb 21, 2016
On Wednesday, February 17, we inducted our newest Rotarian, Jenni Krosnowski! Jenni is the owner of Twisted Loop Yarn Shop in the Prior Lake library, and is also the co-founder of R.O.C.K. We are so happy to have Jenni join our club, and we appreciate her desire to serve the community of Prior Lake. Welcome Jenni!
Jenni with her sponsor Jim Gilbertson.
New Member Jenni Krosnowski 2016-02-21 06:00:00Z 0

Twins President Dave St. Peter

Posted on Feb 14, 2016
Twins President Dave St. Peter was our speaker for the February 10 meeting.  He started by stating, "I have presented to many Rotary Clubs. I have never seen a club like this.  That is a tribute to you."  Dave also recognized the Club for participating in the Polar Plunge (Dave will be plunging), and congratulated the Club for the success of  Prior Lake Rotary's Lakefront Music Fest.  He talked about the upcoming season, the competitive Central Division, and what keeps him busy.  There were plenty of laughs, and he also gave Guy some HR pointers!
Twins President Dave St. Peter 2016-02-14 06:00:00Z 0

Plunging for Special Olympics

Posted on Feb 14, 2016
Savage Chief of Police Rodney Seurer attended our February 10 meeting to accept $500 sponsorship to the Prior Lake Polar Plunge for Special Olympics Minnesota. Another $500 will be contributed evenly amongst Prior Lake Rotarians participating in the Club's team; participants are Guy Selinske (captain), Chris Bendzick, Marlys Gesme, Ken Hedberg, Paul Hofslien, Chad Rittenour, and Bill Schult.  The team has raised $3,116 of the $4,150 goal.
The Prior Lake Polar Plunge is February 20 at Sand Point Beach.  The Polar Plunges are presented by Minnesota law enforcement.  
Prior Lake Rotarian and Prior Lake Chief of Police Mark Elliott (left) presents the check to Rodney Seurer (right).
Plunging for Special Olympics 2016-02-14 06:00:00Z 0

Paul Harris Fellow Awarded

Posted on Feb 11, 2016
This week Bill Schult received a Paul Harris Fellow +1. That represents $2,000 given to The Rotary Foundation. Bill gives because we as a club have a say in how the money will be used. Thank you, Bill!
Bill receives his pin from Foundation Director Paul Hofslien.
Paul Harris Fellow Awarded 2016-02-11 06:00:00Z 0

Gala Fun

Posted on Feb 07, 2016
The Gala has come and gone.  What a wonderful event!  The committee led by Dave Card and Bill Schult did an awesome job.  Mystic Lake Casino Hotel worked very well as a venue and the atmosphere was superb.  The numbers will come in later but the  fund-a-need numbers for PolioPlus was outstanding!  We raised at least $7,000 or as Kyle quickly figured, over 35,000 children will never contract polio with the 2:1 match by the Bill and Melinda Foundation.
Attendees looking at silent auction items.
Judy Kelly (left) and Mary Viereck.   
Gala Fun 2016-02-07 06:00:00Z 0

Leadership Academy

Rotary District 5960's Leadership Academy was held this weekend in Roseville. Prior Lake Rotarians in attendance were President Joe Dols, President Elect Doug Gesme, President Elect Nominee Vic Noer, and Past Presidents Paul Hofslien and Paul Perez. Kyle Haugen and Angela Eifert helped plan and execute the training, along with Deb Severson and former Prior Lake Rotarian Doreen Johnson. The evening started with presentations from the Timberwolves President Chris Wright and former Rotary International Director Mary Beth Growney-Selene, Wright spoke about the four keys to being a leader...Character, humility, consistency, and integrity. #priorlakerotary
 Timberwolves' President Chris Wright addresses current and future Rotary leaders.
Leadership Academy 2016-01-31 06:00:00Z 0

Minnesota Winter

Prior Lake Rotary's Youth Exchange Student Aleeky Hernandez is from Mexico - southern Mexico. So we were not sure how he would handle our Minnesota winter. He has embraced it. He was at the Viking's playoff game - the coldest Vikings game ever at kickoff time (-6). He's also gone skiing in Alexandria with other North Star Rotary Exchange Students, and went ice fishing for the first time. Although he only caught a few small fish, he is excited to try it again. #priorlakerotary 
At the Vikings' game with Exchange Student Tina Sletten from Sweden.
Minnesota Winter 2016-01-31 06:00:00Z 0

Paul Harris Fellows Announced

Posted on Jan 24, 2016

Foundation Giving

Foundation Director Paul Hofslien presents Laurie Mack-Wagner her Paul Harris Fellow +4, which means Laurie has given $5,000 to The Rotary Foundation.
First-time Paul Harris Fellow! Paul presents Darcy Rose with her pin and certificate.
Though a member for less than a year, Chad Rittenour understands to importance of giving to TRF. Paul recognizes Chad with his Paul Harris Fellow.
Paul Harris Fellows Announced 2016-01-24 06:00:00Z 0

Rotarian in the Spotlight

Posted on Jan 23, 2016

Paul Perez


This week's Rotarian in the Spotlight: Paul Perez

How long have you been a Rotarian? Over 12 years.

Who was your sponsor? Chad LeMair

Why did you join Rotary? I always felt compelled to serve others. Chad would tell me about the meetings and some of the stories were unbelievable; I had to see for myself. I saw firsthand how fun the meetings were and it seemed like a great group of people I wanted to associate with.

What is your vocation? I'm the Property Service Director at Mystic Lake. I oversee the grounds and all parking areas, the entire fleet, and the on-site laundry and dry cleaning operations.

What do you do in your spare time? I enjoy fishing, hunting and spending time with family at our cabin, but I'm passionate about all things wrestling including helping the Prior Lake Wrestling Club.

Rotarian in the Spotlight 2016-01-23 06:00:00Z 0

Giving Back to Our Heroes

Posted on Jan 23, 2016
Larry Johnson, President of the Majestic Hills Ranch Foundation Board, was presented a check for $1,000 for the Heroes on Horseback program. In 2010, with the addition of the second outdoor arena, MHR established our “Heroes on Horseback” program. They made the commitment to bring the same benefits of equine assisted activities and therapies to our Veterans who have sacrificed so much to keep us safe as they offered to our children and young adults with special needs.

Veterans may return from combat with negative self-esteem and an immeasurable amount of guilt that they take back with them to their “ordinary” lives. Unable to deal with the stress they have been exposed to, often they have nowhere to turn and talking about things just seem too unbearable. While traditional therapy includes medication and talk-therapy, complementary therapies may now include equine assisted activities, including therapeutic riding.
Rotarian Barb Steinhauser, Community Service Committee member, presents the check to Larry Johnson of Majestic Hills Ranch.
Giving Back to Our Heroes 2016-01-23 06:00:00Z 0

Coming to PLHS: MNCAPS

Posted on Jan 23, 2016

Our speaker this week was Melanie Smieja from MNCAPS.

In the 2016-17 school year, a joint venture between Lakeville and Prior Lake Savage School Districts called Minnesota Center for Advanced Professional Studies (MNCAPS) will be launched. In this innovative educational program, MNCAPS will offer two new courses in Global Business and Healthcare where high school juniors and seniors will work on academic coursework and, at the same time, gain specific real life experience related to these professional fields. They will be instructed by licensed teachers and guest instructors from these industries, participate in consulting projects for local companies, be mentored by executives and, most importantly, practice the skill-sets needed to succeed in a professional work environment in the 21st century.

MNCAPS is an example of how business, community and public education can partner to produce personalized learning experiences and educate the workforce of tomorrow, especially in high skill, high-demand jobs.

To learn more about MNCAPS and how you can get involved, visit their website at

Coming to PLHS: MNCAPS 2016-01-23 06:00:00Z 0

Patty Wetterling Comes to Prior Lake

Posted on Jan 03, 2016

Building a World That is Worthy of its Children

For 26 years, Patty Wetterling has been the face of child protection in Minnesota and nationwide. The mission of the Jacob Wetterling Resource Center (JWRC) is to educate and assist families and communities to address and prevent the exploitation of children through the sharing of information.  Please join us January 13 for this unique opportunity to hear Patty’s message. 
Patty Wetterling Comes to Prior Lake 2016-01-03 06:00:00Z 0

A Little Friendly Rivalry

Posted on Jan 03, 2016
We have a little Vikings/Packers rivalry in our Club so sides were drawn at our Club meeting last Wednesday. But it's nothing like the Hatfield's and the McCoy's; we still actually like each other and can sit across from the opposition. #priorlakerotary #seriousfun 
Paul Hofslien and Vic Noer have breakfast together. Don't they look civil?
A Little Friendly Rivalry 2016-01-03 06:00:00Z 0

Making the Holidays Brighter

Posted on Dec 27, 2015
At our December 23 meeting, the Community Service committee presented a $1,500 check to two Bridges Area Learning Center teachers. The money will be used to buy gift cards for Bridges students.
From left to right: Bridges teacher Chris Nelson, Rotarian and Superintendent Teri Staloch, Community Service committee member Marlys Gesme, and Bridges teacher and Melissa Olson,  
Making the Holidays Brighter 2015-12-27 06:00:00Z 0

The Most Wonderful Time of the Year

Posted on Dec 27, 2015
We always have fun at our Wednesday Club meetings but last week's Christmas meeting was even more fun. Maybe it was the Christmas spirit, or our Christmas Jeopardy trivia game, or the guests who joined us, including teachers from Bridges Alternative Learning Center and even Santa! Darcy and her fellow elves with emcee Frank Boyles sure did a great job!‪  #‎priorlakerotary‬ ‪#‎seriousfun‬
Santa (aka Sheldon Bryant) with some of the elves - Mary Viereck, Mary Selinske, Marlys Gesme, Mary Erickson, and Darcy Rose. Elf not pictured - Michelle Jirik 
The Most Wonderful Time of the Year 2015-12-27 06:00:00Z 0

Spotlight on Joan Lompart

Posted on Dec 17, 2015
Rotarian in the Spotlight
I joined PL Rotary in 2002. My sponsor was Judy Kelley but she left Rotary and Sherry Johnston took over as my sponsor.
I joined to network with more people as I was in a private practice and it can be isolating. I also joined to build my practice but, I stayed because of the impact Rotary has locally and globally. I have also made some good friends.
My business is Full Circle Therapy and I am a marriage and family therapist. I mainly work with adults on issues of depression/anxiety and childhood abuse including emotional, physical and sexual. I work with both individuals and couples and sometimes families.
In my spare time I walk, do yoga, travel and enjoy spending time my husband, children and 3 grandchildren. 
Spotlight on Joan Lompart 2015-12-17 06:00:00Z 0

Kurt Johnson Auction Company

Posted on Dec 16, 2015
Kurt Johnson from Kurt Johnson Auction Company was our speaker this week. Kurt's group has run our Gala the last two years and they come highly recommended. Kurt was on hand to give members ideas on securing auction items, and we had a fun time doing it. To learn more about their business and how they can make your next event an experience for attendees while raising money, visit their website at  
Kurt Johnson Auction Company 2015-12-16 06:00:00Z 0

R.O.C.K. - Filling a Need

Posted on Dec 16, 2015
R.O.C.K. was at our December 16 meeting to receive a donation of $500 from the Community Service committee. R.O.C.K., Reaching Our Community's Kids, is filling a huge need within our schools by addressing food insecurity. This 501c(3) organization has made a huge impact and grown quickly in a short time; they are now addressing needs at the Middle Schools and plan to eventually help at the high school. We are proud to support such a valuable organization. For more information including how you can help their efforts, go to their website at 
 Jenni Krosnowski and Keri Thayer accept the check from Jim Gilbertson.
R.O.C.K. - Filling a Need 2015-12-16 06:00:00Z 0

Program: A Breath of Hope

Posted on Dec 13, 2015
Last week Molly and Gary from A Breath of Hope Lung Foundation were speakers at our morning meeting. We heard how underfunded lung cancer research is compared to the number of people that fall victim to this disease. They shared some alarming facts about lung cancer and what we can do to help detect and prevent it. Gary (a non-smoker) also shared his own amazing story; he was diagnosed with terminal lung cancer but has made a complete recovery and is now cancer free! We also learned that many victims never smoked but likely got this disease from environmental exposure. Check out their website a t . ‪#‎priorlakerotary‬
Program: A Breath of Hope 2015-12-13 06:00:00Z 0

Rotarian in the Spotlight: Shelly McWilliams

Posted on Dec 12, 2015


Shelly McWilliams

I have been a Rotarian since last spring, so I'm still a newbie!

Corey Stich is my sponsor. He and I are in a networking group together, and he invited me to check out the Rotary. I've been to a few meetings in the past, but it was the right time for me to join this year.

I joined the Rotary to become more active in my community. I'm a big believer in giving back and volunteering in any way you can. I wanted to meet new people, make new connections around Prior Lake and to be a part of a great group of people!

I work at Edina Realty as a real estate agent helping residential buyers and sellers.

Lately, all of our (hubby Ted) spare time has been working on our new home that we just finished building, but other than that, we love traveling, motorcycling, boating, I love non-fiction books and spending time with family and friends.

Rotarian in the Spotlight: Shelly McWilliams 2015-12-12 06:00:00Z 0

Max Moser: Rotarian in the Spotlight

Posted on Dec 02, 2015
Let's get to know Max a little better.
How long have you been a Rotarian? I have been a Rotarian for just over a year now.
Who was your sponsor? My sponsor was Bill Schult, his daughter and son participate in our Young Life program.
Why did you join Rotary? I joined Rotary to be a part of the community I get to serve in. I want to not only live in Prior Lake but be engaged in it and be a part of something bigger than myself.
What is your vocation? I'm the Area Director of Scott County Young Life a nonprofit where we serve adolescent youth in the community by mentoring them and sharing the Gospel of Jesus Christ. I'm also the Offensive Coordinator for the 9th Grade B Prior Lake Football Team.
What do you do in your spare time? Hang out with my Young Life friends, take my dog Autumn on walks at the dog park, live life with my best friend (and wife) Sara. I also spend a lot of time watching sports and reading a great comic book.
Max Moser: Rotarian in the Spotlight 2015-12-02 06:00:00Z 0


Posted on Nov 26, 2015
This week, Thanksgiving week, the Club continued its giving ways, presenting checks to two organizations that help others who are less fortunate. Joe Vaughan, President and CEO of the CAP Agency, was present to receive a check for $1,500 from the Community Service committee for their food shelf. In addition, Rotarians gave $348 personally. Community Action Partnership (CAP) Agency, which covers Scott, Dakota, and Carver counties, takes a comprehensive approach to advocating and empowering self sufficiency.
The Laker Educational Foundation also received $1,500 from the Community Service committee for their Friends of Wolfridge program. The money is used to allow children to attend the Wolfridge Environmental Learning Center 5th-grade trip who otherwise could not afford to attend. 
Stacey Greenlee from LEF was at our meeting to accept the check. 
Thanks(for)Giving 2015-11-26 06:00:00Z 0

Youth Exchange Country Fair

Posted on Nov 26, 2015
This past Saturday, Exchange Student Aleeky Hernandez was in Roseville for the Country Fair. The Country Fair, set up by North Star Youth Exchange, is an opportunity for next year's potential outbound students to learn more about the various countries by visiting the booths presented by the current inbound students. Aleeky and his fellow Mexico Exchange Student Jose from Northfield not only presented Mexico in pictures but also through a taste of authentic Mexican food including Aleeky's specialty, guacamole. Aleeky's favorite part was talking to parent's and students and trying to overcome some of the misconceptions about Mexico and instead learn about the beauty and wonder of Mexico.
Aleeky and Jose
Youth Exchange Country Fair 2015-11-26 06:00:00Z 0

Paul Harris Fellow Thank You

Posted on Nov 25, 2015
Manny Perez received a Paul Harris Fellow +6 today. Paul Hofslien presented Manny his thank you pin from The Rotary Foundation. And why does he give? He used to give to charitable organizations so when he joined Rotary, he found that the Foundation was a good place to give because the money comes back to our District and Club to do projects and programs locally and internationally. One of those local programs was the S.T.R.I.V.E., which he is passionate about.
Paul Harris Fellow Thank You 2015-11-25 06:00:00Z 0

Spotlight on... Laurie Mack-Wagner

Posted on Nov 19, 2015

This Week's Rotarian in the Spotlight is Laurie Mack-Wagner.
How long have you been a Rotarian? Since January 2009
Who was your sponsor? Allison Gontarek

Why did you join Rotary? I had been living in Prior Lake but felt like I only knew people in Prior Lake who were in my immediate neighborhood. I wanted to become more involved in the community in which I lived with my family. I also thought it would be good to give back to my own community. I love Prior Lake.

What is your vocation? I am a family law attorney which for our firm means cases involving issues such as divorce, custody, parenting time, custody, child support, maintenance, paternity, harassment restraining orders, and orders for protection. I have been practicing for over 21 years and am licensed in Minnesota and Florida. My law partner and I started Mack & Santana Law Offices, P.C., in downtown Minneapolis almost 12 years ago, and we service counties all over the state. I have a Prior Lake office for those who do not like to drive downtown.

What do you do in your spare time? I enjoy spending time with my family. I have a husband, a 14-year old daughter, a 14-year old stepdaughter, and a 11-year old stepson (almost 12). In the summer we frequently boat, golf, and play different games (Farkle, bean bag toss, etc.), and in the winter we ski, play Just Dance (and other video games), and play basketball at Lifetime as a family. We take one big trip with the kids in the summer, and Jim and I take several ski and/or golf trips throughout the year. We love hanging out at Brackett’s Crossing Country Club were we have been members for years. ‪#‎priorlakerotary‬

Spotlight on... Laurie Mack-Wagner 2015-11-19 06:00:00Z 0

New Rotarian: Jim Gilbertson

Posted on Nov 18, 2015
We welcomed new member Jim Gilbertson this morning.  Jim's sponsor is Joan Fawcett.  Jack Haugen filled in for the induction since Joan is in Arizona.  Jim states our Club is similar to his fraternity; they were constantly doing various service projects.  He said he has really enjoyed the camaraderie thus far.  Please reach out and introduce yourself and welcome Jim if you have not met him yet.Jack pinning on the Rotary pin.
Membership Director Deb Severson presents Jim with his certificate of membership.
New Rotarian: Jim Gilbertson 2015-11-18 06:00:00Z 0

Honorary Paul Harris Fellow

Posted on Nov 15, 2015
At our Club's Foundation banquet, we presented two Honorary Paul Harris Awards. The first was to Mary Haugen, a long-standing member of the community. The second was to the parents of Kelly Meyer, who was a long-time employee for the City of Prior Lake. Both Mary and Kelly have been great examples of "Service above Self". Mary was nominated by Mary Erickson and Dan Stanley, and Kelly was nominated by Ken Hedberg. ‪#‎priorlakerotary‬ 
Honorary Paul Harris Fellow 2015-11-15 06:00:00Z 0

Great Scott!

Posted on Nov 15, 2015
We had another wonderful Foundation event. The highlight was our keynote speaker Dr. Bob Scott. To have an authority on the fight to eradicate polio was outstanding; the photos and stories that go along with the fight against this devastating disease were heartbreaking and moving. As Dr. Scott stated, the real heroes in this fight are those people that risk their own lives distributing the polio vaccination to save children's lives.  
The Club honored Dr. Scott with an honorary membership into the Rotary Club of Prior Lake - the highest distinction a club can bestow. #priorlakerotary #EndPolioNow  
Great Scott! 2015-11-15 06:00:00Z 0

Partnership with Junior Achievement

Posted on Nov 04, 2015

Today we had one of our long-standing partners as our program. Andy Dwyer and Jill Gilbert from Junior Achievement of the Upper Midwest received a $3,500 check to buy supplies for the JA program taught in the Prior Lake-Savage Schools, grades K-5th. The JA program is also taught at St. Michael's. Besides the monetary donation, Prior Lake Rotarians participate as teachers in the classrooms each year.‪#‎priorlakerotary‬

Jill Gilbert on left and Andy Dwyer right receive a check from Vocational Services Director Frank Boyles.
Partnership with Junior Achievement 2015-11-04 06:00:00Z 0

Rotarian in the Spotlight: Vic Noer

Posted on Nov 04, 2015
Vic Noer: Former Community Service Director and current President Elect Nominee (2017-2018).
How long have you been a Rotarian?   7 years
Who was your sponsor?  Chad LeMair
Why did you join Rotary?  I wanted to become more involved in the community.
What is your vocation?  I manage an IT department for Seagate Technology in Shakopee.  I also manage several investment properties.
What do you do in your spare time?  I do a lot of volunteer work.  I'm the VP of promotions and fundraising for the Prior Lake wrestling club, a committee chairman at Holy Trinity United Methodist church and as most of you know I'm pretty heavily involved in the Prior Lake Rotary club.  I enjoy both watching and participating in a variety of sports.  I get most of my exercise biking and playing golf.  I also enjoy spending time at our cabin that Maria and I just recently built on a lake just west of Hinckley, MN. #priorlakerotary  
Rotarian in the Spotlight: Vic Noer 2015-11-04 06:00:00Z 0

Spotlight on President Joe Dols

Posted on Oct 30, 2015
This week we had a special Rotarian in the Spotlight - our President Joe Dols.
How long have you been a Rotarian? I've been a Rotarian for 8 years.
Who was your sponsor? Greg Kes was my sponsor.
Why did you join? I joined because Greg asked me and I like to be involved in the community.
What is your vocation? My vocation is computer and network support for small businesses.
What are your hobbies and interests? In my spare time I like to go to fish, go to our cabin, watch sports, and play trombone in a number of different music groups. #priorlakerotary#seriousfun
Spotlight on President Joe Dols 2015-10-30 05:00:00Z 0

LUCAS 2: A Life Saver

Posted on Oct 29, 2015
We had more than fun at our Halloween meeting. Greg Jones from St. Francis Regional Center was our speaker. The current Patient Care Supervisor brought the LUCAS 2 device to demonstrate how it works. The electrically powered, life-saving medical device is compact, lightweight and portable solution to maintain circulation in cardiac arrest patients. Prior Lake Rotary donated $1,000 last year to help purchase the LUCAS 2.#priorlakerotary
LUCAS 2: A life saver
LUCAS 2: A Life Saver 2015-10-29 05:00:00Z 0


Posted on Oct 28, 2015
Today was our Halloween meeting, which means the witches of Prior Lake Rotary made an appearance, along with President Joe Dols as Presidential hopeful Donald Trump.  Huge! 
The witching hour.
Looks like a good witch.
More wonderful witches. 
A HUUUGGGEEE Meeting 2015-10-28 05:00:00Z 0

River Valley Nursing Center

Posted on Oct 21, 2015
Amber Kahnke, Shakopee Rotary member and Executive Director of River Valley Nursing Center, was at the meeting today for a dual purpose. First she was presented a check for $500 from the Community Service committee, and then she was our speaker for the day. RVNC's mission is to strive to serve those vulnerable individuals and families in our community by providing supportive and compassionate individualized health-related services with access to community resources. The uniqueness of their care model, is that their services are provided by Minnesota licensed Public Health Nurses with the help of Bi-lingual Spanish Interpreters/Community Outreach Workers. 
Amber gave real-life examples of how they have helped their clients. As far as the money donated, Amber states this will go towards their community outreach program. Examples of these programs are the free flu clinics and health screenings such as the "Know Your Numbers" diabetes awareness and screening.
Corey Stich presents the check.
 Executive Director Amber Kahnke speaks to the members about River Valley Nursing Cemter. 
River Valley Nursing Center 2015-10-21 05:00:00Z 0

Rotarian in the Spotlight: Chad LeMair

Posted on Oct 14, 2015
Chad LeMair was The Rotarian in the Spotlight this week.
How long have you been in Rotary? For 13 years. 
Who was your sponsor? Jack Haugen was my sponsor.
Why did you join? I joined Rotary for the opportunity to network with other business and community leaders, and I wanted to be more involved in the community.
What is your vocation? I am a small business owner. I own Above All Hardwood Floors and Carpet, Performance Construction, and Summit Wood Floor Distribution
What are your hobbies or interests? I like to coach wrestling, play racquetball, go to cabin and hunt in my spare time.
Rotarian in the Spotlight: Chad LeMair 2015-10-14 05:00:00Z 0

Official City Business

Posted on Oct 14, 2015
On Tuesday, October 13, Prior Lake Rotary Club members joined City and Shakopee Mdewakanton Sioux Community leaders at Pike Lake Park.  The occasion? They all participated in a ribbon cutting ceremony to celebrate the formal opening of the bituminous parking lot and trail at Pike Lake Park. Former and current Community Service Co-Chairs Vic Noer and Corey Stich were on hand, along with President Joe Dols and Immediate Past President Bill Schult, who was Club President during the shelter project.  Frank Boyles and Gerry Wersal were also key members of the project team. The project was made possible through a District Grant and monetary participation from other Rotary Clubs. 
As City Manager Frank Boyles stated, "The trail was made possible by a grant from the Shakopee Mdewakanton Sioux Community. Of course the focal point of the trail, in addition to the wonders of Mother Nature, is the shelter made possible through funds donated by the Prior Lake Rotary. Like so many things in Prior Lake, the Pike Lake Park underscores the value of the partnerships we share in our community." 
Vic Noer, Corey Stich, and Joe Dols represented the Club.   
Official City Business 2015-10-14 05:00:00Z 0


Posted on Oct 11, 2015
The inaugural event was held at Cleary Lake Park on October 10. But planning and preparation started well before that. Doug Gesme donated two hogs - Dieter and Hilda. Dieter would become the guest of honor at the event. Rotarians and family members started the event with 9 holes of golf at Cleary. Then everyone gathered at Cleary's pavilion. Fun was had by all, and Dieter was even presented an Honorary Paul Harris Fellow for demonstrating "Service Above Self."
See more photos in the Photo Album.
Hogtoberfest 2015-10-11 05:00:00Z 0

Rotary Foundation "Thank You"

Posted on Oct 10, 2015
Mary Selinske was "thanked" by The Rotary Foundation, through Foundation Director Paul Hofslien, for giving to The Foundation.  Paul presented Mary with a Paul Harris Fellow +3, which represents at least $4,000 given cumulatively.  The Foundation is the engine that runs a bulk of the good that is done in Rotary's name throughout the world.  "Thank you" Mary!
Rotary Foundation "Thank You" 2015-10-10 05:00:00Z 0

Rotary Foundation "Thank You"

Posted on Oct 10, 2015
Mary Selinske was "thanked" by The Rotary Foundation, through Foundation Director Paul Hofslien, for giving to The Foundation.  Paul presented Mary with a Paul Harris Fellow +3, which represents at least $4,000 given cumulatively.  The Foundation is the engine that runs a bulk of the good that is done in Rotary's name throughout the world.  "Thank you" Mary!
Rotary Foundation "Thank You" 2015-10-10 05:00:00Z 0

Steve Kramer in the Rotary Spotlight

Posted on Oct 07, 2015
This week's How long have you been a Rotarian?   I think it's been coming up on 5 years (actually it's been over 6 years).
Who was your sponsor?  Greg Kes
Why did you join Rotary?  Prior Lake Rotary is impressive. It's contagious and a leader in our community and in Rotary International.  I am happy to be a part of that. I have an affinity for all the good work that PL Rotary does.  I understand the international work that's done, having gone on a medical mission trip to Chimbote, Peru in the past.  I enjoy being a part of and seeing all the support PL Rotary continues to sustain and give back in our community.  To everything there is a season:  I would have to say I've been in the winter or dormant season of Rotary this last year, as caring for my father, my family and continuing to sustain and build a successful practice and business in the Prior Lake community has joyfully taken up my time.  My plan is to set up a corporate membership, so that Dr. Jacque Hermann, my intern & I can participate more fully in continuing to help support the vision of our PL Rotary. 
What is your vocation?  Short answer:  Chiropractor at Pathways Chiropractic Health Center.  Longer answer: To help people find their right path to sustain a healthy & happy life.
What do you do in your spare time? (spare time??) I enjoy a competitive round of golf, a good session of bridge (cards), a P90X workout along side my wife, caring for my parents, gathering with my 4 teenagers at mealtime, volleyball, dance, track and golf as well as enjoying our oldest daughter- Emily, whose already 23 years young. 
Steve Kramer in the Rotary Spotlight 2015-10-07 05:00:00Z 0

Habitat for Humanity

Posted on Oct 03, 2015
On October 1, 2015, 10 Rotarians met in Shakopee for a 1-day build for Habitat for Humanity.  They worked most of the day framing.  For more photos of Rotarians in action, go to the "Photo Albums" link in ClubRunner under "About Our Club."
Habitat for Humanity 2015-10-03 05:00:00Z 0

Aleeky: From Quintana Roo to You

Posted on Oct 01, 2015
Inbound Youth Exchange student Aleeky Hernandez was the program at the September 30 Club meeting.  Donning his blazer speckled with pins, he talked about his life in Quintana Roo, a state in Mexico; Cancun is located in Quintana Roo, His stepfather was a youth exchange student and he was the one that convinced Aleeky to do the same. Aleeky is a wiz at doing the Rubik's cube; he can do it in less than a minute. He loves Mexican food, making friends and cheering up people. As Aleeky states, "The smile is the most beautiful thing that people have."
Aleeky: From Quintana Roo to You 2015-10-01 05:00:00Z 0

Guy: The Mentoring Process

Posted on Sep 27, 2015
So, a funny thing happened at our September 23 meeting, which is not unusual. Part of that fun comes from our Fine Masters; as the name indicates, Fine Masters dole out monetary fines to some suspecting and many unsuspecting Rotarians. Our current Fine Master Guy Selinske brought up a young man he is grooming to be a Fine Master - Max Moser. Guy talked to Max about finding his own voice. He even brought Fine Master Frank Boyles out of his semi-retirement to coach Max. Good luck Max!
Max (right) taking in all of Guy's pearls of wisdom.   
Guy: The Mentoring Process 2015-09-27 05:00:00Z 0

Highway Cleanup

Posted on Sep 24, 2015
The Community Service committee is doing something right as they had a record crowd to cleanup County Road 21 from Highway 13 to County Road 42. A total of 22 Rotarians and family members participated under the leadership of Mark Elliott. Some of the members went from service to friendship as they moved the party to the Pointe following the cleanup duty. Check out more photos in our photo albums under the "About Our Club" dropdown menu. 
Mark Elliot goes over the plan with the participants before heading out.
Highway Cleanup 2015-09-24 05:00:00Z 0

Good Things Come in Threes

Posted on Sep 23, 2015
Membership Director Deb Severson inducted three new members at today's meeting. As she stated, this induction was one of the most anticipated. Celina Byers, Dr. Teri Staloch, and Chad Rittenour became our newest members. Celina becomes a second generation Rotarian as her father was also a Rotarian. Teri has never been part of a service organization but really wants to get involved in the community. Chad is used to service having been in the military. He was looking for another way to serve and was asked to join by Joan Fawcett. Welcome!
Our New Members: Celina Byers, Dr. Teri Staloch, and Chad Rittenour.
Good Things Come in Threes 2015-09-23 05:00:00Z 0

Anthony Perez's Outbound Update

Posted on Sep 20, 2015
Anthony Perez checked in on his outbound experience.  He is in Brandenburg on der Havel, Germany.  He lives a 15-minute walk from School.  He says school has been difficult due to language.  This week will help as he has German language class from 9 a.m. to noon Monday-Friday.  He has found a rugby club to join and he has practice two days a week. Last week he joined other Youth Exchange students in Strausberg.  They went through a ropes course, but they spent most of the time in discussions. Anthony said the United States, Mexico and Brazil had the largest contingents.  He has also been taking cultural trips and taking in the sites.   
Anthony with the other Youth Exchange students from the United States.
Anthony Perez's Outbound Update 2015-09-20 05:00:00Z 0

ECHO - Emergency, Community, Health and Outreach

Posted on Sep 09, 2015
Our speaker today was Lillian McDonald. Lillian has been the Executive Director for Emergency and Community Health Outreach (ECHO) since 2004. In September, 2004, ECHO and Twin Cities Public Television (tpt) launched a groundbreaking new series, ECHO TV, to meet the health, safety and emergency readiness needs of Minnesota’s limited English proficiency (LEP) populations.  
ECHO - Emergency, Community, Health and Outreach 2015-09-09 05:00:00Z 0

A Rotary Foundation "Thank You"

Posted on Sep 07, 2015
Club Foundation Director Paul Hofslien recognized Dan Stanley on achieving his Paul Harris +3, which represents at least $4,000 given to The Rotary Foundation.  Paul presented Dan a pin as a "thank you" from The Rotary Foundation.  

The Rotary Foundation is the charitable arm of Rotary.  The Foundation transforms your gifts into projects that change lives both close to home and around the world. Foundation  empower Rotarians to approach challenges such as poverty, illiteracy, and malnutrition with sustainable solutions that leave a lasting impact. Strong , a stellar , and a unique  mean that we make the very most of your contribution.  and become a part of Rotary’s life-changing work!

A Rotary Foundation "Thank You" 2015-09-07 05:00:00Z 0

Welcome Aleeky!

Posted on Aug 30, 2015
In the early hours of August 27, Paul, Susan, and Anna Perez welcomed Aleeky Hernandez Guzman to Minnesota.  Aleeky comes to us from Cancun, which is in the state of Quintana Roo, the youngest state in Mexico. He is 15 years old and will be starting at Prior Lake High School on September 8.  He is eager to meet Club members at Wednesday's meeting.
Welcome Aleeky! 2015-08-30 05:00:00Z 0

Turning the Spotlight on Ron Hocevar

Posted on Aug 29, 2015
Ron Hocevar is this week's Rotarian in the Spotlight!

How long have you been a Rotarian? Since March 11, 2015

Who was your sponsor? Mike Schweitzer

Why did you join Rotary? I have always been very community/public-service oriented. After moving to Prior Lake last summer, I looked into various organizations to join (Chamber, Lions, etc…) and liked what I researched and learned about the Rotary and their commitment to world as well as local issues and charities. Plus Rotary meetings are a lot more fun than other meetings I attended. Great people – great fun – great causes.

What is your vocation? I am the Scott County Attorney and I have always had a draw towards public service from my commitment to the military to working for Scott County. I have worked for Scott County going on 20 years as a felony prosecutor before being elected to my current position. My job works perfectly with the Rotarian 4-way test. Contrary to popular belief, my Office’s primary goal is not to obtain convictions. It is to get to the truth, to be fair to all concerned and that will lead to goodwill throughout the community and beneficial to all concerned. That is pretty much the definition of justice, which is what my office’s pursuit is.

What do you do in your spare time? I have a 7 year old son and 9 year old daughter. I coach baseball, soccer, and soon will be coaching hockey. I love hockey, hunting, and fishing. I am a private pilot, an officer in the U.S. Navy, and a volunteer speaker for the Minnesota Arthritis Foundation.

Turning the Spotlight on Ron Hocevar 2015-08-29 05:00:00Z 0

Prior Lake-Savage School District Update

Posted by Paul Perez on Aug 27, 2015
Dr. Teri Staloch, Superintendent of the Prior Lake-Savage School District spoke to our Club at our August 26 meeting.  She gave us an update on the school district and the impending growth. Dr. Staloch also reviewed the 6 strategic directions - the goals that  guide educational programs, services and applied resources. 
  1. Increasing measurable student growth and achievement
  2. Continue financial accountability to community while using available resources to educate students and maintain class-size targets
  3. Expand innovative programming to meet family needs
  4. Expand and embed environmental focus across the district
  5. Integrating technology for teaching and communications; increasing capacity to set standards for all learners using 21st century skills
  6. Engage parents, families and community to strengthen a culture of respect and inclusion
Prior Lake-Savage School District Update Paul Perez 2015-08-27 05:00:00Z 0

Lifetime Members

Posted on Aug 19, 2015
In October 21, 1978, the Rotary Club of Prior Lake was officially chartered.  At today's meeting, we recognized two of the charter members, Ev Nelson and Bob Barsness, as Lifetime Members of the Rotary Club of Prior Lake.  Paul Hofslien and Bill Schult presented plaques to both for their longstanding commitment. They shared some memories with the members in attendance, and also shared how special our club is and how much we accomplished.
Bob Barsness (left) and Ev Nelson (right). 
Lifetime Members 2015-08-19 05:00:00Z 0

Rotarian in the Spotlight: Sheldon Bryant

Posted on Jul 29, 2015
When did you join Rotary? April 2013
Who was your sponsor? Jack Haugen 
Why did you join Rotary? I was looking for another avenue of community service and I felt Rotary would fill that.
What is your vocation? I'm retired, although I do work for the Prior Lake School District.
What do you do in your spare time? I am a 28 year member of the Masonic Lodge, 26 years in the shrine, a member the Prior Lake Rotary and Optimist club, an ambassador for the Prior Lake Chamber of Commerce, treasurer for the Prior lake art council, community board member for the River Valley YMCA, volunteer firefighter, vice president of a Dodge Challenger club, sergeant of arms of a firefighter motorcycle club, a member of a Chevy Corvette Club, I collect o gauge trains, sports memorabilia and assorted unique items, I dance at Pow wows, I play Santa for the tribe educational department, I'm a member of Clowns across the river and I play golf badly.
Rotarian in the Spotlight: Sheldon Bryant 2015-07-29 05:00:00Z 0

Sharing Hope: Donation to FISH

Posted on Jul 23, 2015
At a recent meeting, Families and Individuals Sharing Hope (FISH) Executive Director Beth Loechler accepted a $1500 donation from the Club's Community Service Director Corey Stich.  The mission of FISH is to partner to meet human needs so individuals can live healthy, transformed lives.
Sharing Hope: Donation to FISH 2015-07-23 05:00:00Z 0

Vocational Talk: Angela Eifert

Posted on Jul 12, 2015
Last week Club member Angela Eifert was our program and spoke to the Club about her trip to Africa through her employer ARC - American Refugee Committee. The American Refugee Committee is an international nonprofit, nonsectarian organization that has provided humanitarian assistance and training to millions of beneficiaries over the last 35 years. ARC works with refugee communities in 11 countries around the world, helping people regain control of their lives. The people ARC serves have lost everything to events completely beyond their control. ARC provides shelter, clean water and sanitation, health care, skills training, microcredit education, protection and whatever support we can to let people begin again. To learn about their mission and for other information, go to their website at 
Vocational Talk: Angela Eifert 2015-07-12 05:00:00Z 0

Paul H for Paul H

Posted on Jul 12, 2015
At the July 8 meeting, Foundation Director Paul Hofslien presented a Rotary Foundation "Thank You" to Club member Sheldon Bryant; it was a Paul Harris Fellow +2 - that represents giving at least $3,000 cumulatively to The Rotary Foundation.  Then the tables were turned as Club member Kyle Haugen presented Paul with  Paul Harris Fellow +7.  Congratulations and thank you Paul and Sheldon!
Kyle Haugen presents a Paul Harris Fellow +7 to Foundation Director Paul Hofslien 
Paul H for Paul H 2015-07-12 05:00:00Z 0

A Rotary "Thank You"

Posted on Jul 01, 2015
Today Dan O'Keefe received a Rotary Foundation "thank you" for his contributions to the Foundation from Foundation Committee Director Paul Hofslien.
Paul Hofslien (left) presents Dan O'Keefe (right) with a Paul Harris Fellow +2 for contributing to The Rotary Foundation.
A Rotary "Thank You" 2015-07-01 05:00:00Z 0

And So the Gavel Passes

Posted by Paul Perez on Jun 27, 2015
The June 24 meeting marked Bill Schult's last meeting as President. The ceremonial passing of the torch, the gavel, to incoming President Joe Dols.  The members thanked Bill with a standing ovation.  Good luck to Joe as he leads the Club to what is sure to be another successful year.
And So the Gavel Passes Paul Perez 2015-06-27 05:00:00Z 0

Prior Lake Rotary Supports Prior Lake Association

Posted by Paul Perez on Jun 26, 2015
Once again this year, the Club stepped up to support the Prior Lake Association's 4th of July Fireworks.  Woody Spitzmueller, Vice President of the PLA Board, was on hand to receive the $500 sponsorship from Rotarian Frank Boyles.
The Prior Lake Association was formed in the 1950s by a small group of lakeshore property owners to help inform and educate the community on issues crucial to continued quality of our lake as well as the care and maintenance it requires.  Today there are over 300 members.
Prior Lake Rotary Supports Prior Lake Association Paul Perez 2015-06-26 05:00:00Z 0

Recognizing our Graduates

Posted on Jun 25, 2015
At the June 24 meeting, Club President Bill Schult recognized three children of Rotarians who recently graduated - Angela Noer, Eric Dols, and Anthony Perez.  Each one received a $200 gift courtesy of the Club.  Angela will be attending Minnesota State University, Mankato, Eric is attending Hamline University, and Anthony is going to spend his gap year, the year between high school and college, in Germany as part of the Rotary Youth Exchange program.  Congratulations graduates!
Recognizing our Graduates 2015-06-25 05:00:00Z 0

Friends of Chimbote

Posted on Jun 25, 2015
On behalf of the Club's International Service committee, Rotarian Michelle Jirik presented a check for $500 to Pat Klein, Chairman of the Board of Directors for Friends of Chimbote, for their backpack program; Pat also happens to be Michelle's father.
Friends of Chimbote 2015-06-25 05:00:00Z 0

Lakefront Days Silver Sponsor

Posted by Paul Perez on Jun 21, 2015
The Rotary Club of Prior Lake signed on as a Silver sponsor for this year's Lakefront Days held August 6-8.  Prior Lake's 32nd Annual Lakefront Days Summer Celebration takes place in beautiful Lakefront Park in Prior Lake. The event is three-days of fun-filled activities for the whole family. Large crowds and a festive atmosphere is expected.  Chamber President Sandi Fleck and Chairman of the Chamber Board Ed Speiker were in attendance at our June 17 meeting to receive the sponsorship check of $2,000.  
Lakefront Days Silver Sponsor Paul Perez 2015-06-21 05:00:00Z 0

Honoring Homer

Posted by Paul Perez on Jun 17, 2015
Today was a very special day.  The Rotary Club of Prior Lake recognized our honorary Member Homer Caston for his unbelievable generosity.  Kyle Haugen handled the presentation.  With Homer's wife Helen in attendance, Kyle presented a clock with the following inscription: In appreciation of your significant contributions to Polio Plus on behalf of our Club.  We are honored to consider you one of us!
Homer expressed similar feelings toward the Club saying giving the donation was an easy decision based on how we have welcomed him.   
Honoring Homer Paul Perez 2015-06-17 05:00:00Z 0

Vocational Talk/35W Bridge Collapse

Posted by Paul Perez on Jun 13, 2015
Our weekly meeting programs do not always come from external speakers. This week, member Doug Gesme gave a presentation on the August 1, 2007, 35W bridge collapse from a public safety/EMS perspective. Doug shared pictures of the aftermath where 13 people perished, many pictures that many of us saw, but also gave an account from behind the scenes. There was no shortage of obstacles, and no shortage of heroes. Bystanders became the first responders - on the scene before public safety arrived. As Doug stated, "This was a tragic event but we learned so much from it." Doug is the Operations Manager of Emergency Medical Services for HCMC.  
Vocational Talk/35W Bridge Collapse Paul Perez 2015-06-13 05:00:00Z 0

A Rotary "Welcome"

Posted on Jun 10, 2015
Today we grew the Club with the induction of Katy Uzpen.  Her sponsor?  Her husband, Andrew Uzpen.  Andrew wasted no time sharing Rotary with others; he was just inducted in March.  Welcome Katy!
Andrew pinning on the Katy's Rotary pin as President Bill Schult looks on.
A Rotary "Welcome" 2015-06-10 05:00:00Z 0

Rotary Foundation "Thank You"

Posted by Paul Perez on Jun 10, 2015
Foundation Director Paul Hofslien presented a Rotary Foundation "thank you" to two members - Laurie Hartmann and Sheri Johnston.  Both received pins as a thank you for reaching the Paul Harris Fellows +2 level.
Sheri Johnston thanked by Paul Hofslien
Laurie Hartmann and Paul Hofslien
Rotary Foundation "Thank You" Paul Perez 2015-06-10 05:00:00Z 0

Shelter - In a Box

Our June 3 program was Greg Krauska, an Ambassador for ShelterBox. ShelterBox is an official project partner of Rotary International. ShelterBox is an international relief charity that provides immediate assistance to people affected by disasters such as earthquakes, volcanic activity, flooding, hurricanes, cyclones, tsunamis, or conflict.
Shelter - In a Box 2015-06-03 05:00:00Z 0
Paul Harris Society +3 Recognitions Joan Fawcett 2015-05-27 05:00:00Z 0
Paul Harris Fellows Recognition Joan Fawcett 2015-05-27 05:00:00Z 0

Welcome Home!

Posted by Paul Perez on May 05, 2015
Today we welcomed back some familiar faces.  Joan and David Fawcett are back from Arizona and were in attendance, as well as Homer Caston who is back from California (and Helen).  Soon the rest of the snowbirds will make their way home - Don and Edith Schrope, Ev and Joan Nelson, and Bob and Gail Barsness.  It will be great to have everyone back!
Homer was happy to be back in Minnesota (happy $$$), and Club members were happy to see him.   
Welcome Home! Paul Perez 2015-05-06 00:00:00Z 0

The Sandwich Project

A strange title for a story, but appropriate and to the point. Today the Community Service committee presented a check for $250 to Twin Oaks Middle School guidance counselor Sarah Loechler and her middle schoolers for their "Sandwich Project."  The Sandwich Project is designed to help feed the metro area's homeless. Volunteers make simple sandwiches - white meat, cheese and two slices of bread - which are delivered to homeless shelters and food shelves. The project was a featured article on the Prior Lake American website.
The Sandwich Project 2015-04-30 00:00:00Z 0

Yet Another Oar

Posted by Paul Perez on Mar 20, 2015
At the March 11 Club meeting, Membership Director Dan Stanley inducted Ron Hocevar. Michael Schweitzer is Ron's sponsor. Ron joins Andrew Uzpen who was also inducted recently.  The total membership is at a record high 83 members.  Another pair of oars in the water moving the Club forward!
Yet Another Oar Paul Perez 2015-03-21 00:00:00Z 0

Donation Helps Local Youth

Posted by Paul Perez on Mar 14, 2015
The Community Service committee approved a donation of $1,500 for the Friends of Wolfridge Committee - a part of the Laker Education Foundation.  The money will be used to subsidize the cost of sending 5th graders to Wolfridge who otherwise would be unable to go. 
Donation Helps Local Youth Paul Perez 2015-03-15 00:00:00Z 0

Check Presentation: Bridging

Posted by Paul Perez on Feb 22, 2015

Fran Heitzman, founder of Bridging, was in attendance at our February 18 Club meeting to accept a $2,000 sponsorship check for the Bedrace for Bridging event.  Prior Lake Rotarians, friends, and families will participate in the event held on March 7 at Buck Hill in Burnsville.


Check Presentation: Bridging Paul Perez 2015-02-23 00:00:00Z 0

Team from Prior Lake Rotary Club Takes the Plunge!

Posted by Joe Dols on Feb 20, 2015


A team from the Prior Lake Rotary Club participated in the Prior Lake Polar Plunge on February 21, and raised over $4,000 for Special Olympics MN!  The Club was also a $500 sponsor of the event.  This was the third year the Club participated.

Team from Prior Lake Rotary Club Takes the Plunge! Joe Dols 2015-02-21 00:00:00Z 0

A Prior Lake Rotary Welcome

Posted by Paul Perez on Feb 04, 2015

This week we increased our membership as Samantha Hermsen was inducted by Membership Committee member Deb Severson.  Samantha becomes our 7th new member this year.  Welcome!Image

Samantha tells the club members a little bit about herself. Her former boss was a member of Eden Prairie Rotary.  She is a chiropractor and the new owner of HeathSource of Prior Lake.  

A Prior Lake Rotary Welcome Paul Perez 2015-02-05 00:00:00Z 0

Roteract Experience

Posted by Paul Perez on Feb 02, 2015


At a recent club meeting, members and guests were treated to one Rotaracter's journey. Matt Gerber, Rotary District 5950's Rotaract chair, talked about his initial experience with Rotary when he went to Australia as a Rotary Youth Exchange student.  After two years he was immersed into Rotary while attending club meetings in Australia and back home in La Grande, Oregon.  After that, Matt felt there was a hole.  After attending RYLA, he decided he needed to start a Rotaract Club.     

Matt states, "Turn on your  radar.  Look for 20-35 year olds who don't fit in."  And when you find such a fine young person, seek Matt out and he can help place them. 

Roteract Experience Paul Perez 2015-02-03 00:00:00Z 0

Rotary "Thank You"

Posted by Paul Perez on Jan 10, 2015

At the January 7 meeting, Foundation Director Paul Hofslien thanked Rotarians Manny Perez and Dan Stanley for reaching another Paul Harris Fellow.

Image Manny receives his pin for a Paul Harris Fellow +4.


Dan receives his pin for a Paul Harris Fellow +2.

Rotary "Thank You" Paul Perez 2015-01-11 00:00:00Z 0

Program: Ethics Program

Posted by Paul Perez on Jan 07, 2015

The Rotary Club of Eagan was the program on January 7. They presented their ethics program. They have put on a one-day program for juniors and seniors from Eagan High School since 1994. This Vocational program allows Clubs to influence future leaders.

Dr. Tom Wilson of Rotary Club of Eagan explains the history of the Ethics Program.


Jim Overocker, Chair of Eagan Rotary Ethics Program.

Program: Ethics Program Paul Perez 2015-01-08 00:00:00Z 0

Check Presentation: CAP Agency

Posted by Paul Perez on Jan 06, 2015


Joe Vaughn from the CAP Agency was at our meeting to accept a check for $2,310. As he stated, the money stays here. The CAP Agency relies on community partners like Prior Lake Rotary. The money will go to filling the food shelves and crisis nursery. Joe stated what they provide is vital to those they serve, and they appreciate it. On the Scott County toy drive conducted in December with other Rotary Clubs, there was enough to serve about 100 different families. Besides the toys for the children, there were gift cards given to parents.

Check Presentation: CAP Agency Paul Perez 2015-01-07 00:00:00Z 0
A Very Rotary Christmas - Santa, Steve, and Social Paul Perez 2014-12-19 00:00:00Z 0
A Rotary Foundation "Thank You" Paul Perez 2014-12-19 00:00:00Z 0

Prior Lake Interact Club Packs Food for FMSC

Posted by Paul Perez on Dec 16, 2014

On Tuesday, December 16, 22 Interactors, chaperones, and guests packed food at the Chanhassen Feed My Starving Children. In all 57 boxes were packed by 55 participants; this is enough to feed 34 kids for a year. Image 


Prior Lake Interact Club Packs Food for FMSC Paul Perez 2014-12-17 00:00:00Z 0

Holiday Fun!

Posted by Paul Perez on Dec 13, 2014

On Thursday, December 11, 39 Rotarians, along with spouses and significant others had some holiday cheer at Fong's for the Prior Lake Rotary Christmas party. There were plenty smiles, laughs and ugly sweaters; Shelly Stich and Doug Gesme were selected by the judges as having the ugliest sweaters.


Part of the Fun Committee for the Christmas party.  Thank you to all who helped make this an enjoyable evening.

Holiday Fun! Paul Perez 2014-12-14 00:00:00Z 0

Outbound Youth Exchange Interview

Posted by Paul Perez on Dec 13, 2014

Paul, Susan, and Anthony Perez traveled to Roseville on December 6 for the Outbound Youth Exchange Interview and Country Fair. Besides interviewing Anthony and then the whole family, a Country Fair was held; current inbound Youth Exchange students and former outbound Youth Exchangers (Rotex) had booths for 35 countries and talk to the potential outbounders about their country. Anthony will find out before Christmas if he was accepted.

Image   Anthony at the Denmark booth during the Country Fair with two inbound Youth Exchange students and a former outbound.

Outbound Youth Exchange Interview Paul Perez 2014-12-14 00:00:00Z 0

Another Oar In the Water

Posted by Paul Perez on Dec 13, 2014

At the December 10 meeting, Membership Director Dan Stanley inducted Steve Block into the Club; Dan also served as Steve's Sponsor.  Welcome, Steve!



Another Oar In the Water Paul Perez 2014-12-14 00:00:00Z 0

Let the Competition Begin!

Posted by Paul Perez on Dec 02, 2014

At the December 3 meeting, with 52 members in attendance, we kicked off our 14th Annual Valentine's Gala. This year's theme is "Amore: A Night of Wine and Roses (and Chocolate)." The goal is to sell 400 tickets. As in past years, the Club members were split into 10 teams. More information to come.Image

Dave Card and the Valentine's Gala were the program December 3 as we kicked off the event. Dave started by reviewing the history of the event.

Let the Competition Begin! Paul Perez 2014-12-03 00:00:00Z 0

Habitat For Humanity Donation

Posted by Paul Perez on Dec 02, 2014

ImageThe Community Service Co-Director Vic Noer presents Sean Koebele from Habitat For Humanity Twin Cities with a $1,000 donation. 

Habitat For Humanity Donation Paul Perez 2014-12-03 00:00:00Z 0

Check Presentation - Saints Health Care Fund

Posted by Paul Perez on Dec 02, 2014

Saints Health Care Fund Executive Director Alan Spiller and Patient Care Supervisor for ER Greg Jones were on hand at our December 3 meeting to accept a $1,000 donation from our Club's Community Service committee. The funds represent the remaining portion needed to purchase a Lucas 2 Device. The device performs "really good CPR" stated Jones.  He ended stating, "This is a huge thing for us so a huge thanks."  Below is a video that shows exactly how the Lucas 2 Device operates.



Check Presentation - Saints Health Care Fund Paul Perez 2014-12-03 00:00:00Z 0

Paul Harris Fellow +6

Posted by Paul Perez on Dec 02, 2014

On December 3, President Bill Schult recognized and thanked Foundation Director Paul Hofslien for reaching the Paul Harris Fellow +6 milestone. Paul was also recognized earlier this year as a Paul Harris Society member for contributing at least $1,000 annually to the Foundation's Annual Fund.  Thank you, Paul, for your contributions and for your leadership with the Foundation committee! Image 

Paul Harris Fellow +6 Paul Perez 2014-12-03 00:00:00Z 0

Nothing "Fine" About It

Posted by Paul Perez on Nov 27, 2014

Fine Master Frank Boyles; let's just say you had to be there.Image

Nothing "Fine" About It Paul Perez 2014-11-28 00:00:00Z 0

Program: Diabetes Awareness Month - The Role of JDRF

Posted by Paul Perez on Nov 27, 2014

Matt Jakubowski from JDRF spoke to the Rotary Club of Prior Lake about diabetes and JDRF. Matt spoke about the two types of diabetes - type 1 diabetes (T1D) and type 2 diabetes (T2D). JDRF's mission is to cure T1D. T1D prevents the pancreas from making insulin.The Walk to Cure Diabetes is the main funding mechanism. JDRF raises about $110 million annually, and $.84 of every dollar raised goes directly to research. 
For more information go to, .Image


Program: Diabetes Awareness Month - The Role of JDRF Paul Perez 2014-11-28 00:00:00Z 0
Lakefront Music Fest Sponsor Recognition Paul Perez 2014-11-28 00:00:00Z 0

Our Newest Paul Harris Society Member

Posted by Paul Perez on Nov 20, 2014

Foundation Director Paul Hofslien recognized and thanked Marlys Gesme for achieving Paul Harris Society status by contributing $1000 or more to The Rotary Foundation's annual fund in a Rotary year.    

Our Newest Paul Harris Society Member Paul Perez 2014-11-21 00:00:00Z 0

Rotary Foundation Celebration

Posted by Joan Fawcett on Nov 10, 2014

The Rotary Club of Prior Lake held its annual Rotary Foundation Celebration at Mystic Lake Hotel.  Following announcements, we remembered our Veterans in attendance with their service and observed Rotarian Dan Stanley’s birthday.


Newly nominated 2017-2018 District Governor and Prior Lake Rotarian, Kyle Haugen added his welcome and served as program emcee for the evening.


The evening’s program included remarks from District Governor Karel Weigel,  Craig Leiser (District Grants), and Newell Krogmann (Foundation). Club Members were also given recognition as major donors, bequest society members and benefactors, Paul Harris Society members and Paul Harris Society fellows.

Karel Weigel, District Governor 2014-1015


Craig Leiser, Past District Governor 2010-2011


Newell Krogmann, Past District Governor 2009-1010


A special portion of the evening program were the personal testimonies of “Why I Give” by Rod Ammerman, Joe Dols, and Laurie Mack-Wagner.

Rod Ammerman


Joe Dols

Laurie Mack-Wagner

Angela Eifert shared a video on our District’s Fast for Hope program and spoke about the progress and needs of the program.


During our program Paul Perez and Joan Fawcett touched upon the End Polio Program Initiative. At the beginning of the year, a club goal of $7500 dollars was set to donate towards Polio Plus of which $5000 to date has been raised.  Last year our club donated over $12,000 to PolioPlus.

The district’s goal is to raise $125,000 for Polio Plus this year.  As part of the plan, district is asking clubs to step up and commit to raising $10,000 dollars for Polio Plus. So we announced we will accept the challenge to be that $10,000 club.

To help meet this challenge, a initial $2000 check for PolioPlus was presented to District 5960 by Joan Fawcett, Bill Schult, Karel Weigel, Paul Perez, Newell Krogmann.


Rotary Foundation Celebration Joan Fawcett 2014-11-11 00:00:00Z 0

Rotary District Awards Bestowed on Rotary Club of Prior Lake

Posted by Joan Fawcett on Nov 04, 2014

Paul Perez shared his acceptance of the two Prior Lake Rotary Club awards: Most Funds Raised for PolioPlus and highest per capita to Annual Fund given out at the recent Rotary District Annual Foundation Celebration. Congratulations Rotarians!



Rotary District Awards Bestowed on Rotary Club of Prior Lake Joan Fawcett 2014-11-05 00:00:00Z 0

New Member Induction - Patrick Stroh

Posted by Joan Fawcett on Nov 04, 2014

Patrick Stroh was inducted as the newest member by Dan Stanley, Membership Chair. Patrick is sponsored by Chris Bendzick. Welcome Patrick!



New Member Induction - Patrick Stroh Joan Fawcett 2014-11-05 00:00:00Z 0
Check Presentation – Community Ed Halloween Party Joan Fawcett 2014-11-05 00:00:00Z 0
Check Presentation – Prior Lake Wrestling Club Joan Fawcett 2014-11-05 00:00:00Z 0
Paul Harris Society Member Recognition - Laurie Mack Wagner Joan Fawcett 2014-11-05 00:00:00Z 0

Paul Harris Society Fellow Recognition

Posted by Joan Fawcett on Nov 04, 2014

Paul Hofslein, Foundation Chair, presented Mary Selinske with a Level 2 Paul Harris Fellow pin. Congratulations Mary!


Paul Harris Society Fellow Recognition Joan Fawcett 2014-11-05 00:00:00Z 0
Program Speaker – Grief, Loss, Transition and Downsizing, Marcie Spears Joan Fawcett 2014-11-05 00:00:00Z 0

It's Official - Kyle Haugen, District Governor 2017-2018

Posted by Joan Fawcett on Nov 03, 2014

At the 5:01 social, Prior Lake Rotarians surprised Kyle with a congratulatory celebration of attaining the District Governorship for 2017-2018. All of his family were present to share in his accomplishment and to make his evening a special one to remember!



It's Official - Kyle Haugen, District Governor 2017-2018 Joan Fawcett 2014-11-03 06:00:00Z 0

Rotary District 5950 Foundation Celebration

Posted by Joan Fawcett on Oct 31, 2014

A great evening with fellow district Rotarians on hand to be recognized for two club awards: Most Funds Raised for PolioPlus and highest per capita to Annual Fund.

Paul and Sue Perez and Kyle and Carrie Haugen sitting at Prior Lake Rotary Club table with Farmington Rotarians joining them.



At the Prior Lake Rotary Club table are Allison Gontarek, Marlys and Douog Gesme, Guy Selinske, Jennifer Deschaine, Joe and Diane Dols, and Mary Selinske. Photo taken by Joan Fawcett.



Rotary District 5950 Foundation Celebration Joan Fawcett 2014-11-01 00:00:00Z 0

Community Service Project - Pike Lake Shelter Buckthorn Removal

Posted by Joan Fawcett on Oct 28, 2014

Rotarians Vic Noer, Corey Stich, Frank Boyles, Paul Perez, Mary Erickson, and Bob Gilbert spent 9 hours collectively removing buckthorn as part of the Pike Lake Park Shelter Site Prep. Thanks for all your muscle power!




Community Service Project - Pike Lake Shelter Buckthorn Removal Joan Fawcett 2014-10-29 00:00:00Z 0

The Return of the Witches of Prior Lake Rotary Club

Posted by Joan Fawcett on Oct 28, 2014

Special guests at today’s membership meeting were The Witches of Prior Lake Rotary Club. The witches helped to make the meeting festive with its Halloween theme. Cookies homemade by Mary Selinske were passed around with $180 collected by our PolioPlus Pig to End Polio Now.



The Return of the Witches of Prior Lake Rotary Club Joan Fawcett 2014-10-29 00:00:00Z 0

Program Speaker – John Wayne Barker, Merrick, Inc.

Posted by Joan Fawcett on Oct 28, 2014

Executive Director, John Wayne Barker, shared the mission of Merrick, Inc. which is to empower adults with disabilities through vocational and social opportunities, and to guide them toward realizing their goals and dreams. Adults with disabilities are bettering the community through meaningful work, life enrichment and self-advocacy. He invited Rotarians to consider hiring adults with disabilities at their businesses.




Program Speaker – John Wayne Barker, Merrick, Inc. Joan Fawcett 2014-10-29 00:00:00Z 0

Rotary Moment – Manny Perez

Posted by Joan Fawcett on Oct 28, 2014

Manny shared his Rotary Moment as one that has evolved during his past 6+ years of membership. By serving on many different committees, he has had many Rotary Moments. The one that stands out the most and matches his passion for children is STRIVE. Serving as Co-Chair and as a mentor to at-risk students to help them obtain their high school diploma is most rewarding.


Rotary Moment – Manny Perez Joan Fawcett 2014-10-29 00:00:00Z 0

Program Speaker - Tom Mork

Posted by Joan Fawcett on Oct 21, 2014

Today’s speaker, Tom Mork, shared his life story as a banker and Lakeville Rotarian. He also spoke about his experiences raising a daughter with mental illness. He described definitions and resources available to those who suffer from mental illness. In 2015, Tom will be riding his bicycle to raise awareness and impact of mental illness in families.  Visit to learn how you can participate in his efforts.


Program Speaker - Tom Mork Joan Fawcett 2014-10-22 00:00:00Z 0

New Member Induction – Max Moser

Posted by Joan Fawcett on Oct 21, 2014

Max Moser, Area Director, Scott County Young Life was inducted into membership with the Rotary Club of Prior Lake. Welcome Max!



New Member Induction – Max Moser Joan Fawcett 2014-10-22 00:00:00Z 0

Kyle Haugen receives District Governor Nomination

Posted by Joan Fawcett on Oct 21, 2014

Prior Lake Rotarian Kyle Haugen (r) has received confirmation of his nomination for District Governor, 2017-2018. His participation, leadership, and commitment at the Club level has inspired him to attain this district level leadership role. Congratulations Kyle--job well done!!



Kyle Haugen receives District Governor Nomination Joan Fawcett 2014-10-22 00:00:00Z 0

World Polio Day - We Are This Close!

Posted by Joan Fawcett on Oct 21, 2014

Locally, our Prior Lake Rotary Club recognized World Polio Day by sharing an update and reminding us why it is critical we finish the job—why ending polio matters. The PolioPig was present to accept donations, which raised over $325 from Club members present at today’s meeting. Thanks everyone for your generosity as we work towards the eradication of polio by 2018.



World Polio Day - We Are This Close! Joan Fawcett 2014-10-22 00:00:00Z 0

Program and Check Presentation – ROCK (Reaching Our Community’s Kids)

Posted by Joan Fawcett on Oct 14, 2014

Lauren Huntington (l) and Keri Thayer (r) were presented with a $500 check by Rotarian Marlys Gesme. Lauren and Keri shared the purpose of ROCK as bridging the hunger gap of K-5 students in the Prior Lake/Savage School District. Power Packs of food are sent home each weekend to ensure these students have food so they can concentrate on learning and not on when or where they will get their next meal.



Program and Check Presentation – ROCK (Reaching Our Community’s Kids) Joan Fawcett 2014-10-15 00:00:00Z 0

Paul Harris Society Recognitions

Posted by Joan Fawcett on Oct 14, 2014

Foundation Chair, Paul Hofslein, presented Manny Perez (c) and Sheldon Bryant (l) with now Paul Harris Society Membership. Congratulations Manny and Sheldon!


Paul Harris Society Recognitions Joan Fawcett 2014-10-15 00:00:00Z 0

Paul Harris Fellows Recognitions

Posted by Joan Fawcett on Oct 14, 2014

Paul Hofslein, Foundation Chair, presented Sheldon Bryant (l) with a Level 2 Paul Harris Fellow. Congratulations Sheldon!


Bill Schult (l) received his first time Paul Harris Fellow from Foundation Chair, Paul Hofslein. Congratulations Bill!


Paul Harris Fellows Recognitions Joan Fawcett 2014-10-15 00:00:00Z 0

Program - Vocational Service Primer

Posted by Joan Fawcett on Oct 07, 2014

Rotarian and President Elect, Joe Dols, described the purpose and goals of Vocational Service. The history of the Four-Way Test was also shared by Rotarian Homer Caston.


Program - Vocational Service Primer Joan Fawcett 2014-10-08 00:00:00Z 0

Check Presentation - LABC and PAA

Posted by Joan Fawcett on Oct 07, 2014

As a non-profit partner of the 2014 Lakefront Music Fest, the Laker Athletic Booster Club (LABC) and Patrons of the Arts and Activities (PAA) was presented with a $28,130 check to support student activities. The LABC and PAA supported the Music Fest through volunteer hours and ticket sales.

Pictured (l-r) Doug Gesme, Co-Chair, 2014 Lakefront Music Fest;  Sue Ann Gruver, Superintendent Prior Lake/Savage Schools; Eric Rodine, Activities Director; Nikki Strait, President of Patrons of the Arts and Activities; Jodi Bianchi, President Athletic Booster Club; and Mary Erickson, Co-Chair, 2014 Lakefront Music Fest.



Check Presentation - LABC and PAA Joan Fawcett 2014-10-08 00:00:00Z 0

Check Presentation-River Valley YMCA

Posted by Joan Fawcett on Oct 07, 2014

As a non-profit partner of the 2014 Lakefront Music Fest, River Valley YMCA received a check for $22,535 to provide financial scholarships to individuals and families to participate in a variety of YMCA programs and activities. The YMCA provided hundreds of volunteer hours and sold thousands of tickets.

YMCA Representatives: (l-r) Jack Haugen, Board Chair; Laurie Miller, Member Service Advisor; Cindylee Villareale, Early Childhood Learning Center Director; Chris Kost, Director of Health Living; Christine Schultze, Family Engagement Director; and  Mary Erickson, Executive Director and Doug Gesme, Co-Chair, 2014 Lakefront Music Fest.


Check Presentation-River Valley YMCA Joan Fawcett 2014-10-08 00:00:00Z 0

Check Presentation – CAP Agency

Posted by Joan Fawcett on Oct 07, 2014

Joe Vaughn (center), CAP Agency, accepts a $750 check to help provide continued crisis nursery services in Scott County from 2015 Lakefront Music Fest Co-Chairs, Mary Erickson and Doug Gesme.  CAP Agency supported the Music Fest by serving as a venue for raffle ticket sales.




Check Presentation – CAP Agency Joan Fawcett 2014-10-08 00:00:00Z 0

Check Presentation – School of Rock

Posted by Joan Fawcett on Oct 07, 2014

Stacey Marmolejo, President, School of Rock/Twin Cities accepts a $1500 check to help provide music tuition scholarships from Doug Gesme and Mary Erickson, 2014 Lakefront Music Fest Co-Chairs.


Check Presentation – School of Rock Joan Fawcett 2014-10-08 00:00:00Z 0

New Member Inductions

Posted by Joan Fawcett on Sep 30, 2014

Today, Mike Lindgren (Graphic and Web Designer) and Mary Korthour (VP and Manager Integra Telecom) joined the Rotary Club of Prior Lake. Their sponsors were Bob Cunningham and Sandy Kaul, respectively. Welcome Mike and Mary!



New Member Inductions Joan Fawcett 2014-10-01 00:00:00Z 0

Congratulations Guy Selinske!

Posted by Joan Fawcett on Sep 30, 2014

Rotarian Guy Selinske was recently elected to the Board of Directors for the National Glass Association/Window and Door Dealers Alliance. He is president of the American Glass and Mirror Inc. in Prior Lake with over 40 years in the glass industry having served at President of the Minnesota Glass Association Board of Directors. Congrats Guy!


Congratulations Guy Selinske! Joan Fawcett 2014-10-01 00:00:00Z 0

Rotary Interact Club of Prior Lake

Posted by Joan Fawcett on Sep 30, 2014

We welcome the elected officers of the newly established Rotary Interact Club of Prior Lake to today’s membership meeting. Next step will be the official chartering of the Interact Club.

Rotarians Susan Perez and Jennifer Deschaine (Co-Chairs Interact) introduced the Interact Club officers:

From left to right: Susan Perez, Jennifer Deschaie, Victor Beckers, Exchange Student, Treasurer; Megan Hofslein, Communication; Shea McBrayer, President; Alex Schult, Vice President,  and Hannah Amundson, Secretary.


Rotary Interact Club of Prior Lake Joan Fawcett 2014-10-01 00:00:00Z 0

Rotary Moment – Joan Lompart

Posted by Joan Fawcett on Sep 30, 2014

Joan’s Rotary Moment came when she was on a mission trip to Pinyon, Haiti sponsored by the Rotary Club of Prior Lake. Once she safely arrived she was in awe of the many Rotary Clubs present in Haiti and how Rotary programs are so far reaching.


Rotary Moment – Joan Lompart Joan Fawcett 2014-10-01 00:00:00Z 0
Program Speaker – Lauren Algyer, Miss Minnesota’s Outstanding Teen Joan Fawcett 2014-10-01 00:00:00Z 0

Paul Harris Fellow Recognition

Posted by Joan Fawcett on Sep 23, 2014

Paul Perez (r) receives his Paul Harris Fellow Level 3 pin from Foundation Chair, Paul Hofslein. Congratulations Paul!


Paul Harris Fellow Recognition Joan Fawcett 2014-09-24 00:00:00Z 0

Check Presentation - Haiti Outreach

Posted by Joan Fawcett on Sep 23, 2014

Dale Snyder, Executive Director, Haiti Outreach receives a $3000 donation from Mary Selinske (l) and Joan Lompart, Co-Chairs, International Committee of Rotary Club of Prior Lake. The grant will assist Haiti Outreach in providing clean water through drilling wells to help create basic water systems in mostly small towns and rural community.  


Check Presentation - Haiti Outreach Joan Fawcett 2014-09-24 00:00:00Z 0

Check Presentation -- First Lego League Robotics Team

Posted by Joan Fawcett on Sep 23, 2014

The First Lego League Robotic Team received a $500 donation from Corey Stich, Community Service Co-Chair. Representing First Lego Robotic Team are Annie O. Vicaile(c) and Rebecca A. Christenson (l).



Check Presentation -- First Lego League Robotics Team Joan Fawcett 2014-09-24 00:00:00Z 0

Fall Rotary Gateway Park Clean Up

Posted by Joan Fawcett on Sep 16, 2014

A group of 14 Rotarians and two kids of Rotarians did the fall clean up at Rotary Gateway Park. They pulled weeds (lots of goldenrod!) and cleaned up the garbage. They are all dedicated to giving back to the city and the annual cleanup is part of their service to the community. Thanks goes to Corey Stich, Vic Noer, Dan O'Keefe, Rod Ammerman, Jennifer Deschaine, Harry Algyer, Oksana Oleksyszn, Frank Boyles, Ken Hedberg, Deb Severson, Doreen Johnson, and Doug Gesme.



Fall Rotary Gateway Park Clean Up Joan Fawcett 2014-09-17 00:00:00Z 0

Fall Community Fest

Posted by Joan Fawcett on Sep 16, 2014

Rotary Club of Prior Lake was represented at the Fall Community Fest on Sept. 15, 2014. With popcorn give away, our table was popular. The dozens of families stopping by were given a variety of Rotary materials including RI Magazines, Rotary Dollars@Work, Free Breakfast Try Us Out card, and What is Rotary card.


Community Fest volunteers: (l-r), Joan Fawcett, Bill Schult, Oksana Oleksyszn, and Sandy Kaul.


Fall Community Fest Joan Fawcett 2014-09-17 00:00:00Z 0

Rotary Moment by Doug Gesme

Posted by Joan Fawcett on Sep 16, 2014

Doug shared his Rotary Moment came when he participated in Habitat for Humanity building project. The hands on project with fellow Rotarians provided an opportunity to be involved and witness firsthand the Rotary motto, “service above self”.


Rotary Moment by Doug Gesme Joan Fawcett 2014-09-17 00:00:00Z 0
Paul Harris Fellow Recognition – Doug Gesme Joan Fawcett 2014-09-17 00:00:00Z 0
Congratulations to Chris Benzick and his newborn daughter! Joan Fawcett 2014-09-17 00:00:00Z 0

Program Speaker--Beth Holger-Ambrose, The Link

Posted by Joan Fawcett on Sep 16, 2014

Beth Holger-Ambrose, Executive Director, The Link shared it’s mission to build supportive communities with youth.  The Link has three program areas: Self-Sufficiency Support for Youth Experiencing Homelessness, Positive Alternatives in Juvenile Justice, and Programming for Minor Victims of Sex Trafficking. The former Safe Haven facility in Prior Lake will house The Link's new Passageways Emergency Shelter and Housing Program.



Program Speaker--Beth Holger-Ambrose, The Link Joan Fawcett 2014-09-17 00:00:00Z 0

Program Speaker – Youth Services

Posted by Joan Fawcett on Sep 09, 2014

Angela Eifert, Youth Services Chair, and committee members shared the many programs and activities falling under Youth Services including Interact, Rotaract, Camp RYLA, Camp Enterprise, Model UN, STRIVE, Rotary Youth Exchange.


Program Speaker – Youth Services Joan Fawcett 2014-09-10 00:00:00Z 0
Membership Sponsor Recognition - Bob Facente Joan Fawcett 2014-09-10 00:00:00Z 0

Membership Milestones

Posted by Joan Fawcett on Sep 09, 2014

First year membership anniversary for Andy Haugen. Congratulations Andy!


Fifth Year Anniversary for Mitch Popple. Congratulations Mitch!


Membership Milestones Joan Fawcett 2014-09-10 00:00:00Z 0

Paul Harris Society Members Recognized

Posted by Joan Fawcett on Sep 09, 2014

Thank you for your commitment and generosity as Paul Harris Society Members - at least $1,000 given to The Rotary Foundation during the Rotary year!

(L-R) Paul Hofslein, Jack Haugen, Dan Stanley, Paul Perez, Bob Barsness, Doug Gesme, Kyle Haugen. Missing are Manny Perez and Sheldon Bryant.


Paul Harris Society Members Recognized Joan Fawcett 2014-09-10 00:00:00Z 0

Rotary Moment – Mary Selinske

Posted by Joan Fawcett on Sep 02, 2014

Mary shared her Rotary moment came when working with WAVE (West African Village and Environment Project), a local foundation started by the Selinske family.  One of WAVE’s initiatives is to fund a well and garden project in Central River Region of The Gambia, West Africa. Recently, Rotary Club of Prior Lake, Rotary International and WAVE became partners to provide clean water and sanitation to save lives.


Rotary Moment – Mary Selinske Joan Fawcett 2014-09-03 00:00:00Z 0

Program Speaker – Cyndylee Villareale, YMCA

Posted by Joan Fawcett on Sep 02, 2014

Cyndylee Villareale, Director of the River Valley YMCA Early Childhood Learning Center, shared the Center’s individual care for little individuals. Curriculum is purposeful and intentional to insure that every child develops and strengthens their individuality as they grow.



Program Speaker – Cyndylee Villareale, YMCA Joan Fawcett 2014-09-03 00:00:00Z 0

Welcome New Prior Lake/Savage Teachers

Posted by Joan Fawcett on Aug 26, 2014

Rotary Club of Prior Lake welcomes 56 new Prior Lake/Savage teachers. Superintendent Sue Ann Gruver spoke about the coming new year and commends all teacher for their dedication of educating our youth.


New teachers participating in an environmental education workshop at McColl Pond ELC in Savage.



Welcome New Prior Lake/Savage Teachers Joan Fawcett 2014-08-27 00:00:00Z 0

Rotary Youth Exchange -- Victor Beckers

Posted by Joan Fawcett on Aug 26, 2014

Welcome to Victor Beckers, Rotary youth exchange student from Belgium, who will be spending a few months with Rotarian Paul Hofslein’s family.


Rotary Youth Exchange -- Victor Beckers Joan Fawcett 2014-08-27 00:00:00Z 0

Check Presentation River Valley YMCA

Posted by Joan Fawcett on Aug 26, 2014

Vic Noer, Community Service Chair, presented a $2500 check to Mary Erickson, Executive Director, River Valley YMCA. The grant will be used to provide financial scholarships to individuals and families with membership and participation in the YMCA.


Check Presentation River Valley YMCA Joan Fawcett 2014-08-27 00:00:00Z